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Multiple Settings *:・゚❀ Help me Find some Fantasy ❀・゚:*


Whoa there are still custom titles -

Hi all!

It has been a while since I've come online to write, but gosh darn it I miss it and gosh darn it I really want to write some fantasy. High fantasy, urban fantasy, future fantasy, any kind of fantasy you can think of - it's some fantasy I wanna write about!

But there's some fantasy fandoms too and there's no fantasy fandoms tag so that's why I picked multiple settings instead of fantasy so yea -

About myself & writing:
I'm a full time student & masochist that decided to fill my entire fall with politics classes and school stuff, but I love to fill my free time with stories I can write and daydream about later instead of focusing on literally anything.
I'm fairly flexible about how much I write in each reply, but I generally prefer 3-5 paragraphs, depending on where the story's at. That's just a preference though - I'm alright with anything from a few sentences to a few hundred words.
I consider my writing to be advanced and hope to do my best in writing as well as I can in my replies o.o
I have mostly female characters I'm really looking to write with, however I also have a couple male characters that could use some dusting off too. With them I stick to either M/F or F/F pairings.
My schedule can be crazy, but I should be able to get out at least one reply a day. When I'm especially invested in a story - which happens pretty easily - that'll definitely increase quite a bit.

That's about all! As far as what exactly I want to write, there are three Pen&Paper RPG universes I'd love to write something 1x1 in, and then original ideas I'm looking for in any universe. I'm having a hard time turning them into complete plots, but hopefully they spark some inspiration!

❀ Fandoms ❀
˖ Dungeons & Dragons
˖ Shadowrun
˖ ** Vampire the Masquerade (Guys I really wanna write this one really - )

❀ Pairings ❀
[My preferred character in bold]
Vampire x Witch
Experienced Vampire x New Vampire
x Fairy
Werewolf x Human
x Human

❀ Other Ideas ❀

#1 [Victorian Era, looking for F characters]: In the humble town of Neverriver, fairytales do not exist. No books, no songs, no stories- absolutely nothing other than the mundane. Although, living there, [Your character] doesn't even know what a fairytale is, so it isn't terrible. Or maybe they do , if they're a visitor to this equally simple and strange town, curious about this absence of stories. Either way, there story leads them to the weirdest building in this weird town: the local library, a small and cluttered building where rarely any townsfolk visit. It's only become more closed off since the disappearances began - and even more a point of interest for those who want those disappearances to end.

#2 [Victorian Era, Looking for M characters]: Also in the town of Neverriver, other than the fact that [Your character] is more than happy to avoid that creepy old library and remain in the comfort of their home. Of course no good could come out of poking one's nose where it doesn't belong. That is, until one day, when the strange finds them - passed out on their front steps in the form of a young woman. It's a small town, so, it's easy to recognize her as someone who's never been seen there before. She arrives unconscious but unharmed, other than a minor case of complete memory loss. [Your character] takes her in, hopefully for just a short time. Until it turns out to be a surprisingly short time, when none other than the librarian writes a letter asking for her return.

#3 [Modern Era, Looking for either M or F characters] Goldenwater Academy is easily the superior boarding school for supernaturally inclined youth. It's certainly the most expensive, and even its lucky students can agree it's secluded island feels the least like a prison out of similar such schools. They're marketed as a great way for the supernatural to meet each other, grow up together, learn how to become productive members of society - those inside know that it's because society would rather not deal with them. Goldenwater provides enough comforts to distract from this fact, however. Students have their own single dorms - the beds are comfortable - the food is warm - the halls are immaculate. Aside from the odd magical spasm, the population is relatively calm. That is, until a mysterious illness begins to infect its students. Their powers become near uncontrollable, and their personalities, crazed. Within days, they're found dead before first period. This story would follow two characters. Their exact relationship is up for debate, although they are each very passionate about their opinions: One desperate for escape before it's too late, the other preferring to stay and find a cure before they become the next victim.

#4 [Modern Era, looking for M or F characters]: There had been a time in which humans and magic managed to live side by side. How to live together peacefully, however, has always escaped them. Humans, fearful of their inability to harness magic, lashed out against magic and it’s creatures of all sorts, desperate to create an environment in which they and they alone would be safe. The fae, however, the most magical creatures of all, retaliated, wiping all of human’s history of magic, even whatever little wonder and whimsy they’d gotten out of it. They became blind to years of history, and the fae lead the rest of magical creatures into hiding. There they would wait, for the day humans would learn from their mistakes, and return again.
Yet that never happened. And with the rise of nuclear weaponry, global warming, and other massive threats to the planet they share, the fae feared that it never would. So one fateful day in the modern era, everything magic has chosen to reveal itself to humanity once more, yet it was hardly a cause for joy. This time, they would demand justice.
(I have a few different ideas for this one: Maybe a human finds a hurt magical creature and nurses them back to health? Maybe a fae blackmails a politician into representing magic in the government? I don’t have much other than worldbuilding for this one but I’d love to write with it!)

Those are the ideas I have for now, but hopefully I'll have some more in the future. If you're interested, send me a message!
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Hiya! Name’s Spots! Ooh! I’m definitely up for a cool fantasy story! I love all your original plots and actually have one or two ideas of my own if you’re interested! Please pm if you’re interested
I love both modern era setting and, if you're still looking, would be more than happy to plot with you! Let me know if I can shoot a PM your way~
I'm leaning towards the Goldenwater Academy setting, though I basically live and breath magical settings so I'm into #4 as well. Whichever you're most inclined to play out of the two is good with me! ^^
The fourth plot... what if a human found a Fae Princess (who had been kidnapped by rogue Fae) and nursed her back to health, finding she'd been hurt?

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