help me back into the scene?


♥ plot thot ♥
hello, everyone!
i joined this website about a year ago, figuring i should give it a try. unfortunately, it never really hit right to me.
the style of forum roleplaying is so unfamiliar, and there's many different styles which i'd like to become accustomed to. so now, i'm back to give it a try again.

my name's bren, and i've been roleplaying off and on now probably since about 2015?
i haven't roleplayed in a few months, but im trying to come back to my roots as a distraction from some other things in my life at the moment.

i'm a fairly detailed writer. my responses range from one paragraph (if i'm feeling less inspired), to maybe ten.
i do more writing with original characters than fanfiction, and i have a varied amount of interests in terms of prompt
(which i'll get into with whoever choses to roleplay with me. )

feel free to shoot me a message about any inquiries. have a blessed day
Hello and welcome!

What aspect seems unfamiliar? Was the place you roleplayed previously very different from rpnation? I've been on a few different sites over the years, but it seems like things have always been pretty similar across all of them, so you've got me curious :)
yes, it was very different. usually im accustomed to roleplaying over other messaging platforms as opposed to forums. the entire idea of threads, replies, etc., is all unfamiliar and a bit confusing at first. i'm not even sure if im properly replying to you right now, haha. but i've found that sites like this offer more opportunity and a variety of people to roleplay with.
Welcome to RPN!

It may get confusing if you're used to rp through messengers ^^ You can check this topic, it explains all essential things about the forums: how to post, where to pust, how to edit your profile etc. Hopefully it will clarify some things.
If you still have questions, don't hesitate to ask. People here are usually friendly and don't mind helping out.
Hello and welcome! I know exactly how you feel. I was in the same boat when I first joined. You do have the option of role-playing over PM with people, but the format is very similar if not identical to the normal forum role play, except that it can only be viewed by you and whoever else is in the message. Hope you can settle in well!

PS: It's nice to know I'm not the only one who says "Have a Blessed Day!"

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