hellu friends

I have been into role playing for years now, but just recently came across this site and I feel so ready to begin role playing for full again.

When it comes to me role playing I usually write as long as I feel like my creativity reaches which can be everything from 2-4 paragraphs or something quite long. I prefer modern and realistic roleplays over anything, but I'm also into fandom roleplays.

I also thought to join this site to find people with the same type of interests as me since I have difficulty making friends. I enjoy watching TV shows like Supernatural, Bates Motel, Ghost Adventures, Sherlock and a lot more. Writing is a passion of mine, but I mostly just write roleplays because I like the feeling of sharing creativity with someone.
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Hello there! I am fairly new around here, myself! I have also been role playing for years, and its nice to see someone with similar interests to myself. I am an advanced role player, too, and I can match the styles of anyone around me.

Insert Supernatural Moose jokes and a joke about how Arron always has to go into the basement or the attic by himself, because Zak thinks its hilarious. *

Honestly, I know the feeling of losing a friend. That happened to me, too, a while back- except it was two of my best friends since grade school that left. I wasn't really open to making new friends for a while, and still struggle with meeting people in my city to this day. But the Internet is a lot easier to talk to people, right? There are so many people, we're bound to find someone who shares our interest!

Anyways, welcome to RpN! If you wanted, I would love to volunteer to be your first role playing buddy! I currently have a realistic type group RP that I am working on, still in doc stages, but I might be able to post it some time soon. Have you got any plans running? Or anything you would like to do? I would love to hear them!

;;3 ;¡ Anyhow, there are a lot of useful things in the FAQ section and rules section! Take a quick check and read through em, it helped me a lot when I was brand new and confused.

Crawls back under the rock she came from/
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]
Hello there! I am fairly new around here, myself! I have also been role playing for years, and its nice to see someone with similar interests to myself. I am an advanced role player, too, and I can match the styles of anyone around me.
Insert Supernatural Moose jokes and a joke about how Arron always has to go into the basement or the attic by himself, because Zak thinks its hilarious. *

Honestly, I know the feeling of losing a friend. That happened to me, too, a while back- except it was two of my best friends since grade school that left. I wasn't really open to making new friends for a while, and still struggle with meeting people in my city to this day. But the Internet is a lot easier to talk to people, right? There are so many people, we're bound to find someone who shares our interest!

Anyways, welcome to RpN! If you wanted, I would love to volunteer to be your first role playing buddy! I currently have a realistic type group RP that I am working on, still in doc stages, but I might be able to post it some time soon. Have you got any plans running? Or anything you would like to do? I would love to hear them!

;;3 ;¡ Anyhow, there are a lot of useful things in the FAQ section and rules section! Take a quick check and read through em, it helped me a lot when I was brand new and confused.

Crawls back under the rock she came from/

It makes me so happy seeing another Ghost Adventures fan who also likes Supernatural, rare fangirl moment for me here.

When it comes to role playing I would be more than happy for you to be my first role playing buddy on here. At the moment I don't have any plans running since I don't have my creativity flowing and I enjoy just brainstorming and plotting with another person, which could be you. I already said I enjoy realistic roleplays, but I love drama (as long as it doesn't get too overly dramatic, needs to be realistic), angst, fluff, action and a hell of a lot more.

I might have some ideas or some things I'd like to try, but that really depends on what kind of roleplays you're into as well because I could go on for hours rambling about everything from small fluffy ideas to big angsty ideas when I first start talking and brainstorming with someone.

Also thank yooou for the advice, highly appreciated from a noob on this site.
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Casssiopeiaaa said:
It makes me so happy seeing another Ghost Adventures fan who also likes Supernatural, rare fangirl moment for me here. *happy squealing*
When it comes to role playing I would be more than happy for you to be my first role playing buddy on here. At the moment I don't have any plans running since I don't have my creativity flowing and I enjoy just brainstorming and plotting with another person, which could be you. I already said I enjoy realistic roleplays, but I love drama (as long as it doesn't get too overly dramatic, needs to be realistic), angst, fluff, action and a hell of a lot more.

I might have some ideas or some things I'd like to try, but that really depends on what kind of roleplays you're into as well because I could go on for hours rambling about everything from small fluffy ideas to big angsty ideas when I first start talking and brainstorming with someone.

Also thank yooou for the advice, highly appreciated from a noob on this site.

Happy squealing from under the rock*

I know, rite? I love meeting people who nerd about the same things I do! ;;3 ;¡

Let's see, what sort of things am I into? Well, I tend to avoid role plays with anime type genres- but what I mean by that, is that I enjoy role playing using real people as face claims and using real images to refer to settings and the like. Makes it far easier to envision the world around you, you know? Which isn't to say I don't use anime pictures, if the RP really catches my interest, I will find something that suits my need for it!

As for the kinds of role plays that I enjoy, I really love doing futuristic, modern, or slight fantasy. I tend to gravitate away from entire slice of life Role Plays, unless I really need a break, or the plot is good. As for the kinds of Role Plays I like to do under those terms, I like to add unique twists to whatever the genre is! For exampl, if it's futuristic, it could be filled with technology, biogenetic engineering gone wrong, or a conspiracy that chases players through the city in an attempt to clear their names, all while trying to bring down the largest tech company in the world.

Or, the one that I am working on right now, I got some inspiration from
Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the Walking Dead, as well as a book series. It sounds a little complicated when I mention my three sources, but those are just inspirational points to the events in the world I am working on. ;;3 ;¡ I can send you a link to the doc later, if you like!

As for modern, realistic type things, I like doing mystery role plays, or a designated who-done-it type. Or maybe things have been happening around town, and people who apply come to me and I randomly choose who is responsible, but no one else knows in the game and people have a goal of figuring it out.

I love anything with intrigue and substance! Engage the people who are playing with you, give them something to think about, make their actions have consequences later on in the game that they wouldn't know about till it came up. You know? Stuff like that!

Basically, if a role play is engaging and has an interesting plot line, I would love to write it out. The only things I won't really touch are generic vampire types and generic high school types. There isn't really much to work with, there.

I also like to add a little magic or spice into whatever I do, if I can. Not to the point where it is one hundred percent fantasy worlds, mind, I have a hard time seeing some of the more extravagantly painted fantasies, you know? Lack of realism, maybe.

Anyhow- you should totally rant on about what kinds of things you're into! ;;3 ;¡

[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]

Happy squealing from under the rock*

I know, rite? I love meeting people who nerd about the same things I do! ;;3 ;¡

Let's see, what sort of things am I into? Well, I tend to avoid role plays with anime type genres- but what I mean by that, is that I enjoy role playing using real people as face claims and using real images to refer to settings and the like. Makes it far easier to envision the world around you, you know? Which isn't to say I don't use anime pictures, if the RP really catches my interest, I will find something that suits my need for it!

As for the kinds of role plays that I enjoy, I really love doing futuristic, modern, or slight fantasy. I tend to gravitate away from entire slice of life Role Plays, unless I really need a break, or the plot is good. As for the kinds of Role Plays I like to do under those terms, I like to add unique twists to whatever the genre is! For exampl, if it's futuristic, it could be filled with technology, biogenetic engineering gone wrong, or a conspiracy that chases players through the city in an attempt to clear their names, all while trying to bring down the largest tech company in the world.

Or, the one that I am working on right now, I got some inspiration from
Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the Walking Dead, as well as a book series. It sounds a little complicated when I mention my three sources, but those are just inspirational points to the events in the world I am working on. ;;3 ;¡ I can send you a link to the doc later, if you like!

As for modern, realistic type things, I like doing mystery role plays, or a designated who-done-it type. Or maybe things have been happening around town, and people who apply come to me and I randomly choose who is responsible, but no one else knows in the game and people have a goal of figuring it out.

I love anything with intrigue and substance! Engage the people who are playing with you, give them something to think about, make their actions have consequences later on in the game that they wouldn't know about till it came up. You know? Stuff like that!

Basically, if a role play is engaging and has an interesting plot line, I would love to write it out. The only things I won't really touch are generic vampire types and generic high school types. There isn't really much to work with, there.

I also like to add a little magic or spice into whatever I do, if I can. Not to the point where it is one hundred percent fantasy worlds, mind, I have a hard time seeing some of the more extravagantly painted fantasies, you know? Lack of realism, maybe.

Anyhow- you should totally rant on about what kinds of things you're into! ;;3 ;¡

I'm going to end up sitting here for a while just ranting to you now, you asked for it so here we go

I have had a lot of different roleplays, everything from those generic boring high school roleplays to super fun fantasy roleplays filled with action and plot twists. Point is, i'm experienced with different types of roleplays.

For modern roleplays and more realistic ones I enjoy plots with action and drama, things happening, mysteries and just pure angst. I have a tendency to not be patient, but I love it when I can actually be patient and create this angsty, mystery thingy which just leaves the other person wanting more (sound very sexual oops). To describe what I like a little easier or better because I suck at it, I'll say that I enjoy realistic plots that look generic but has a nice twist to it. Like, take the plot of something very boring and predictable and just shine it up with action and mystery, making it fun to play.

Also for modern roleplays I have had of lot of cliche type of romance plots, but the ones I manage to actually play out to its fullest and make it not so much about the romance all the time is the ones where both of the players aren't afraid to really kick it. Obviously with something realistic unless it's a more fantasy problem, but still.

Smut writing is obviously something that isn't allowed on here, but that is also something I have done in the past because of the romance roleplays I have had and obviously if you're going to be realistic and play a nineteen year old girl/boy they will most likely have some sort of sexual attraction to each other.

Anyway, for fantasy related roleplays I have done a hell of a lot of zombie/future roleplays, but that was with a group and it always ended before we got really into it. I have also had magic roleplays and I enjoy it as long as there is realism to it and you don't go too far with all these spells blah blah. That can get a bit too much, but magic, fantasy and everything around there is cool as hell.

So short summary, I enjoy plots where things happen and it's not too predictable and generic. AND if you have question u ask u now

To end this, you can send me the google doc thingy because yes I'd like to see what you're planning in that mind of yours
Casssiopeiaaa said:
I'm going to end up sitting here for a while just ranting to you now, you asked for it so here we go
I have had a lot of different roleplays, everything from those generic boring high school roleplays to super fun fantasy roleplays filled with action and plot twists. Point is, i'm experienced with different types of roleplays.

For modern roleplays and more realistic ones I enjoy plots with action and drama, things happening, mysteries and just pure angst. I have a tendency to not be patient, but I love it when I can actually be patient and create this angsty, mystery thingy which just leaves the other person wanting more (sound very sexual oops). To describe what I like a little easier or better because I suck at it, I'll say that I enjoy realistic plots that look generic but has a nice twist to it. Like, take the plot of something very boring and predictable and just shine it up with action and mystery, making it fun to play.

Also for modern roleplays I have had of lot of cliche type of romance plots, but the ones I manage to actually play out to its fullest and make it not so much about the romance all the time is the ones where both of the players aren't afraid to really kick it. Obviously with something realistic unless it's a more fantasy problem, but still.

Smut writing is obviously something that isn't allowed on here, but that is also something I have done in the past because of the romance roleplays I have had and obviously if you're going to be realistic and play a nineteen year old girl/boy they will most likely have some sort of sexual attraction to each other.

Anyway, for fantasy related roleplays I have done a hell of a lot of zombie/future roleplays, but that was with a group and it always ended before we got really into it. I have also had magic roleplays and I enjoy it as long as there is realism to it and you don't go too far with all these spells blah blah. That can get a bit too much, but magic, fantasy and everything around there is cool as hell.

So short summary, I enjoy plots where things happen and it's not too predictable and generic. AND if you have question u ask u now

To end this, you can send me the google doc thingy because yes I'd like to see what you're planning in that mind of yours


You sound EXACTLY like me. I am the
exact same way, actually. :'D!!

Also, if you have done a lot of zombie based role plays, you are going to love the idea I have going on right now. ;;3 ;¡ Once I get the rest of the plot written, I will definitely send it to you.

Also, I love rambling, so don't worry if you feel like you are, because either way it's grand. ;;3 ;¡

HNNNGG. Also, I love doing romance related things as well! ( I write the fanfiction :'D) I can also play out all kinds of romantic pairings, mxm, mxf, and fxf! Of course, romance is limited to the fade to black rule, here. This forum, I have noted, is host to more mature based role plays- as long as there isn't any hard depiction of violence or sexual themes, as according to the rules.

You can role play romance, from my understanding, as long as it's not getting into the more R rated descriptions, and fades to black/ time skips when it's needed. ;;3 ;¡

I can't wait to get started role playing on this site, that's for sure. The possibilities are endless! Here, let me finish my schoolwork for the day, and I will get the rest of the generic plot written for the idea I have. Academic upgrading to meet the requirements for the college I want to go to, you see. ;;3 ;¡ Then I can send it to you, and after you have read it, I can get into more detail.

I am planning this so that it has its own rich culture- that way, players of different cultures can clash with each other, or accidents can happen, and things of the like. Basically, I am building this one up around the idea that all actions have consequences, whether the players know it or not.

If you like the idea, I would love for you to be Co-creator! We could plot evil plots together against the players.
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]


You sound EXACTLY like me. I am the
exact same way, actually. :'D!!

Also, if you have done a lot of zombie based role plays, you are going to love the idea I have going on right now. ;;3 ;¡ Once I get the rest of the plot written, I will definitely send it to you.

Also, I love rambling, so don't worry if you feel like you are, because either way it's grand. ;;3 ;¡

HNNNGG. Also, I love doing romance related things as well! ( I write the fanfiction :'D) I can also play out all kinds of romantic pairings, mxm, mxf, and fxf! Of course, romance is limited to the fade to black rule, here. This forum, I have noted, is host to more mature based role plays- as long as there isn't any hard depiction of violence or sexual themes, as according to the rules.

You can role play romance, from my understanding, as long as it's not getting into the more R rated descriptions, and fades to black/ time skips when it's needed. ;;3 ;¡

I can't wait to get started role playing on this site, that's for sure. The possibilities are endless! Here, let me finish my schoolwork for the day, and I will get the rest of the generic plot written for the idea I have. Academic upgrading to meet the requirements for the college I want to go to, you see. ;;3 ;¡ Then I can send it to you, and after you have read it, I can get into more detail.

I am planning this so that it has its own rich culture- that way, players of different cultures can clash with each other, or accidents can happen, and things of the like. Basically, I am building this one up around the idea that all actions have consequences, whether the players know it or not.

If you like the idea, I would love for you to be Co-creator! We could plot evil plots together against the players.

Isn't it amazing that we are so alike, I swear I can see so good roleplays in the future, heheh

Romance is such a nice thing to bring into roleplays to create conflicts. I mean forbidden romance where the characters meet conflicts on their journey to love is just, yes. And it can be a conflict when it comes to action filled roleplays because you know it's not easy to go around loving someone when you're in a world filled with zombies.

And I also play all pairings, what a coincidence

Well since the rules here are like that I just have to put my smut idea on a shelf and cry myself to sleep. Kidding

I love the idea by the way, so I would love working with you. Plotting is so fun as well because I feel like it just bring people closer since you let the creativity flow between each other.

aNYWAY, send me the plot so I can ready it when you're ready with it and then we will work on details and I'll come with feedback on anything.
Casssiopeiaaa said:
Isn't it amazing that we are so alike, I swear I can see so good roleplays in the future, heheh
Romance is such a nice thing to bring into roleplays to create conflicts. I mean forbidden romance where the characters meet conflicts on their journey to love is just, yes. And it can be a conflict when it comes to action filled roleplays because you know it's not easy to go around loving someone when you're in a world filled with zombies.

And I also play all pairings, what a coincidence

Well since the rules here are like that I just have to put my smut idea on a shelf and cry myself to sleep. Kidding

I love the idea by the way, so I would love working with you. Plotting is so fun as well because I feel like it just bring people closer since you let the creativity flow between each other.

aNYWAY, send me the plot so I can ready it when you're ready with it and then we will work on details and I'll come with feedback on anything.
Hnnnng- I am halfway through the work I need to get done today, and after that I am all yours! Hopefully we can get to ten posts, so we can send private messages to plot soon. ;;3 ;¡

Ugh, I can't wait to introduce to you some of the cultural aspects of this RP, because forbidden love is actually a part of it. Imagine, trying to live life out in a world filled with things that are trying to kill you, and having strict cultural rules to follow all the time due to the extremely low population of humans.

Except you fall in love with someone you aren't supposed too, and all of a sudden the undead aren't the only ones you have to look over your shoulder for. e ue

Hnnnggg akajdhfjfk /ded/

But I am so glad I met you! If I hadn't stumbled upon this intro thread, I wouldn't have found my a new friend. Guess that's what these intro threads are for, huh? ;;3 ;¡ Also lacking out with finding cool people. xD
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]
Hnnnng- I am halfway through the work I need to get done today, and after that I am all yours! Hopefully we can get to ten posts, so we can send private messages to plot soon. ;;3 ;¡
Ugh, I can't wait to introduce to you some of the cultural aspects of this RP, because forbidden love is actually a part of it. Imagine, trying to live life out in a world filled with things that are trying to kill you, and having strict cultural rules to follow all the time due to the extremely low population of humans.

Except you fall in love with someone you aren't supposed too, and all of a sudden the undead aren't the only ones you have to look over your shoulder for. e ue

Hnnnggg akajdhfjfk /ded/

But I am so glad I met you! If I hadn't stumbled upon this intro thread, I wouldn't have found my a new friend. Guess that's what these intro threads are for, huh? ;;3 ;¡ Also lacking out with finding cool people. xD

You can do it! and I'll get to ten posts right now by welcoming other hahah so we can private message.

I am beyond excited for this to be honest and your ideas are amazing. I can't wait to start plotting and really get into this with you because this will be so awesome. Seriously dying over here to get into all of this so you better finish your work.

And I'm so glad I actually had the guts to post in this thread, just imagine my life without you right now. Horrible right?
Welcome to RPN! I enjoy modern and realistic so long as it's dark. (} :) )

I'm really sorry about your friend. I don't like making friends, lol. It's excruciating for me. I just try to avoid it at all costs. (In RL.)
poppet said:
Welcome to RPN! I enjoy modern and realistic so long as it's dark. (} :) )
I'm really sorry about your friend. I don't like making friends, lol. It's excruciating for me. I just try to avoid it at all costs. (In RL.)
Dark roleplays are quite fun if I'm going to be honest

And yeah, friends are weird because even if you weren't lovers you feel some sort of heartbreak when they leave you. I'm not a big fan of making friends IRL. I like to have some people I know, but not necessarily friends. On the internet though I enjoy meeting new people because it's a hell of a lot easier meeting people with the same interests as you.
For real. Making friends online is fab. I still feel the hurt of best friends who found "better" friends to hang with back in school. But I have a couple of friends I've made online who I'll be really heartbroken to lose if that day ever comes.
Casssiopeiaaa said:
You can do it! and I'll get to ten posts right now by welcoming other hahah so we can private message.
I am beyond excited for this to be honest and your ideas are amazing. I can't wait to start plotting and really get into this with you because this will be so awesome. Seriously dying over here to get into all of this so you better finish your work.

And I'm so glad I actually had the guts to post in this thread, just imagine my life without you right now. Horrible right?
Pbbbt! Dreadful, absolutely dreadful ;;3 ;¡ With this post, I have private messages unlocked! Also, I am officially done writing a script and a screenplay, so that means I can get right back to work on finishing the basic plot info for the RP!

Which, in addition to the addition, that means I can send it to you in pm!

poppet said:
For real. Making friends online is fab. I still feel the hurt of best friends who found "better" friends to hang with back in school. But I have a couple of friends I've made online who I'll be really heartbroken to lose if that day ever comes.
Which means I can also send you the doc, soon, too! As you were interested in taking a look at it over in the other thread. ;;3 ;¡

Sit tight for a little bit, guys- the idea is on its way. (
:) )
[QUOTE="Quip a Witticism]
Pbbbt! Dreadful, absolutely dreadful ;;3 ;¡ With this post, I have private messages unlocked! Also, I am officially done writing a script and a screenplay, so that means I can get right back to work on finishing the basic plot info for the RP!
Which, in addition to the addition, that means I can send it to you in pm!

Which means I can also send you the doc, soon, too! As you were interested in taking a look at it over in the other thread. ;;3 ;¡

Sit tight for a little bit, guys- the idea is on its way. (
:) )

Amaziiiiiing, now only I need to get my PMs unlocked
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but your more than welcome to call me Kes for short. I also know the pain of losing friends, so I'm very sorry to hear that. They don't know what they're missing out on.

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