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New Member
Hello! I am still on the hunt for a good, loyal RP partner who is fairly active. I have a ton of plots and characters for just about anything!

1. I am NOT ghost friendly. If you lose interest, just let me know so I don’t sit and wait for something that will never come. I promise I’ll understand.
2. 18 years or older please.
3. All my characters are male, it’s just easier for me.
4. I like to have multiple characters but you don’t have to match them.
5. I love to plot and come up with tiny useless bits of information on a character (such as a weird phase they went through when they were 10 years old that has nothing to do with the actual story, lol).
6. No one liners


Rich Kid and Not Rich Kid tied up in a supernatural/paranormal shit show- not really kids, more like young adults. My character is the filthy rich son of a congressman and a jeweler who also trades in art, so they have MONEY. Desmond is a sweet boy, very generous and loves to share his wealth with people. However, he can also see ghosts. He can see them and feel them as if they’re alive, even though they don’t speak. His parents think he’s crazy, so he’s rarely in public. Your character (for romance, is rather it be a female for this character), is on the opposite side of the wealth spectrum. She’s used to barely making ends meet. She runs into Desmond because they both get kidnapped. Your character has a street smarts, Desmond has the money and can lie like the best politicians in DC. So they have to work together and we need to do a lot more planning, I just really want to use Des.

Criminal leader X cop/guard: this takes place in a fantasy world, but they still have guns. My character is a half faerie half human male, who is more or less the most powerful gang leader in the city. Literally the type who when he steps out on the street, people hide. He lives in the really run down part of the city, is known for being ruthless and violent. Very little is done that he doesn’t know about. But recently, there have been a series of killing in the city that don’t match his methods or any of the methods of the smaller criminals in the city. It’s from a rival gang in another city. Your character is the new leader of the city guard. They were hired because they’re the best at what they do. They approach my character in an attempt to form an alliance because there is no other way to solve it, since my guy won’t let anyone else get the information. They work together on it, and several other cases, and maybe your character begins to lean a bit more towards the criminal way?

WW2- I have so many characters for this. Please. I want to use my medic, Cody Fox (Foxy). He’s a very shy, anxious little thing who seems like the least likely to ever make a good solider, until shit hits the fan and he’s suddenly dodging bullets to go help people. He’s also a little gay (very gay) but terrified of anyone knowing, especially in the time period, so maybe someone to help him accept who he is while they serve together?

Percy Jackson/Demigods-
Using OCs only, unless I can be Travis and Conner. But mostly OCs because it’s more freedom. I don’t have a plot for this one.

I really just want to live vicariously through my characters here. I have Jonathan, a very tall, very gay eventer. He has a lot of very large horses, helps people with their horses, give lessons. Message me and let’s make a plot!

I have so many others but I’m at work and about to leave, so I’ll add them later!
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You still open for a ww2 plot? I have a character or two for ww2 plots :0
Also very interested in an avatar the last air bender one. I have a fire bender and an earth bender (who could be the avatar, or just a regular bender) I would love to actually use!

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