

New Member
Hi everyone,

As you might have guessed I am new here. Hmm, I should add a bit to this. I am a student from the Netherlands, I enjoy roleplaying(who would have guessed?), reading and music. So basically, there isn't very much to tell you about me, just that I wanted to say hi and look forwards to roleplaying with you!
Hello and welcome to RPN,

My name is Kaze and i would like to introduce to you the Shoutbox on the Forum page (Found here). There are plenty of RPs out on the site here that you can check out, if you want to join one, try and join otherwise if nothing strikes your fancy make your own :) . Also, there is also the Side RP game called "Werewolf", which i am the Moderator for and it should hopefully be starting up within the next couple of Weeks. Any questions, feel free to ask me, other Moderators or the Admins.

Have a Great Day,


P.S. I'm working on the D&D game right now

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