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Fandom **..** Hello! **..**


May flowers from April showers
Hello everyone! I'm Gummy, it's nice to meet you! I'm new here but have been RPing for years now and would love the chance to RP with some of ya! I'm a 19 y/o female who is also a major nerd. I'm a sophomore in college who is studying psychology with a minor in corrections (Thankfully this semester is almost out!). I really want to improve my writing skills and I'm hoping I can learn a thing or two from here!
So let's get to the good stuff! I usually write in third person past tense, and I'm hoping my partner can match that along with a couple paragraphs per post! I totally understand when we can't figure out a lot to say, so I won't be too hard on ya about that! I AM looking for a Pokemon RP atm so I don't want anything too dark in theme, just a nice adventure for our characters to go on! If you have any questions on that feel free to ask of course, I don't expect you to read my mind. I can usually get out a post at least every day. Don't be surprised if I respond more than once in one day as well! I'm ditch/ ghost friendly! If I don't hear from you in about a week I'll PM you to see if you are still interested, but I don't expect you to stick around if you don't want! Also please do your best a spelling and grammar! I'm not the best at it myself and I won't be a grammar Nazi, but I would like to understand your responses! :) So I suppose that's all I have to say about that, I'm looking forward to meeting people here.
If you’re still open, I’d love to write something light hearted and Pokémon with you. If you’re down, just like this and I’ll message you so we can chat! If not, no worries!

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