

New Member
Hello, there! New to the site, but not new to roleplaying. I hope this isn’t too long and boring, but I may as well tell you about my roleplaying style and what I like so you can figure out if we’d be compatible, right?

-I only play OCs. I’m far more comfortable playing my own characters and have found that I enjoy it a lot more, though you’re welcome to play canon characters if that’s what you like to do
-I write between three sentences and two paragraphs, but I’ve been known to get a little long winded when it comes to intros. I prefer my partners to not write more than two or three paragraphs since I like things to at a nice pace rather than getting bogged down with purple prose
-I am a good bit past 21 and only play characters that are 21 and over. If either of these are a problem, that’s okay. I won’t hold it against you! (I prefer to play with people who are at least 18 myself.)
-I play both male and female characters
-I don’t play anything in which romance is a requirement or even planned. I prefer it to occur naturally through playing, if it occurs at all
-I am LGBT+ friendly
-I don’t play (or play against) animals or anthros (Sorry!)
-I am very forgiving of spelling and grammar mistakes, since I do sometimes make them myself. As long as I can figure out what you’re trying to say, it’s all good, though I really don’t like chat speak, especially in the rp itself
-If face claims are used (which isn’t necessary at all!) I use realistic ones only
-I adore fantasy roleplays, both modern and medieval settings. I also enjoy werewolves, vampires, and people with powers. I enjoy just about anything fantasy or supernatural based!
-I am so ridiculously glad that there’s a no smut rule here. I absolutely hate smut and it annoys me that that (and romance, though to a lesser degree) seems to be all far too many people want
-I usually do 1x1 rps, but I am not against groups
-I don’t have a stable of characters to choose from. I find that I have more fun making new characters that suit each rp
-I’ll answer when I can, but I won’t dedicate my life to rp. As long as you reply once every two weeks, I’m happy

I’m sorry that got so long. If you read all of that, thank you so much for your patience! (Also, yes. I’m easing towards being old, but I’m not there yet!)

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