

One Time Luck

I am new here and I'm hoping to find some new roleplay partners that will stick around. x'D I got my start waaaay back in the day on Neopets (aah) and I'm looking to get back into writing on a consistent basis. I enjoy several different genres, including slice-of-life, horror, medieval fantasy, etc,.

True Blood has recently taken over my life (ten or so years late to that, I know) and I also engage in photography and collecting ball-jointed dolls in my spare time. ^^ I work full-time as a speech-language pathologist so life is pretty busy, but I am looking forward to making some new friends here!
Huzzah. Anyway, a speech language pathologist? Is that a fun job or...?

Edit: Amusingly enough, I have a ball jointed doll character.
Aah, it's both fun and quite challenging most of the time. I really do enjoy it! I work primarily with preschoolers right now, but I've recently taken an as-needed position at a local nursing home so I can treat adults again. x'D
Well. A fun yet easy job wouldn't be as fun, at least to me. But preschoolers? My bane. Why? Because they are ducklings that follow my every move. Curses of being charismatic.
Well. A fun yet easy job wouldn't be as fun, at least to me. But preschoolers? My bane. Why? Because they are ducklings that follow my every move. Curses of being charismatic.
Ahaha, you are quite right, there! I never saw myself working with preschoolers when I was in graduate school, but I love it, which was a nice surprise. XD What sort of genres do you like to roleplay?
Me? Oh, I'm usually a Science Fiction or Fantasy. I've done more science fiction over fantasy, being apart of a small time Sci Fi RP for three and a half years.

But good. how about yourself on the RP?

I am new here and I'm hoping to find some new roleplay partners that will stick around. x'D I got my start waaaay back in the day on Neopets (aah) and I'm looking to get back into writing on a consistent basis. I enjoy several different genres, including slice-of-life, horror, medieval fantasy, etc,.

True Blood has recently taken over my life (ten or so years late to that, I know) and I also engage in photography and collecting ball-jointed dolls in my spare time. ^^ I work full-time as a speech-language pathologist so life is pretty busy, but I am looking forward to making some new friends here!
Salutations, Itei! Welcome! I am new too. I enjoy some of the same roleplay genres as you do.
I hope you can find what you are looking for on this suite.
Me? Oh, I'm usually a Science Fiction or Fantasy. I've done more science fiction over fantasy, being apart of a small time Sci Fi RP for three and a half years.

But good. how about yourself on the RP?

Aah, wow, three and a half years is a long time! That's great! I love fantasy a lot myself.
Aah, wow, three and a half years is a long time! That's great! I love fantasy a lot myself.

I'll be honest. Sometimes I can't stick around the RP too much. We've revolved players in and out of it- it's less of an RP, more of a world with numerous instances going on within it. For example, my character could be doing one thing with five people, and four others are on the other size of the galaxy doing another time.

But yeah, it's really fun for me. So! How's your day been as I totally draw this conversation out way past it's limit?
I'll be honest. Sometimes I can't stick around the RP too much. We've revolved players in and out of it- it's less of an RP, more of a world with numerous instances going on within it. For example, my character could be doing one thing with five people, and four others are on the other size of the galaxy doing another time.

But yeah, it's really fun for me. So! How's your day been as I totally draw this conversation out way past it's limit?

That is so fun, though! It's been a few years since I've participated in a roleplay like that. x'D I'm glad that you're enjoying it! Haha, and my day has been going pretty well! How about yours?
It's been a great day! Except for waiting in a medical room for 'round two and a half hours. That was not so great. Woo...
Welcome! Let me know if you need anything here on rpn, until then... *He snaps his fingers, and a small table appears, decorated with a white tablecloth, and a bouquet of flowers as the centerpiece. Then a plate of Filet Mignon appeared on the table, and a bottle of white wine began to float, along with the glass, as the glass was set on the table, and the white wine bottle filled the glass, before floating back down and setting itself on the table, then a white cloth napkin and a fork appeared to the left of the plate, and a spoon and a steak knife to the right* Enjoy, like I said... If you need anything let me know... *with that he bows graciously, and suddenly disappears*

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