

New Member
It’s been a very long time since I’ve roleplayed, but I’ve decided to attempt it again. I was wondering if the site had Wolf role plays? It may be a weird request, but I figured I’d ask.
Not werid at all, in fact a lot of people who dwell here do wolf roleplays! Don’t be afraid to chat about and ask! Everyone is helpful! Welcome to RPN! I’m glad you joined!
Would you happen to know what forum they would be located in?
There isn’t a specific form- I’d say post a search thread in 1x1 or group rolpelays!
The people will come to you, id tag it with fantasy!
Wolf roleplays were one of the first group types I got involved with, so no worries it's not that weird (Well, I'm super weird but you get my point :P ). Nonetheless, welcome to RPN! I hope our wonderful community can provide you with a better experience than what happened before and that you can be satisfied by it. Happy rolepalying!

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