
Sylvia Hawks

New Member
Hello everyone,

I'd like to introduce myself; my name is Sylvia Hawks. Wet behind the ears on this forum but fairly adapt to roleplay in various themes. Preferences are Gorean roleplay, Medieval, Conan and the whole gamut of darker 18+ themes.

Hope to get to know more of you.

Sylvia's gaze was rapid, penetrating and inclusive, but never furtive... she seemed to fit into the picture of the wilderness, as if she had taken a space reserved there for her, and had put herself in complete harmony with all its details. Huddled in furs, dyed dark to match the color of night the thief slithered through the shadows cast by the flickering flames of the Free Brotherhoods keep. The night was silent.. In these wee hours even the bellowing laughter of the tavern had stilled. She had climbed the walls before and it was with a soupplesse of a dancer that she'd skidded from one groove to another, her agile fingers finding nooks and crannies to pull her weight close against the course walls till she made it up and over. It was too big, this settlement, for the few guards to keep eye on every inch. Sly smirked, the thrill of adventure pumping through her veins.
Except for the loud snoring of a man who had fell asleep still cradling his pint of mead, there was no one in the tavern. Like a cat she moved, here and there touching the interior.. grinning all the while. A certain calm came over her.. entering another persons home. Staring at belongings, selecting what to take or deciding to return for some of it later. There it was.. Mayomars room. Conveniently marked with a wooden sign. Not a door or even a curtain to prevent anyone from entering... With frown of disbelief she silently enters the alvove. Her pale brown eyes stared steadily at the sleeping form huddled beneath the blankets. Coolly assessing eyes that seemed to take in everything and give away nothing. The steady rhytm of breath an easy indicator that the Cimmerian wasn't waking any time soon...
She was used to the dark, the many secrets she found hidden within always proved fruitful for her, and so she was often lingering in the shadows. For a moment she allowed herself the tingling sensation in her loins eying the woman. Vulnerable. The knowledge of being able to decide over the womans fate in this moment was a sensation she relished. Peeling her attention away from the delicate yet fit form hidden beneath the warm coveres.. she turned her attention to the small chest. Praying it wouldn't creack or squeek while lifting the lid. Simple as that.. a bundle was placed inside.. ontop a small letter.
For Mayoram: You will find that someone has gone through your stuff in the small box in your sleeping quarters.. Apparently someone made it in while you were sound asleep, being able to avoid the guards attention or other uproar. Inside there is a brand new set of dancing silks. Colored in violet and green. The quality is outstanding and it is your size exactly. Also.. there is a note. Scribbled in delicate curls the parchment reads: "Mayomar, You've made an impression. Come join me at a private diner at Slavers Bay. I'll leave it up to you whether or not you wear the outfit i gave you. It would be my choice that you do, but as of now i still grant you a free will. Don't hesitate. I despise weakness in all beings. When i sense it, the potion that you'll find under the folded silks will be given to you next time i make it into your bedroom unseen. The scared are better off left in unknown bliss...
Sylvia slowly became aware of heat. Sunlight, she identified hazily, seeing the dull red of the inside of her own eyelidssighed. Eyebrows furrowing and plush lips forming a pout as she rolled over. She stretched, a lethargic shift and tensing of bone, muscle and golden skin, and rolled onto her back. Consciousness was right there within reach but Syl didn’t know if she wanted to grasp onto it or slide deeper into the pleasant nothingness of sleep. The decision was made for hier, however, when the sound of voices finally penetrated the soft veil of slumber. "Mistress Sly, you're awake..?" The voice came from a demure gem of a girl. Although somewhat skinny to her personal taste, Sylvia could still see the profit she'd make once broken in and whored at the brothel. "...I'll be right up with your breakfast, Mistress." The eager spark in the girls eyes betrayed she enjoyed serving and doing so to the standard that she'd been taught the past couple of weeks. With a rustle of flimsy fabric the thrall disappeared out of view to prepare a platter of cold roast and mug of tea.
Her rest had been deep and undisturbed; and when she awoke, it was with a clearness of intellect and a readiness of resources that were very much needed for her daily routines..Yawning casually and stretching out the small kinks in her muscles and joints from the previous days of clambering. With a smug face she muses on her balancing adventures ..over fenced-off keeps and hugging walls while the very tip of toes scurried carefully along the smallest of edges. Poising onto spiked walls and tiny cracks in the softer sandstone to reach through windows of other wealthy survivors of the region. Adding silvers and coppers to her growing collection..selecting what she wants and leaving that which she does not need. One thing however didn't seem that easy to obtain.. Raven came to mind just when the serving thrall stalled out the breakfast platter onto her bed and left graciously with a playful smile onto her soft lips. Nibbling some from the rich food, a v-shaped frown dug itself between Sylvia's brows. She'd have to come up with a plan... to meet more often.. learn more from the woman with her thick dark braid.. Her curiosity had grown into something else over the last couple of days. Taking a sip of hot tea Syl realized with a bit of uncomfortable amusement that she'd have to deal with these feelings preventing it to become an obesssion in mind alone.
Well, quite the entrance...
Welcome to the site fren! :3
If you're looking for partners I'd suggest checking out our Searching for Partners (or group) threads ^-^
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions, I'll probably be lurking around the discord chat ^33^
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.

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