Hello ^-^


New Member
FancyArt here,

((Warning, my scattered brain as taken control of this post.))

I just want to say, I am so excited to be apart of RpNation! I love to write, draw an play music. And with that, they are all forms of art and now I am known as FancyArt! So, my Roleplaying status is; newbie, I have zero experience andvwish to gain some. Ive alwas loced writing and by roleplaying, I will be able to practice and create my own style. I am a 17 year old female who is currently working on a novel, dont ask what it is about cause it is a surprise! ~_^ (Wink) Now, about myself. Well, my friends at school think I am a 'Hipster' and 'Hippie'. Not sure why... Anyways, I love any genre, from sci-fi to fantasy, realistic to a furry roleplay. Just Pm me if you wish to do any roleplays! Id like to post so rules now, just ecause some have popped into my brain.

~Roleplay Rules~

1) Length doesnt matter; What you give me, ill return.

2)Perspective doesnt matter; 1st or 3rd.

3) Explicit; I am okay with explicit rolesplays, but it it gets to desctriplive or cus words are used all the time, I will ask to lower it a bit or you may be asked to leave any roleplays I create. A little cussing is okay, and if it is needed to fit you character. Im and okay with E+ to M+.

4) Grammer doesnt matter; As long as I understand it, It is okay.

5) Voliolence; Blood and gore is alright with me. Since ive dissected alot during this past school year, cadaver lab, and takin out a lovely spine from a pig, Violence is alright.

6) Fun; I love to have fun, so enjoy roleplaying with me. Any ideas you would like to add, just Pm me!

7) Last but not least, Online or not; I am one to forget things easily. So if you are hnable to post, please let me know. I will do the same. Post at least once every day to once every few days (3-5 days).

((May be more added))

Now, back to the intro! Well, I am a Very positive person, and love to bring smiles for everyone to share. I am a chemistry nerd. Did you know, Oxygen went on a date with Potassium? The date went OK. Did you know, Oxygen went on a second dat with Potassium? It went OK2. Hahaha! What do you do with a sick chemist? You cant Helium, Carium, guess you gotta Barium... Think you had enough Chem jokes for one day... lets move on shall we... I have a cat who is super cute! She has soft black, grey and white fur and around her mouth as brown that makes her look like she has a chocolate milk mustache!! Hope I get to roleplay with people soon,



P.s If you do not wish to use my username, Call my Vythea or Ashley or Elizabeth. Will respond to either.

Pss I am on a wonderful sit called Wattpad, join my in the wonders of fanfiction!!! FancyArt is the name!
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Howdy there, FancyArt, me be Ayl, the madman of this fine site!

Here's the gig around: Check. Out. These. Shiny. Rules Then if you really wanna get down to business, then clicky on the Role Plays and on the Role Play Recruitment and of course on the famous Role Play Ideas areas. The finest places, for the finest creations if I dare say so myself.

If you have any questions, well that's to bad, we don't to those here. Syke! Of course we do, just Private Message me or any of our friendly moderators and admins. You may also want to join us in the fair but mad land known as the Shoutbox, or Shoutboxlandia if you prefer, where you can meet and chat with our friendly community. Word of warning, we're all nuts, especially yours truly.

Welcome, my dearest, to RpN!
Why thank you. *Curtsies* I can see by the fun words used, this is going to be a pleasurable experience. Hope your day is goind well!


Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk... or my mind???
Just wanted to post a picture as an example of what I do...
A women has clothe drapped over her.

Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk... or my mind???
Awesome sauce (i have no idea what that is byt i.ve seen people using it >_>)

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