

One Time Luck
Haha, bet you thought that I'm very indecisive judging by the title. And my screen name. But I actually have a very clear idea at least why I'm here, even if I've never actually done roleplaying before.

So I am a visual artist of sorts. A designer really. Well, I draw lots of stuff at least. And it so happens that I want to improve my writing and storytelling abilities, and so I came here. I am completely new both to writing and roleplaying, and clueless about how this site works, but I'm gonna figure it out. If you have any suggestions or helpful advice on what I should do, please share, I would appreciate it.

Nice to meet you, looking forward to have fun around here =]
Hello Caconym! :)

Welcome to RpN! there are loads of roleplays here, so I'm sure you'll love it! Hope to RP with you someday. Have fun!
Allo' @Caconym and welcome to hotel RPN, you luggage has been taken to your pre-booked room (We received word of your coming) and feel free to lounge around. There are various activities you can join along with our many many other guests. Of course we expect you to follow ze rules of decorum (Site rules), our staff are at hand should you need their assistance and lunch will be served at noon.

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