

One Thousand Club
When I first started Role Playing I used the username "TheApprentice." Now that I am a little more adept (lol) with RPs I go by TheAdept.

Some people who know me better call me "App."

It is nice to meet you all
Welcome to RPNation Adept! I'm glad you've stuck with roleplaying. Before you being finding some of the crazies on this site, be sure to check the rules, information, and some helpful tips that can be found here Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum . If you have any other questions, or maybe need some help with coding, feel free to give me a shout out by tagging me with the @ sign. (or the Staff because they're pretty awesome and will defo get back to you)


aka Sugar
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Welcome to RPNation, App! You surely won't regret choosing us as your role playing destination. You'll find that many others will have similar likes and you can even search by tags to find something specific. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to tag me here or PM me (when you can)! It can be a bit difficult for some users to learn how to navigate the site, but almost everyone is willing to help. I'll give you some links I found helpful as a newbie:

INFO - RpNation's Site Rules (Revised) | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

INFO - RpN FAQ | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Roleplay - How to Roleplay! | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

I hope those help ya, pal! If you need any form of assistance, again, let me know or tag one of our lovely staff members. Good day!


AKA Salt.

*snickers at sugar*
Like @Asylumnated said (those fuckers got here quicker than I did) welcome to RPNation.

Or something.

*Insert awkward statement here*

I believe the rules and BBcode Guide have already been taken care of but should you need them to be referenced once more (so I won't feel useless):

Site - RpNation - BBcode Guide | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

This guide is the roleplaying version of the Holy Bible or whichever form of religious paraphernalia you believe in..or perhaps you do not. Anyways, should you need any assistance or maybe just someone to talk with then we're all here and happily waiting upon your request.

*Cue Alfred reference here*

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