Robyn Raskolof
Artic Fox Furry
Hello my Name Is Robyn.
Of Course it isnt my Real name but, thats my name here. Raskolof isnt my name either but, it sounds interesting doesnt it?
So why am I here? I am here to Roleplay! Yes, what a shocker!
I am a Gaia online veteran and well..... too many people arent there for a good rp and what i can find, are too ..... stupid. Thats right. I am tired of seeing vampire x vampire things or what not. There is no meat! No depth in their requests. I want someone to come up and say, ' I want a rp where my character has this, wants this and must achieve this with that.'
Aka, i want a goal, i want a challenge and I want a gap where a solution is. Plus a direction.
Is that too much to ask?
Well again hello and hope we talk more
Of Course it isnt my Real name but, thats my name here. Raskolof isnt my name either but, it sounds interesting doesnt it?
So why am I here? I am here to Roleplay! Yes, what a shocker!
I am a Gaia online veteran and well..... too many people arent there for a good rp and what i can find, are too ..... stupid. Thats right. I am tired of seeing vampire x vampire things or what not. There is no meat! No depth in their requests. I want someone to come up and say, ' I want a rp where my character has this, wants this and must achieve this with that.'
Aka, i want a goal, i want a challenge and I want a gap where a solution is. Plus a direction.
Is that too much to ask?
Well again hello and hope we talk more