

Listen Now, and I Shall Follow...
Hi, everyone! I'm new to this particular forum, but I have been on several roleplay forums before. I hope to meet new people and join a few roleplays soon!

I've been roleplaying since 2008 or so, but it's been in blocks of time rather than a consistent flow. Life happens and kind of slows things down sometimes, especially of late--I'm a college student, so that keeps me a bit busy at times. However, I'm an online student this quarter, so that frees up a little time.

I like fantasy and sci-fi roleplays mostly, and will play either male or female characters, and also will play more than one character if the occasion calls for it.
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Hey, there!

From one newbie to another, I say welcome and it's nice to meet you, again.

I'm liking it a lot here so far so I hope you have a great experience on RP Nation too and hopefully, we could even become friends; I'm pretty easy-goin'. ;)

I hope you find a great roleplay to be a part of and I'm sure you will!

Here's a husky!


Thank you again, and welcome to you as well!

I hope we can be friends too! I'm quite easy-going myself, so I'm not terribly hard to get along with, haha. And anyone who shares huskies is good in my book! That's an adorable puppy, oh my gosh!!

I think it only attached as a file rather than attached to my post, but here's a picture of my dog! She's a cutie pie when it suits her, haha. Other times she acts like a goober and won't let me take pictures.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e9a5a60_IMG_2487SMALLER.jpg.24c6bd164db9b924ffd1e14794e95065.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e9a5a60_IMG_2487SMALLER.jpg.24c6bd164db9b924ffd1e14794e95065.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Your doggie is so cute, I can not handle the adorabubbleness.

What's her name?

Yeah, I love animals but since I have a dog (a chi/pom mix), I love doggies now.

Here's my dog, Jacks!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/webcam-toy-photo2.jpg.444e64346bbd85055165ba1b53417d0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/webcam-toy-photo2.jpg.444e64346bbd85055165ba1b53417d0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Oh my goodness, Jacks is such a cutie!! How old is he? From what I can tell, he looks pretty young!

My dog's name is Mazzy--she's a shih tzu/maltese mix, and going on two years old now!

Haha, I understand that. I always liked dogs, but it escalated quickly after I got one of my own. Now I'm a lot fonder of them, I guess because I have Mazzy.

@Quiet Is Violent

Hello, and thank you for the colorful welcome! Bubbles and sparkles are always grand!

Weeb = weeaboo? What animes are you into?
No I don't watch anime, in an acting class my friend's name was Webby and I accidently read it Weeby, and now they call me Weeb. So I'm a weeb
I tried to send you a message but I completely forgot about the notice that says I have to wait 24 hours until I can send one.

Mazzy... what an adorable name! I love her, she looks like she's great to cuddle with. And Jacks is one years old! Thank you! He is terrific and he's actually my first dog. :)

I'd like to thank you so much of what you said in my introduction post regarding college. You motivated me a lot of what you said and I can't wait to start because it's been two years that I haven't gone to college so I'm very excited yet nervous. The reason I haven't gone is due to my father's passing last year in February. Anyways, it's so great that you're studying Mass Communications because you're a natural counselor. :)

I wish the messaging system already worked for me because I'd love to talk to you more!

I also saw that your birthday is in August too, how amazing! We're both Leos. ;)
It's basically life and I love it to death

It actually makes you realize things about yourself that you wouldn't otherwise and helps you recognize emotions and what triggers them.

It's okay, I just learned about that myself. We'll talk soon after we can both send messages!

Haha, thank you! My mother is the one who named her, because one day she thought about a Mazzy Star song she wanted me to hear, then decided Mazzy was the perfect name for the dog. It really is though, it fits her well! She's a pretty good cuddle-buddy when she wants to be, but other times she settles in the most inconvenient places and makes it difficult for me and her both to get comfortable, haha.

You're welcome! Aww, that's cool! Jacks looks like a super sweet dog. :)

Oh, no problem! And don't worry, even getting a late start isn't so bad; I only began going to college when I was 20, so I didn't jump straight in either, and it hasn't been a dreadful experience. I am sorry to hear about your father though...that's not something one gets over quickly or easily.

Thank you! I've never considered myself much of a counselor, but you and a few others have told me I'm good at it. :)

Well, I'll still be here when we can PM each other, so no worries!

Hahaha, nice!! It's lovely to meet a fellow Leo!

@Quiet Is Violent

That's really awesome! I'm glad you're in something that you enjoy so much!
Whoosh my doggies<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/IMG_2592.JPG.f2f631e30abfddd8e1d2f65b8af84704.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/IMG_2592.JPG.f2f631e30abfddd8e1d2f65b8af84704.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Awwww thanks! mhgj <-- that's Lucy saying thanks (she put her paw on my keyboard)

Their names are Lucy and Ricky. Lucy is on the left, Ricky is on the right

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