
Nice to Meet you Aline~! And welcome to RPN~! Remember to read the rules and then your ready to rp~! What kind of movies have you watched lately? I'm wanting to watch Mighty Python and the holy grail. Video game wise, what genre do you play?
RoyalPhoenix32 said:
Nice to Meet you Aline~! And welcome to RPN~! Remember to read the rules and then your ready to rp~! What kind of movies have you watched lately? I'm wanting to watch Mighty Python and the holy grail. Video game wise, what genre do you play?
Hi, RoyalPhoenix32!

That is an awesome-looking avatar you have... is it a dragon?

Thank you so much, I'm glad to be here and yeah, I will definitely read the rules since I just eagerly jumped to introduce myself, ahah.

As for movies, I've seen all there is to see at the theaters like Spy (would see again... and again), Mad Max (two times!), Avengers 2 (three times!), San Andreas, Pitch Perfect 2, and Jurassic World. On my Roku though, I've been obsessed with watching international mixed martial arts movies like Chocolate (kick-ass girl), Undisputed 2 (I love Yuri Boyka or Scott Adkins, look him up, he's a hunk!), and then, romance... I'm actually going to see one right now called Barefoot; I love the plot and it has good ratings! I recently saw one on Hulu called Touch (2011) and wow, it was truly amazing. I recommend it if you like romance as much as I do too. :)

I need to watch Monty Python though and I'd love to see Hot Fuzz, hahah.

Video games, I play them all, really. The consoles I use are PlayStation and XBOX platforms. I love FPS, horror, American RPGs, and simulations.

What about you? What kind of movies and video games do you like? Have you been watching E3 as well?
Its a Phoenix actually. Found it in the days when I was rping in OtakuZone. I haven't watched any movies lately other than Jurassic park. I haven't been watching e3 but I've seen some games I would LOVE to play.

I play anything from fantasy (Skyrim Junkie ^-^ ;) , fps, visual novels, otome games (Guilty pleasure of mine), and some shooters
Phoenixes are great too; both of "fire species"!

Oh, I've never heard of OtakuZone, was it cool?

Yeah, the only thing about E3 that I saw was the Bethesda conference. Did you happen to see the trailer for Dishonored 2? That looked amazing! I love playing games where you have the choice of being a female. And of course, Fallout 4, haha.

I love Skyrim! I haven't really completed it since I sold my PS3 and X360 to buy a PS4 which I need to go pick up at Walmart; it's a bundle that includes the remastered version of The Last of Us (never've played it) and Mortal Kombat X (I grew up with MK). For Skyrim though, I remember I modeled my character after what was hopefully Karliah's sister and she was in the Nightingales too (that armor tho') and I also wanted to join the Dark Brotherhood; I was really tired of playing goody-two shoes characters, hahah.

What was your character like?

I've never played visual novels or otome games before but I would certainly love to...

In fact, what are otome games?
Dishonored 2 and Doom 4 look good.

Otome games are... Japanese dating sims aimed at women.

I had 3 characters, One was called Alya Rosa/Brityolpeyt (Beautiful fire rose), another was Shiyam, the last one was Lixue. All three were from modded races.
Oh yeah, Doom 4 looked amazing! I have to get into it. I loved the movie though because Karl Urban is a cutie patootie.

I need to play otome games now, haha. Do you have any recommendations? I don't really know much about them but I used The Sims as my means of romance, pfft. xD

Those are awesome names, I think my favorite has to be Brityolpeyt! Oh, and they were modded too? Lucky. This is why I need to plays the games on the PC, especially for Mass Effect.
Aline said:
Hi, my name is Aline!
For those of you who might recognize the subject title, I tweaked the quote from RWBY's Penny when she greets the time for the first time. ;)

I migrated from Roleplayer Guild and I've been roleplaying since 2005 in other mediums and have gotten humbly better at writing. I love roleplaying from a very casual level to a slightly higher advanced one and it doesn't really matter if it's a group or one-on-one roleplay. I love almost all genres and I even like doing some fandom ones too! I play both male and female characters and I like to take my time with them to make them as amazing as they can be.

Roleplaying aside, I'm twenty going on twenty-one this August and I live in the southwestern region of the United States; I'm also in the process of being a community college freshman aiming to study Business. I love writing (journal as well), recording short samples of my amateurish singing, dancing, discovering new music to get addicted to, photography, video gaming, and going out with family and friends especially to the movies! When I'm not doing these things, I love to watch a ton of movies and shows on Netflix and Hulu with the cozy company of my dookie butt of a dog, Jacks.

I hope to jump into a roleplay soon and it's nice to meet you all. :)
Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm new here as well, but I've been RPing on and off since 2008(-ish...I've forgotten exactly what year it was).

I'm also a community college student (English and Mass Communication), and wish you a lot of luck in that area! It's not so bad once you get in the swing of things, but getting into a comfortable rhythm can take time.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 which reminds me I should probably download the Fallout Shelter app!

Will it work?

I know that feeling about how you described OtakuZone because I was the same way with Roleplayer Guild.


It's a pleasure to meet you too!

Oh yeah, I've been roleplaying on and off too so we're on the same boat in that department and being newbies here too, hahah. ;)

Thank you so much for your wishes and therefore, I wish the very same to you. I think those are some very great majors you're focusing on. For English, what did you have in mind? Communications is a very good major because there are just so many fields you can go into. I wanted to do that but the degree was offered at another college.

But anyways, how are you liking RP Nation so far? :)

I had no idea tagging people was an option! I'm so out of the loop as far as that kind of thing goes, haha...

You're welcome, and thank you as well! Business is a super versatile major as well; that can get you a lot of places, and teaches you some valuable skills. I was an accounting major originally, and that was close to business, but dealt more with finances rather than business strategies; I learned a lot of really useful stuff from it though, so I imagine business has a lot of great things to offer as well! Do you know what you want to do with your degree yet? (Don't stress if you don't--it will come to you!)

As for me, I took on Mass Communications first because I wanted to go into some type of journalism, then I tacked on an English major because I thought it might help, haha. I'm still aiming somewhat for journalism, but as I get closer to my Associate's degrees, my angle has been shifting a little; I still want to do something journalistic, but maybe from a different perspective than originally planned since traditional journalism is none-too-secretly going down the drain right now. But yeah, communications opens a lot of doors, so that's nice as well!

I like RP nation so far! The fact that it lets you set your RP preferences as part of your profile is a step-up from all the other forums I've ever been on, so that's cool. The people here seem nice so far, too! How are you liking it so far? :)

Lol, neither did I until I actually read the rules and mechanics of RP Nation in the first message I got when I registered here so don't worry. ;)

I'm glad you elaborated on a Business major because that's exactly what I want! I've been meeting up with an advisor from my college and she's been great in helping me out plan my years there to get my Associate's since I don't want to be like most students who just go in blind and actually end up in college forever; I'm hoping I can transfer to an in-state university to get a Bachelor's. The thing with me is that I had trouble picking a major because I was never an overachiever or had dreams of what I wanted to be. I do believe that I have some great talent but all in all, I really like desk jobs and anything involving offices; I even like customer service, I love people even if they wanna kill me! Hahah. I see myself being successful at what I do and being financially secure, I don't really care about being rich or #1.

But anyways, journalism sounds very awesome because if you like writing so much, it's not going to feel like work writing essays and columns about your project and the end result is going to pay off and show that.

I like RP Nation too! I was on a forum called Carpe Corde, or CC, but it ran its course and was shut down but it pretty much had a very similar layout to RPN. It's also very bright and super organized (OCD, hahah); I like how the site gets to know you like you said about the personalization of what kind of roleplayer you are. It's also great that I found someone who is as a horror fanatic as I am whom I will be roleplaying with soon; it's going to be a one-on-one. :)

I'm going to be offline in a bit since my mum's coming home for lunch but if you want to send me a message or something, I'd be very happy to talk with you! You're very kind and easy to talk to.


The same goes for you!

Lol, and that's actually the one I wanna pick out and play but the thing is...

My mom is the one with the cell phone.

*cricket noises and some tumbleweeds*

Yeeeeeeeeah, bound to be awkward, ahaha.

That's very smart! A good adviser is one of your greatest assets in your college career, because it can be very confusing to try and figure out on your own. It's also wise because drifting through college blindly can quickly become a waste of time, energy, and money. If you keep your grades up you'll definitely be able to get into a State Uni, and I have full faith you can do that! You seem very intelligent. :) (Also, if you like desk jobs, then the business track is a good one to be on! It's important to get on a track that you're going to enjoy, because otherwise you'll just be miserable.)

Nice! It's awesome that you were able to find a fellow horror fan so soon!!

Okay. I will likely send you a message soon, then--you're quite nice and easy to talk to yourself. I've enjoyed talking to you so far!

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