Hello World

Maid Megido

Hello there! You can call me Megido, or just Meg if you want. I have little to no experience actually roleplaying, but I'm a hobbyist writer, so yeah. I have at least some writing skill. I was looking for somewhere to get started in the general roleplaying community, and someone told me to check out this place. So here I am.

I'm not sure what else to put here.


How about some fun facts?

Did you know that when they finish mating, the male Banana slug eats its own genitals? Interesting, right?
I did not know that about banana slugs O.o

Welcome to the site, Megido!

I do remember the song they taught us about banana slugs in science camp though xD
Did you know Scotland's national animal is a unicorn?

Welcome to the site!

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