Hello there


Peter Parker
I'm 16 and I've been roleplaying for a few years now and recently discovered this page in hopes of finding new roleplay partners and friends.

I'm a person that likes to describe a lot in their roleplaying, and it always makes me happy when interaction between both roleplayers happens as it helps to further make better the experience.

I usually do Canon character roleplays, meaning that I am the one playing as a canon character. As of the other roleplayer, I don't mind whether they play a canon character or their own OC.

I'm undecided of what else to say, but I hope to meet and create wonderful stories with you.
Which canon characters do you rp as for marvel or dc?
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Doctor Strange
Bruce Banner

Barry Allen
Wonder Woman
thats perfect i need some of the characters you listed
i can send a pm of ideas for the rp with me
and i wanted to ask would you like to join a group rp i have two of them
one called arrowverse rp and the other is xaiver high school it has dc and marvel
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Hey there! Welcome to the site, it's awesome to have you.
I'm always open to chat or rp, just hit me up if you're ever interested. (:

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