Hello There


New Member
So... I'm new here. You can call me Goteki.

For a while I've been looking at role-playing, but never really got the guts to get into it. I've seen so many communities, with a lot of veterans, that it has always been too scary. (' :| )

Now I'm here, and hoping to stay. I just ask that you be patient, and please teach me what I need to know to get started.
Hi, Goteki! Welcome to RpNation. I understand how big communities can be quite intimidating, but I'm glad you're here. (: You'd be surprised how many first-time/new roleplayers we have! Our community has always been super welcoming and helpful towards anyone and everyone, so don't hesitate to ask questions as you need to. There are some awesome tutorials Here that I suggest you check out. c:

Anyways, welcome again.
Though I'm new to the site I'm not new to RP'ing and yeah, don't worry about it.

Be honest about what you can or cannot do and be willing to get feedback and you will most likely be just fine :D
Thank you

@Mordecai I'll start reading those tutorials

@Smiles666 I more than welcome any feedback. As to honesty, I know next to nothing, so I believe I have a long way to go, but I like to learn =D
At some point none of us knew next to nothing xD

I remember my first few posts... Looking back on it, I would not even dare show you those artrocious things xD

Don't get me wrong, I still have bad days, but RP'ing, getting feedback RP skills really improved my skills as both an RP'er and writer. Plus it's superfun :P
Whenever I thought about joining a forum I would read some of the RPs, and man they were nice. But then I got scared that I couldn't do it, and never really tried it (>:<)

The only thing I would do, was create a char, and I really liked that part

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