Hello there everyone


New Member
Hey there i'm new here and figured id say hello. Well hello. I have Rped before but never to seriously and id like to try. Im interested in all kinds of different topics but my favorites would be fantasy and anime rps. Id say im a pretty chill guy for the most part and im easy to get along with. Ehh not sure what else to say really. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about me. See ya around~
Hello there @Kriann and welcome aboard the fine ship RPN, we boast a large crew and will always have room for more, so hitch up a hammock and get yourself acquainted with the captain's rules of engagement (Site rules). You'll find yourself at home among our rowdy crew and if your arse needs a savin' jus' holler' for an officer (Site Staff) 'n they'll have ye put t' rights.

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