Hello! That's kind of it....


Keeper of the forbidden
Hello there. I'm not new, exactly. I have been rping on RpN on a friends account for a while now, but have decided to make my own. I have been on my friends account for about 3 or so months. Also, I wanted to make a quick shoutout thingy-majjiger to someone.

@RegalWindstar, hello!
Hello ^_^

What friends account were you on? Just wondering who exactly you are.
Wait so does that mean I never met the actual owner of Scatteredambitions..? Or...? *is so confused right now*
Yeah, it does. She left for a big trip about a month before I met you, and she needed someone to take care of her account, so I did it. She got back yesterday, and took back over.
Well thats going to take awhile for me to wrap my head around xD

*hugs* So how've you been? ^_^
Um, well, there's no words to describe it. Mostly though, I really just need privacy.

Boys are hard to live with, let me tell you.

Also, I got a flamethrower. A real one! *Radiates happiness*
Hey I have two brothers, I know for a fact guys are hard to live with xD

*glares at my boyfriend* or to date Especially when its sort of long distance *sighs*

*grabs chainsaw* *^* we are prepared should there be a Zombie Apocalypse then :P
Do you have any sisters?

Actually, I've been preparing for that for a long time now. I've got all the weapons, and and zombie proof car locked up in my garage. Plus I'm a survivalist, and I know how to kill zombies. All of this, thanks to my father, mister zombie fanatic.
None, unless you count the friends I made online who became like sisters to me
I have one sister, and it might not seem like it, but they are harder to live with than boys. Boy will hit you, but girls will mess you up mentally.

Oh, also, my family is prepared if the devil ruptures throgh the earth to encase the world in flames, death, and pain, but not if there's a earthquake or tornado.

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