Hello RpN~

Hikaru Ayuma

Dream Walker
Hello there! (^.^) Nice to meet all of you, and I look forward to becoming your friends! I'm kinda new to this whole forum RP thing, as I usually only RP over text with my IRL friends, so please excuse me if I don't follow too well or seem lost now and then ^^'
Greetings and salutations!

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

You've found us, congratulations for choosing the best RP site on the whole intertubes, we're glad you're here and a part of the expanding universe that is RP Nation. Also, now you're officially one of the cool kids.

Before you being your quest to becoming one of the old hats here at RPN, please do take a second and take a look at the site rules. You can find them here: INFO - Official Site Rules | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum.

Unlike the Pirate code, they aren't more like suggestions but rules that we take a bit seriously. If, however, you've got a few pieces of eight you'd like to swing our way, we're always more than happy to take it. (I said, the rules weren't suggestions, never said we weren't piratey mate).

Once you've had a glance over the rules there's more information to be had here: Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum. You can find something there to answer just about any question you might have.

Now then, I know that you have to answers that you're wanting answered now and the first is, you can join any RP that is open. You can find the different RP genres here: Roleplays | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

They're set up by genre so if you're looking for that Belgariad fandom RP (sorry, none yet exists here) then you'll know you aren't going to be looking in the futuristic genre. Each genre has an interest check at the top of the page and you can peruse this to see if anyone is wanting to create an RP.

If you are trolling the RPs and you just gotta make your own futuristic version of the Elenium, then you can pick the genre (future or fandom? I don't know!) and create an interest check. In the interest check you can tell the whole world about your RP and what you want to do with it. If you get enough people to say Aye! then you create your RP.

If you have any questions, issues, or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with either the moderators of your forum (the genre), the Super moderators, or even the admin staff. You can do that here: Site Questions & Information

Again, welcome to RPN and happy RPing.


Department of Human Resources
Late again, I am.

That'll change.

'Allo, stranger!

Welcome to RpNation, land of imagination, creation, and occasional frustration because Grey still hasn't replied... ation.


Anywho, welcome!
Thank you everyone for the replies!!

SaviourSwan said:
hi welcome to the site
Hey there :)

ScarletFires said:
Welcome to RpN!! :)
Hello :) You're new too?

[QUOTE="Runcible Spoon]'Allo, stranger!!

Hello there, ha ha ha. I'm having trouble appreciating everything about forum rping right now, so I guess I just need to go in head first right?
Yeah I just joined a couple days ago! I'm really only new to the site and how things work here though; I've Role Played before through a different site.
Aye, t'is what I did when I started out on the GaiaOnline forums.

I was terrible then, and I've only moderately improved since then.
ScarletFires said:
Yeah I just joined a couple days ago! I'm really only new to the site and how things work here though; I've Role Played before through a different site.
Oh, well cool! I'm new to this kind of roleplaying altogether, I usually just rp in small groups with my friends heh so this is all new to me.

[QUOTE="Runcible Spoon]I was terrible then, and I've only moderately improved since then.

I'm sure you're fine ha ha.
Not all of it is hugely different from doing small groups with friends :) . I would be totally up for starting an Rp together sometime if you wanted :)
Qemol said:
Yeah totally :) What kind do you prefer?
I'm good with pretty much anything except fandom Rp. I don't watch enough shows or at least not enough of the more popular ones that people tend to Rp about haha.
Hey, ScarletFires! A friend and I were thinking of starting a Star Wars RP. If we did, would you like to be a GM on it? If you haven't seen Star Wars, that's perfectly fine.
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Nerdyy said:
Hey, ScarletFires! A friend and I were thinking of starting a Star Wars RP. If we did, would you like to be a GM on it? If you haven't seen Star Wars, that's perfectly fine.
I'm not entirely sure what a GM is, I haven't heard the term before. I have seen the star wars movies though like a long time ago; I did see the newest episode so that might help a bit since I haven't seen the others in a while. If you could give more information I might be interested in joining though! :)
ScarletFires said:
I'm not entirely sure what a GM is, I haven't heard the term before. I have seen the star wars movies though like a long time ago; I did see the newest episode so that might help a bit since I haven't seen the others in a while. If you could give more information I might be interested in joining though! :)
I'll bring this over to PM.
Qemol said:
I totally agree, I think its kinda weird idea anyways too ha ha.
Me too depending on what the fandom is. Like I can see where some of them can take the show or movies and do their own spin off story based on it but I don't see the point in playing as the characters from the show and basically reinacting it or slightly changing it to fit ships or what have you. I also always find it more fun to come up with my own story to rp off of or to see what other people come up with and join in.
ScarletFires said:
I don't see the point in playing as the characters from the show and basically reinacting it or slightly changing it to fit ships or what have you.
Yeah, if you make the story your own that's totally different. But just reinacting it like you said seems like it would cause fights over what did and didn't happen in the show/movie or other things like that.
Wow, Spoon and Xylin both beat me. Ah, well. Welcome to RPN! I definitely understand RPing over text. My first RP was over email.
Kestrel said:
Wow, Spoon and Xylin both beat me. Ah, well. Welcome to RPN! I definitely understand RPing over text. My first RP was over email.
Hi :) My first one was on Google+ in some rp group. I stopped doing it there tho cuz it seemed like all anyone does there is sex rp :0
Qemol said:
Hi :) My first one was on Google+ in some rp group. I stopped doing it there tho cuz it seemed like all anyone does there is sex rp :0
The roleplay was with my now boyfriend, then best friend, so all of my friends assumed that it was dirty and inappropriate. Or at least they teased me about it. A lot.
Kestrel said:
The roleplay was with my now boyfriend, then best friend, so all of my friends assumed that it was dirty and inappropriate. Or at least they teased me about it. A lot.
Yeah I have that same problem :/ People have a problem with assuming that everything ever performed by a human being MUST be sexual in some way.

I appreciate your title, hehe. Love that song, and that band~

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