Hello RPdom

Ian Hanrahan

New Member
New member investigating for a possible regular group, I have DM'd on a similar site in the past. I am familiar with 3.5, pathfinder and 4e D&D and look forward hosting some games in the future.
[QUOTE="Ian Hanrahan]New member investigating for a possible regular group, I have DM'd on a similar site in the past. I am familiar with 3.5, pathfinder and 4e D&D and look forward hosting some games in the future.

Welcome to the site :) !

If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other staff members.

I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Welcome. Always good to see veterans arriving.

I'll take it that you're fond of fantasy and comfortable with relatively dense rules, based on your experience?

In which case I can heartily recommend most of our Fantasy section - a couple of my games are always open to new players, and if you get a chance I suggest trying out L5R (one of the most beautiful systems put to the paper, in my opinion, with a setting almost to match).

That said, there's good stuff elsewhere. Our Roleplays is the place to check for recruiting or joinable games, or waitlisted ones if you're patient. Interest Checks is also worth a look, since some games there might be waiting for a little push to get started (I know I've got some ideas I'll be bumping ere too long).

I've got my hands too full to play in anything else right now, but I'll be glad to see it if you do run any D&D (Dark Sun being an old favourite).
Welcome to the forums, Ian. I think you'll like it here. Kudos for the rest of the motley crew in here for the info; if you have any more questions about the site, feel free to send me a message.

What?? I came close to being allowed to play one once, and wanted to see if another Gm would fall for it allow me do likewise :)
After I get my full game finished, I may consider allowing such a thing in a game I'd run, as there are other, more interesting races to be had in the lists of my game.

But that is for another time.
After I get my full game finished, I may consider allowing such a thing, as there are other, more interesting races to be had in the lists of my game.
But that is for another time.

Oh man....you would love my nerdy friends here.

One of them had plans for an "Everyone is a Mindflayer" game. We were going to start off as tadpoles looking for hosts :D

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