Hello peoples!


New Member
So hi everyone, my name is Malcolm and I'm pretty new here...

I'm a student from South Africa and speak English, Afrikaans and (broken) German. I also run a blog, which I will post a link to later on in this thread, and it'd be pretty great if you guys check it out, if anyone wants to rp with me, PM me or whatever this site does.

'til then!
Haha Welcome Malcolm or Poison,whichever one you prefer to be called. What type of RP do you like? 
Dang Hunny, you beat me lolz
Weeelll humans, I quite enjoy realistic actiony thingies with a splash of fantasy or thrillers every now and then, what about you lovely people?
Action and fantasy....with tons of action lolz. I hope we bump into eachother in a rp.
Haha Leave the poor bloke alone Hunny :P  
but alas, he is right.What makes you think we are human?
Haha nice. And iI love your guitar just a random fyi. Always wanted to learn, never got to.
Well, this was a friend's guitar because I only had an electric at that place and yeah... My real acoustic is a beautiful black Ibanez named Mary Jain
Lovely. My dream guitar is white and black, and iI shall name her Fluffy :P  
Chirping, Hunny, chirping.

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