Hello Nation


Hello. Looking for a place to get my fantasy escapism on, found you guys. Hope you like grimdark :smile 2:... joke.
Hello Neeshka and welcome. (Is that a Forgotten Realms reference?) I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home.

A couple of tips I usually share with newcomers: Start by checking out the rules if you haven't already. Then I recommend checking out the list of active Role Plays as well as the Role Play Recruitment and Role Play Ideas areas. Those are the best places to find a group RP to join or find a writing partner. All of those are available from the default ("forums") view of the site.

If you have any other questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (also available from the "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!

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