Hello My Names Lorelei,

Lorelei Bagdes

Unlucky Member
Hello my name is Lorelei, Lorelei Badges.

How do you do?

I love to sing, and play piano.

And I love to make people happy.

I live in a village just west of the rising sun.

The people in my village, well they're all different,

some are small and some are tall,

Some can dance and some can sing,

Some are Kind and Some are mean.

But it's all of these differences that makes us happy!

Our tiny villages would be an awful dull place, without unique characters.

I like to go swimming sometimes, I also love to dance.

I love truffles, butternut squash!

Our small village contains everything we may ever need.

Why would we ever leave?

Well good day to you may you all have a blessed morning.
Hello Guardian... Think yourself ready for the crucible? Well then.... Welcome... to the Crucible.


Anyway hope you find your time here enjoyable, i'd say message me if you need help but.... nah don't​
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, you can ask me instead. Enjoy your stay!
Haha - welcome Lorelei. Your village sounds lovely (and a lot like my little town, as well) -- Hope you're finding the site alright and enjoying yourself :) Happy roleplaying!

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