Hello Mortals~


New Member
Greetings Mortals,

Now that I've got the formalities out of the way; let us embark on the journey of reading about myself.


Those who dare venture forth, be prepared for:

a) your same generic introductions about the one and only me

b) no sarcasm (get it? If not... oh well... you have to give me credits for trying)

My Life Story

Throughout my 1200 year lifespan, (mortals can think of me as 13 if they wish) I have finally joined a RPing community. I am naught but a new born lamb in the world of RPing. I discovered this mythical site through my dear companion, Sir Boredom. He drove me into surfing through the vast expanse of the Internet ocean and voila... Here I am. Lady Procrastination is another dear friend of mine and right now is entertaining me; we do our best to ignore that tower of books, sitting over there glaring, at me. My favourite thing to do is to imagine anything and everything that can't happen in the lovely world of Mortals. Long ago, I discovered that Mortals had created this genius thing called Books, Manga and Anime and thus I fell in love with this world.

I hope that the Mortals who have dared venture this far, have not yet met Sir Boredom because of this. And if you have read this far, I hope you have a wonderful day ~

Good bye Mortals

I hope we will meet again in the future.

Greetings Young man.

My Name ... faded with the eons. Mortals here are peculiar, interesting and quite imaginative. They think of life as being so limited and image such boundlessness.

Here I live without bounds and restrain my limits to mortal capacity... the grief.

Make yourself comfortable. This will be a show indeed. ...
Hey. My name's Bob.

It's actually not, but after you two had your big "Gods among us" introductions I had to do that. Welcome all the same.
ArcaneUnit said:
Greetings Young man.
My Name ... faded with the eons. Mortals here are peculiar, interesting and quite imaginative. They think of life as being so limited and image such boundlessness.

Here I live without bounds and restrain my limits to mortal capacity... the grief.

Make yourself comfortable. This will be a show indeed. ...
Hello Fellow Kin

It is indeed a pleasure to meet one such as your self. However, I must correct you on the issue of my identity; in this human form I am a female. I thank you for your advice and warm words of welcome.


bombs266 said:
Hey. My name's Bob.
It's actually not, but after you two had your big "Gods among us" introductions I had to do that. Welcome all the same.
Hello Bob,

A pleasure to meet a mortal like you. I thank thee for your welcome.
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@vl8041 To be honest... I anticipate to be trapped in the flesh a woman in the next leg of my life as A Severe punishment for my sins, should I face death...

A hollow reminder of how much obsession over the woman body I have cultivated in my heart.

None the less. Indeed, the pleasures are all about.

None the less... I will only ever see you as a woman. If you do not remember the very breaths and steps of being a man. I know conflicts of agelessness.
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ArcaneUnit said:
@vl8041 To be honest... I anticipate to be trapped in the flesh a woman in the next leg of my life as A Severe punishment for my sins, should I face death...
A hollow reminder of how much obsession over the woman body I have cultivated in my heart.

None the less. Indeed, the pleasures are all about.

None the less... I will only ever see you as a woman. If you do not remember the very breaths and steps of being a man. I know conflicts of agelessness.
If you ever do pass on to another body, it would indeed be a pleasure to meet you. And just as you have an obsession for the woman body I myself am starting to gain an interest in the male body.


Cavil said:
Hey there and welcome to RpN!
Thank you mortal for your words of welcome
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Greetings fellow non-Mortal,

I am the Queen of Hell gracing you with my presence to greet you welcome to this Nation of Rp. I wish you good luck on your stay here in this... Website, as they call it. Mortals refer to me as "Mika", if you prefer to not call me by my title. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can engage in this "Rp" the mortals speak of and make another comrade on this site.
KawaiiDemonQueen13 said:
Greetings fellow non-Mortal,
I am the Queen of Hell gracing you with my presence to greet you welcome to this Nation of Rp. I wish you good luck on your stay here in this... Website, as they call it. Mortals refer to me as "Mika", if you prefer to not call me by my title. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can engage in this "Rp" the mortals speak of and make another comrade on this site.
Greetings Rika,

A pleasure to meet thy Queen of Hell, I am fairly sure we have met several eons ago but after living so long, time is irrelevant. So this is the Nation of Rp? I have never been here before but from the mortal and non-mortals that I have so far had the pleasure of meeting, it seems to be a very nice nation. I do hope that I will be able to find many comrades here.

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