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Multiple Settings Hello! Looking for 1x1 roleplay of anytype! (returning and rusty..)


Magic Eight Ball
Hello! My name is Michael, and I am looking to RP with someone. I havent written creatively in over ten years. I think writing is a muscle to work out like any other, so I would appreciate someone patient and kind while I develop momentum writing.

I believe I am more into OC of any kind rather than fandom, but I am open to most things. I am male IRL and would play one in character, although if we play multiple characters, I would feel fine to differentiate.

Anyhow, I'm very new to this, so please just reach out with some ideas. Below is some text from a brief 1x1 that I don't think is panning out, so that is my level of role play right now. Hope to hear from you soon!

Night had fully settled, and the biting wind forced Leon to find shelter.. He had perched himself in a crevasse of shattered asphalt from a derelict road that switch-backed up a small hill, overlooking the hospital to to the east, and remnants of an abandoned or should-be-abandoned commercial district to the south. He was still. He had never gotten used to the stillness of a mostly cyborg body at rest. If he truly focused, he could vaguely sense the gentle pneumatic pumping of (old) blood in his legs, the gentle whirring of microscopic machinery behind his left eye. He was doing better than he had recently, but this job needed to go right if he expected a blood change anytime soon.

He checked his equipment. The usual: ropes of high tension fiber equipment and various end attachements, identification chip implants for his hand and eye that he could rewrite as needed, a fast-setting forge to replicate keys for physical locks, a high caliber photon laser- primarily for welding open anything but the thickest of metal barriers, but he had rigged the safety off so it could fire at any time, a nasty and painful burn in close quarters. And his new toy for the operation: a high caliber rifle, only possible to operate with cyborg arms, otherwise the kick could shatter your shoulder in a second. More interestingly, the long barrel was odd, misplaced: it looked more like a blunderbuss than anything. Further up, where he would have loaded the cartridge, there was instead an open groove connected to a small computer, it's interface a solar powered LED screen.

Leon paid good money for this rig. Instead of normal bullets, he fed essentially a conductive "gunpowder" through the terminal, which would be good for 6-7 rounds, depending. Then, he fed what was essentially several oversized lumps of metal, an alloy consisting primarily tungsten, into the groove. They would be super heated to over 6000F, just under tungsten's melting point. Assisted by the computer, it would fire in rounds of three, intentionally spread slightly. The end effect was to hopefully put a softball sized hole in the front of the skull, but- and this was critical- cauterizing the wound.

Traditional projectile weaponry did the job, but especially for head shots, there was a severe loss of blood. The body will do everything in it's power to pump blood to the brain, and every drop was precious life essence in this brave new world. With this weapon, if Leon could recover the body without too much heat, the only blood lost would be the amount in the flesh he displaced from the slugs fired. The difference could well be in the hundred of thousands- but who could put a price on life? The only problem was that if he missed the head, the cauterizing effect did a poor job at killing the hit, and he was told even a headshot resulted in the victim stumbling around for a half minute in erratic, most likely confusing agony. One perfect shot is all he would get.

He whirred his implanted eye to the right, checked the time in his VisOS.
Shift change.
Hi there! Are you still looking for people? Your posts seems pretty sci-fi, but I was wondering if you do other types as well? Also do you rp on discord?

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