Looking for Hello! In need of some help


"What's your favorite scary movie...?"
Hi, hello, greetings, guten tag, and all of that.

It's been a hot minute since I've ever ventured outside of my usual groups/friend circles. I don't tend to get a lot of free time what with working every other day or so. I live an hour away by foot and in order to save money I've been walking home both ways. It's not easy least of all after a physically involved day as my job(a cart pusher) tends to entail.

RPNation and writing in general has always been something of an escape for me. Whenever things were bad I'd just open up word, notepad, or even google docs and just throw whatever wacky ideas I had against the wall. I've met many wonderful people over the years in my time RPing/writing. I turn 25 this April and I just want to preface this by saying that RPNation is by far one of the best sites I've been fortunate enough to be party to.

Which is why I've given it some thought. I live with family who think asking for help when you desperately need it is in a way no better than a poor beggar down on their luck asking for change. My personal belief has always been that if you need help, you should ask and you shouldn't be shamed for it. No matter who you are, what's brought you to the position of needing to ask for aid, your genuine requests should not be shouted down with 'it's embarrassing you're doing this!' 'or think of how it looks on the family that you're online BEGGING for money' 'if you REALLY need the money ask me don't shame the family by asking on social media' I say with no respect that's all bunk. I need the help to work towards getting out of the situation I'm in and damn it I'm gonna see what I can do!

Much thanks to The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard and the rest of the staff for allowing me this opportunity to reach out to a wider audience.

The page itself explains a lot of what's been going on but something that's happened recently(as in yesterday) that I haven't had time to edit into the post itself was: My sixteen-year-old chihuahua Reese(named after the candy) was horribly mauled by my neighbor's dog. To the point that she's having to stay overnight at a vet's to have emergency surgery done on her. That stuff isn't cheap, and I had to open up a whole new credit card on top of the other ones I have already been struggling with. Anything to make sure Reese has a chance at getting through this.

ANY money I get through this gofundme will go towards MY bills and now, paying for the new credit card that I had to open up specifically JUST for Reese's medical care. It's been a LOT to deal with and it's only been thanks to the few friends I have that I've been able to keep myself going. I already ended up going down a dark road back in July and I never EVER wanna be anywhere near that feeling again. If you can't donate then that's perfectly fine! It'd be downright arrogant of me to assume that 'lol the internet is gonna let me coast on by' No. Hard no as a matter of fact. But even just sharing this link among those you trust/care about carries just as much weight. The more eyes see this gofundme the better. Thanks again to all the friends I've made on RPNation and again, I couldn't have done this without the approval/support of the staff that help keep this site running top and in shipshape condition! You're all amazing people and I'm glad to be here : )

If you have ANY questions please don't hesitate to DM me. I'm either at work or at home so chances are I'll reply sooner rather than later <3

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