Hello I guess...


Magic Eight Ball
'Ello, most people just call me Kitty, I'm 23, I live on the east coast bumming off my parents, trying to find a full time to replace my part time.

Most of my roleplaying experience has been either table top or doing text based on Gaia, I went looking for a new place to RP because searching for a good roleplay on Gaia is like looking through a river of crap for the shiniest turd. I like text based role playing because it gives me a bit more time to think about my response rather than the immediacy of tabletop.

Genre's I play are based on mood, I've done a variety of things in the past.

Welcome, I guess...

A good place to meet up with members and figure out roleplay ideas is the shoutbox. Look for it at the top of the forum's main page (you can't miss it)

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