Hello hello hello!


Hello! Everyone can call me Lillian ^^ I've never roleplayed on a forum before but I've roleplayed on other sites. I have my one character- Lillian only for here, but it's easy to adjust her for any rp. And I promise I have experience, just not on forums. I'm kinda tired when writing this and it suddenly occured to me I should have read others for ideas.

I enjoy fandom roleplays like Supernatural ((mostly)) and random rp's out the wazoo xD

Anyways that's that .3.
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Greetings Lillian! I too have never roleplayed on a forum, but rather on a website named: "Chatzy".

I have approximately 50 characters. Don't judge me- I'm an addict. (:<) I wish I was able to contain myself and not have a seemingly endless database of characters. WHERE'S MY INTERVENTION?!

I don't do fandom roleplays, but . . . I LOVE SUPERNATURAL.

Supernatural is love. Supernatural is life.
I doubt any intervention would work on me though. I cannot contain my ideas! (:'()

If you're able to choose one of your many characters to be the only one you'll use in roleplay they must be pretty gosh darn good.

Whenever I try to choose a primary character for myself I'm just kind of like: "I shall make him my primary! No . . . no wait, HIM!"

The process repeats. I torture myself.

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