Hello, hello, hello


The Almighty Panda Eyes
I've traveled long and far from the fallen lands of Quizilla, passed through the seas of DeviantArt, and even ventured through the forgotten isles of Quibblo in search of a tolerable RolePlay world. Alas, it seems my journey has ended upon this paradise of RPNation! Overjoyed am I, bearing witness to such an astonishing site!



I'll stop the theatrics while I'm ahead. I'm KayWyn, or just Kay is fine. Yeah, not sure what to put here. Hi, how are you? I'm good. Just sitting in a dark room with a bag of empty gummy bears. Their pathetic lives will continue in my stomach! So...yeah. Sums up the introduction of this girl/weaboo/overly-submissive creature. Hope to speak with as many of you as my small attention span will allow me~!
I'm glad you managed to avoid the terrible planes of Xat and the icy tundras of Palringo on your travels. Welcome to RpNation!
Xierstel said:
I'm glad you managed to avoid the terrible planes of Xat and the icy tundras of Palringo on your travels. Welcome to RpNation!
Thank you! I had caught wind of something most foul when I neared Xat, and the letters of anonymous senders had warned me of Palringo! I am glad to say I have suffered little on my trek.

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