Hello, greetings and all that jazz.


New Member
Hi there! I like many are brand new to this site and have a passion for role playing. I've been out of it for a few years but it's just like riding a bicycle, right? Anyhoo, I'm excited to get to know the different stories and characters that exist out here! Onwards! :wink:
Hey there, welcome to RpN! :)

There are a lot of great roleplayers on this site, so getting back into the swing of things will be an easy task. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello and welcome, Ruura. I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home. Many people come here to rekindle their RP hobby. I can say from experience that it's a great place to do so.

A couple of tips I usually share with newcomers: Start by checking out the rules if you haven't already. Then I recommend checking out the list of active Role Plays as well as the Role Play Recruitment and Role Play Ideas areas. Those are the best places to find a group RP to join or find a writing partner. All of those are available from the main ("forums") view of the site.

If you have any other questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (also available from the main or "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!
Glad to have you! Erica Said the rules and such that I was going to say.. If you make an RP that needs a droid character , I'm your droid. No really , I'm an agromech droid. Anyway , glad to have another sentient being in the RPN...

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