Hello from Dane's

Dane's Apprentice

Hi i am Dane's Apprentice, new RPer to this site but ive been RPing for about five to six years now.

The back ground on my Rping is as follows:

My Rping started almost five to six years ago when i found a very little known site called Listal. The Rping there was amatuarish and beginner at best, but that is how i started Rping and, to a larger extent, my improved writing. After about six monthes there the Rping and Fanfics were shut down. I was forced out after succesfully being elected to rule the anime section where the heavy Rping started. I left and moved on to Animethreads.

Animethreads was good for a time as Kumori may remember but it eventualy turned south and after sometime we began to see what it realy was. It was a cespool filled with rats that could not write to save their own lives. It was there that i began to build my Rping into its next level which some would call a novice. I had only gotten my first taste of Rping in all truth but i wanted more. It was from here that i moved to TPA or ThePendragonAdventure. It was a wonderous site and i began my advanced stage.

TPA was where i gathered everyone that i thought had full enough tallent to write and had them join me in my quest. My quest to become one of the most well known and revered RPers on the site. As i stayed longer and longer and began writing more and more my name spread and soon i was put in charge of hosting the Annual Rping awards. We held them every spring and it was my job to choose the initial council members and then let the people decide who should take over from there. My voice became one of both power and respect. Newer members heard of me and began to join my Rps to see what it was like Rping with me.

It was not long after i joined that i invited both Kumori and Slayde to join me. For a time there was another member of my school group who was there under the name of Sonyk_Death but he is now just a fleeting memory as he fell out of the RP universe; in quite a hard fall. It was a loss to us but also a gain to me as now i had to take his place in many things. It was prosperous. We lived in a utopia, almost. We had our share of problems such as one green Rper named Dark-Asmius. He gave me my fair share of trouble but was quickly put in his place.

Alas though dark days were to fall on our humble land of RPs. TPA got hacked.

It was a slow process. First it was random bots advertising disgusting things. Then it became more noticable. Eventualy the hackers took over the admin panel and the entire place fell apart as the site was shut down. In such a random shock groups fell apart and members were lost. It was at this point that i retreated to a site i had ran previously only to find its rotting corpse. At such a time i was amazed to hear a voice call out to me from the dead flesh. With just that voice to guide me, i created a new site that i still run today. It is small and as such i still look for larger communities to join and try to regain that semblance of what i lost at TPA.
Hello Dane

Nice to meet you Dane. I'm Rone and I am new to this site as well. Whats the name of the site you run I would like to check it out sometime.
Hello Dane, welcome to RPNation!

Any questions, comments, concerns, feel free to take them to one of our brightly coloured moderators.

Anyways, I truly hope that you enjoy your stay here with us, it's great to have you.
Hey there!

Just to let you know, we'd rather you pm'd that link. Advertising of Roleplay sites isn't usually...encouraged? Haha.

He did ask though, and You are new~

Welcome to the site.

Sorry if I came across Crass... x3''

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