Hello, everyone!


New Member
I never quite know what to say in these sorts of things. Be that as it may, hello!

I'm 27 years old, and I've been RPing since I was about 13, mainly through play-by-post sites. I had taken a step away from doing so for a little while, but I'm ready to get back into it and hopefully start creating some wonderful, exciting stories with you fine folks. Just as importantly, I look forward to making some good friends here to enjoy those stories with.
Welcome to RpNation my friend. Your profile says you're 26 and your post says 27, so which is it? :D

There are all kinds of different RPs on the site. Sometimes there are so many that some types can get a bit swamped by the sheer amount of it. But just take it slow and navigate and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.

Post any questions you might have and I'll be sure to help out. Or send a PM.
Lol. I didn't realize until after I posted this that I could put in my birth date in my profile. My birthday is June 30th, at which time I will be 27, so I thought it was just easier to say that.

Thanks for the offer of assistance! There certainly is a great variety of opportunities here.
Hi hi! I'm in the same boat, just got back into the swing of things and I'm on the lookout for new roleplay partners! Message me if you feel up to it :)

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