Hello, again


Skulduggerous Pedagogue
I created this account nearly a year ago now. Introduced myself and everything. . .and then I just did nothing with it, so a brand new introduction seems appropriate.

Hello. I fancy myself a writer, but I'm no professional--I'm just good at it (so I'm told at least) and enjoy doing it. I've lately been neck-deep in Tolkein and Elder Scrolls mythos so I'm in a very classical fantasy sort of mood. I teach ELA for a living and therefor read a lot. Mythology in general is a favorite subject of mine, so I draw a lot of inspiration from that, no matter what type of project I'm working on.

. . .ugh, I just remembered that the member-name panel moves the last "r" in "roamer" to a new line all by its lonesome. I guess I should also point out that I have a touch of OCD so things like that bother me.
Welcome back!

If you're not adept at using this site or have any questions feel free to ask a mod or a user such as myself.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of fantasy RPs here (it's arguably the largest section).

See you around and happy RPing ( :) )
Tripodric said:
Welcome back!
If you're not adept at using this site or have any questions feel free to ask a mod or a user such as myself.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of fantasy RPs here (it's arguably the largest section).

See you around and happy RPing ( :) )
Actually. . .question. I have ten posts and this account is nearly a year old now so I should be able to use private messages. How does one do this here? I see no obvious buttons or links. Or if I cannot yet, why not?

Never mind. It just took a second to catch up.

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