Hello! ^_^


Magic Eight Ball
Hi everyone! My name is Sylvia, obviously known as Angelsmg247 (but online friends call me Angel).

I am 17 and have been trying to get back into the groove of roleplaying.

You see,...I used to roleplay on this website called FooPets. It was originally for people to raise virtual online dogs and cats but they had a forum section that had an RP genre. Being an awkward, shy, geeky child I was slowly attracted to these type of forums. I first joined forums with sonic characters, and then wolf forums. These became by main two (especially the wolf forums) and I did a little anime and modern on the side. Sadly, FooPets started to force account members to pay for their VIP memberships and limited the freedom of free account members. It got ugly to the point where the forum tab was entirely removed and they prevented free account members for simply tending to their pets. I finally came back to the website recently a few hours ago. They have the forum back, but they took out the Role Play forum genre due to a few members not following the rules (which is understandable but I'm still upset). Now I'm trying to roleplay again to get my spirits back up again.

I'd love to make friends with anybody so don't hesitate to chat with me. I'm also an artist on deviantart and when I start role playing again, I might show you drawings of my OCs. As said before, I love wolf, sonic, and (especially now) anime RPs and I have 3 female OCs (one from each genre) and one male OC (from the wolf genre).

~Hope to chat soon!Byee
Welcome to the best PbP site on the net. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Also, I'm recruiting for a long running game of mine:

Robotech - Tales of the REF

If you are into sci-fi, check it out.

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