Hello~ :3

Lillita Lupus

New Member
Hey, I'm Louise or Lillita as I like to call my character,

as you can see from my icon that I'm a fan of wolfs, I like RPing as them and I have my own character set up in the form of Lillita Lupus, though she can alternate between RPs as a different species if required.

I'm a BIG fan of Hannibal Lecter (the TV show, movies and books) and I'm a big fan of the whole gore and crazy scene, though I enjoy cute and fluffy things too :3

I'm not the greatest speller out there, so if I mess up, I apologise~

I hope to use this site quite a bit, and RP with people and stuffs.
Welcome aboard, matey! Enjoy your stay here as much as possible and don't forget to frequent the shoutbox.
Hello Lillita Lupus, or Louise if you wish?

I'm Amaryn (Ryn)

I really like how much you seem to enjoy lupos.

I'm quite a fan of them myself along with bears of course.

If you would ever like to RP with me, just let me know,

I'm new myself and with such common interests I hope we can make some good stories.

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Hi Ryn! I'd love to start RPing with you! Though I would probably have to come up with a decent idea first :)

Maybe we can inbox each other with some ideas? :)

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