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Fantasy Hell City: Remastered - Lore & Mechanics


Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome to Hell City! The city where demons walk in human form and corruption spreads like a contagious virus, infecting anyone that dares come close. This city and its 666 districts are known all over the world as a lawless land where the more criminally-minded come to seek fame and make a big time. Thieves, thugs, rebels and bloodthirsty killers and superpowered maniacs all culminate in this fine city of hell. Crime and carnage is daily occurrence and the one rule that matters is the rule of power. It is a place where the strong thrive and the weak are stepped on. This city exists in a world steeped in mystery, things that were once thought mere superstitious stories of old have become an all too polarizing reality and we exist in an age where the technologies of a future tomorrow are becoming commonplace throughout the world. Robots, cyborgs, mutants make up most of the city's population along with a small percentage of people who possess supernatural abilities dubbed 'Omens' which have become the newest subject of scrutinized discovery with scientists around the world. All of these types of people and more roam the streets of Hell City.

In the century-long history of world record-breaking crime rates, only a single organization has managed to sustain any form of control over the city: the Syndicate. An organization made up of several powerful crime families from around the world, who all answer to one man, one who has been known by many names throughout history and stories of old: the Father of Lies, Prince of Darkness, Lord of Deceit, Angel of the Bottomless Pit...The spiritual Godfather of Hell City Lucifer Judast. Lucifer controls the largest territory in all of Hell City, which has been established firmly under his rule with the Syndicate acting as his law enforcement and until recently it was thought that his control of the city was unquestionable.

But all of that changed when the 'anomaly' appeared above the skies of this vast city: a spectacular aurora, unlike anything that has been recorded in world history, making it seem as if the sky itself was cracking and splitting apart. Supernatural activity has been at an all-time high ever since, and there are many throughout the city who can feel the winds of change washing through the city, loosening the grip Lucifer Judast once had. This anomaly and its source have become the new talk of the city since its appearance just over a year ago, with everyone whose anyone viewing it as a once in a lifetime opportunity: for fame, wealth or whatever other desire...

Now the decision is yours, who will you be? Someone who tries their best to uphold honor and order in a lawless city of the damned, or will you join them in the new age of crime that has consumed Hell City and try to rise your way to the top? Or will you just be another guy in the gutter!?

Da Rules
1. No lollygagging! (Heh...Be respectful of each other and all that jazz.)
2. This is a sandbox-rp so you are free to make up your own locations and organizations. GM's will let you know if your location/gang is accepted. You have the freedom, so make enemies, start conflict and interact with others!
3. No godmodding or metagaming. Characters are going to be fairly OP but everyone should have some type of weakness or limitation to their abilities.
4. Romance is allowed by 'fade to black' when/if necessary.
5. All arguments will ultimately be settled by GM's if the parties involved can't come to an agreement themselves.
6. No realistic images for characters, we are going for a strict anime/comic aesthetic for this RP.
7. You can make characters that are heavily inspired by existing characters in fiction but do try to add your own spin. For example one of my characters takes a lot of inspiration from Joker.
8. You will know if your character has been accepted if either of the GM's has liked your CS.
9. Character death will be a possibility in this RP, there will be some contingencies with this to make it less harrowing but we want to create a real feeling of consequence to certain actions.
10. Any questions you have about the roleplay's setting or if you want some help with making your character just message me or Solemn (the other GM of this rp.)
11. Keep things active, if you take longer than a week without any notice we are going to assume you're inactive. Also if you plan on being absent for long periods try ending interactions with other characters so we don't have a bunch of people losing interest due to activity slowing things down to a halt.

Current GM's
Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool
@Solemn Jester

Hell City doesn't just offer a variety of criminals but also a variety of different types of people, things like genetic mutants, cyborgs and people with supernatural powers all exist and intermingle here...So think of Hell City taking place in something of a weird reflection of Earth, lots of things are different and things that are considered myth or superstition in the real world, exist as an almost undeniable reality in this world.
Anyone with genetic modifications. This can be anything from having your body enhanced (like a limitless capacity for muscle growth, heightened regenerative effects or more durable bones) to splicing your genes with that of other animals and creatures. These procedures are quite advanced, so it isn't so uncommon to see people walking around with cat ears, foxtails - or even an entirely different body altogether but due to the complexities of mixing genes together there is a limit to the number of traits one can have from different animals. Basically, mutant characters will get to have a max of two genetic traits. For example, you could have your character possess heightened regeneration while also possessing similar traits and features to a single animal. Or you can share the traits & features of two different animals or vice versa.

Think it is also worth mentioning Hell City takes place in a fantasy world where certain fantasy creatures do exist (most of them are not native to Hell City but other places in the world). There can be mutants who possess the traits of mythological creatures.

Cyborgs & Androids/Robots
This covers anyone with cybernetic modifications done to their body or just straight up robots in general. Robotics are pretty advanced, with Androids being considered the rarest class of robots (Androids are basically humanoid robots, either they will look almost unidentifiable from another human or have small physical differences and typically have average or above-average human intelligence). You can go full Geno if you want, the only real thing to keep note of here is that those who have more extensive cybernetic modifications tend to have a harder time keeping connected with their human selves. The more robot you are, the less human you become.

Also worth mentioning is that technology is very advanced so the only real limitation is your imagination with what you can or can't do for the most part.

This covers anyone who possesses a supernatural ability of some kind. These are among the rarest breed of people you will find in Hell City, but there are just enough of them around that their existence is an undeniable fact. A lot about the actual 'science' behind these abilities and those who possess them is a subject of much scrutiny and fascination to those in that field, most of the time it is almost impossible to identify them apart from average people until they choose to reveal their ability. They have been called 'Omens' as a result of their equal capacity to bring chaos or order, and some even believe that Omens have some sort of connection to each other which draws them into eternal conflict with one another. These individuals possess a sort of supernatural physiology that makes them a bit harder to kill than most (they can perform feats and survive things that would be impossible for the average human and do not die as easily).

All beings have a certain amount and type of spiritual energy residing within themselves, and it is believed that Omen's abilities are the product of certain individuals possessing a more potent spiritual energy than normal. (If you have seen HxH before you could think of Omens as a more freeform, boiled down version of how Nen works.) There is no known method of increasing ones spiritual potency, and most Omens tend to be born with their abilities but there are cases in which the Omen ability will not activate until certain requirements or circumstances are met.

Side note - Omen's power is 'natural' meaning they come from the person and not some other outside entity/force.
Supernatural Hosts & Vessels
These are basically 'unnatural' omens, Hosts are humans who have been given their supernatural abilities by an outside entity or supernatural force, OR, are being possessed by said entity/force & Vessels are items/objects that have been created or given power by an outside entity/supernatural force. Hosts are not born with their powers but receive them after making an encounter and being chosen by one of these entities. A prime example of this is the Embodiments, who are individuals that have been morphed into the living incarnation of specific dark aspects in human nature by Lucifer himself. There are others beyond the Embodiments, however, and the powers of these supernatural hosts wildly vary depending on the individual power behind the entity/force bestowing those abilities onto them. (The stronger the entity, the more powerful the host will likely be.)
Hosts will be rare, more so than Omens and therefore we will only be accepting a small number of them.
Vessel items will be a little more common, but none will be close to as powerful as Satan's Law.

Side note - For the time being there should be no supernatural hosts more powerful than the Embodiments.
Extra side note - Similar to how Embodiments are a special subclass of Omen, Supernatural Hosts also have a special class called 'Divine Host', when the individual is being possessed by a Divine Entity.

(Description is WIP...Individuals with heightened mental abilities like telepathy and telekinesis. Most espers tend to only have one of these abilities and the power of these abilities will vary, and some individuals do possess multiple esper abilities.)
Individuals who have undergone a ritualistic metamorphosis, transforming them into living embodiments of specific aspects of life/personality. They are technically cursed individuals, with no true free will of their own as they are bound to the one who transformed them: Lucifer Judast. Usually, Embodiments are incapable of bringing Lucifer harm or disobeying his commands. For reasons unknown, there can only ever be five of these Embodiments at any given time, and only Lucifer Judast has shown the capability of creating these powerful individuals.

Side note - Embodiment aspects can be anything, not just the ones that currently exist (Madness, Destruction, Nihilism, Pain & Rage). What someone becomes depends on who they were before the transformation. For example, Moses was once a hope-filled optimist who saw meaning in literally nothing and his transformation turned these traits inside out.
Supernatural & Divine Entities
It has become a commonly accepted reality that, likely since before the dawn of human civilization, our realm has been colliding with the planes of the supernatural. Creatures, entities and other forces of numerous shapes, sizes and origins have been breaking their way into our realm and influencing the direction of humanity for a very, very long time. It is believed that many of these supernatural or divine entities were the inspirations for all the stories of old, myth made reality. These creatures or beings all widely vary in power and allegiance. Supernatural Entities would be used to define any supernatural creature, being or force that is not considered a 'Divine'. Divine entities are essentially the 'Gods' of this universe, individuals like Lucifer who come from another plane of reality and possess overwhelming power. They will never die of age and are notoriously difficult if nigh impossible to kill. Divine beings are NOT omnipotent or unkillable, however, these Divine beings can often be destroyed even if only for a certain amount of time and even outright killed given the right circumstances being met.
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