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Fantasy Hell City: Remastered - Gangs & Locations


Sinny The Fool

Boogaloo Anarchist
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Heyoo so here is where you can all submit your faction and locations that you want to add and get approval for. If any of the GM's like it then you're good to go!!!

(Name of your gang/organization)
You can also add a short or long description explaining things about your organization.
Faction Power
(The GM's will decide this on a scale between 1-10, this will determine the overall power your organization has compared to others and can change over the course of the rp.)
(What is the organization trying to achieve.)
Members & Rankings

Location Name

Description & Pictures
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The Syndicate
A collection of crime families gathered from around the world, with the Judast Family being at the top of the hierarchy. The Syndicate is one of the oldest criminal organizations in Hell City and is also the only organization so far to establish any kind of firm rule in the City.
Faction Power
To bring all of Hell City under the firm rule of the Judast Family.
Members & Rankings
Boss of Bosses - Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool Lucifer Judast
Chief Executioner - Mian Bhais ( Uasal Uasal )
The Underbosses - Isabella Nightshade( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving ), Mr.Dod/Amon ( Knight boi Knight boi ), Salome Bellsworth (2 spots open)
Consiglieres - (Open)
Capos - Bo-Shu ( Solemn Jester Solemn Jester )(Open)
Soldiers - (Open)
The Embodiments
Embodiment of Destruction - Six ( Solemn Jester Solemn Jester )
Embodiment of Madness - Jackie Jon Jasper ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Embodiment of Anger - Thaddeus Rabba (Killed. Spot Open)
Embodiment of Nihilism - Moses ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Embodiment of Pain - Zelda Ferris ( Merciless Medic Merciless Medic )

A group that before there merged with the syndicate was honestly on track to become one of the top dogs with their hands multiple and many enterprises. A rich high-class organization of black suits, fancy places and proper deals within their group till the syndicate came. After their merge, they were allowed to keep most of their assets and enterprises instead of moving from the role of a mafia of sorts to the secret police and enforcer of the mighty Lucifer. Since the merge, They have happily taken that role. A faction of deadly assassins and spies for the syndicate all dressed in fancy suits and all about that high-class life. More specialized in the trope of assassination, espionage, spying, and anything else that goes with that Isabella and her “family” run kill and other situations in secret, unlike most others who just kill when told and don’t care if anyone knows who did it. She takes pride herself in the art of “accidental” deaths or cramming others for the work Lucifer makes her family do.
Member List
Fire Queen of Hell City -
Samantha J. Chan "Sirius" ( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving )
Fire Prince of Hell City - Jamison L. Chan "Draco" ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Special Agents - (3 Spots Open)
Operatives - Maverick Cross ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Hired Guns - Iris Smith ( RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun ), Mysterious Man ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Firelight Acolytes - (Open)

Syndicate Programming
Hell City's very own local T.V network, make sure to tune in to see the hottest shows available and hear the latest devilish news! Syndicate Programming offers a wide selection of entertainment and is your best way of keeping updated on all of the big happenings in Hell City.
Network Shows
Hell City Daily News
(Your daily devilish news!)
Bone-Appetit! (A show to open your tastebuds!)
Our Benevolent Syndicate (All hail Lucifer.)
H.U.R.T (Hell-City Underground Rastling Tournament)
(@ ANYONE (Sorry actual anyone who I accidentally tagged...Oof) If you have anything you want to add just let me knooow!)
Will add a description at a later date.
Will add a description at a later date
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War Gears Corporation
Hell City's primary weapon manufacturers and distributers, founded by the Rabba family it was led by Thaddeus up until his death. Now Joseph acts as the current leader of this organization. If you want weapons of minor or mass destruction, War Gears is where you want to go. They have strongarmed themselves a slice of territory north of Syndicate turf.
Faction Power
To monopolize weapon distrubution throughout Hell City.
Members & Rankings
The Boss -
Thaddeus Rabba ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
The Brains - Joseph Knight Kingsman ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Weapon Distributers - Open
Weapon Manufacturers - Open
Hired Guns - Open​
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Jones Technologies
The main suppliers and inventors of new and old technologies in Hell City. If you use any kind of tech, chances are that they come from Jones Tech.
Faction Power
The company strives to create and sell technology that will help aid the public, in whatever endeavour they need it for.
All members of the Jones family as it is a family run business.​
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Heroes Guild
An uprising association of individuals calling themselves 'heroes' led by the illusive and mysterious "Taskmaster".
(Will be adding more in time)
Faction Power
To rid Hell City of crime and villainly, one district as a time.
(All current members are played by Sinny The Clown)
??? ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Class-S Heroes
Cold Heart: Tom Creed ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Valiant: James Creed ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Arbiter of Death ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Class-A Heroes
Cyber Warrior: Icarus ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Snake Charmer: Gael Cosgrove ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
TBD: Donovan Viktoria ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Baron Bizarre: Morphis Bizarro ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Class-B Heroes
Lord of Bees: Dillan Dotere ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Candy-Kush Fiend: Bobobo Poptop ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Wild Cord: Axelrad Heptrix ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Dark Star: Nova Larson ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Boy Toy: Fredrick Thomson ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Class-C Heroes
Ratface: Doby Clause ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Class-D Heroes
Mishap: Tinker J. Tarren ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Heroes-In-Training & Sidekicks
Jolly Red: Jolle Deae ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )​
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A recently established lifestyle organization. Currently, it consists of less than 20 members.

Faction Power:

Creating an autonomous self-sustaining area in Hell City.

Members & Rankings:
Enjyre, Hell Hostess - Leader
Winter, Chain Killer - Second-in-command
Adams, Green Rake - Farmer (NPC)
Tahara, Concrete Tree - Architect (NPC)
Avalor, Gunsmith - Hitman (NPC)

Blood Haven Residence
A suburban two story home from the outside, it leads to an underground network of rooms... that are mostly empty. Dyne has big plans for it, but they are, at the moment, just plans.
Faction power
To cleanse the world of the stain that is Hell City. Their primary target is Lucifer but every criminal in Hell City is less than trash to them and thus disposable if they deem them an obstacle. They are basically crusaders.
Ruling Structure
Emperors: Classified
Senior Officers
Legatus Augusti Proparetore (Imperial Legate): Classified
Legatus Legionis (Legion Legate): Classified
Tribunus Laticlavius (Tribune): Classified
Praefecto Castrorum (Prefects/Overseers): Classified
Tribuni Angusticlavii (Lower Tribune): Classified
Primus Pilus: Gin Zatoichi ( Solemn Jester Solemn Jester )
Pilus Prior: Classified
Primi Ordines: Classified
Special Duty Positons
Aquilifer (Legion Position of High Prestige & Honor): Classified
Signifer (The Spear-Bearer & Senior Centurions): Classified
Cornicen (Horn Blowers & Operation Support): Classified
Immunes (Specialists): Zade Danielopoulos "Phantom in Black" ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Evocatus (Retired Veterans): Classified
Optio: Hyousuke Hounda ( RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun )
Tesserarius: Classified
Decurion: Classified
Decanus: Michael Caine ( EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen )
The World
Pantheon is a world wide organization tasked with keeping the world safe. Their primary concern being Hell City, and more specifically Lucifer. They don't have easy access to the city because of Lucifers influence and power so they've sent a select few of their men in with the help of another Organization they've made a deal with known as War Gears.​
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Food Critics
A collective of 'visionary' culinary 'artiste' who wish to expand upon the minds and tastebuds of others, they want to herald a new frontier in wining and dining throughout Hell City...No matter whose blood they have to spill to do it.
Faction Power
To expand the tastebuds of denizens in Hell City,
Visionary - Vernando "Gentle Cannibal" Alberquist ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Head Chef - Butcher Pete ( Solemn Jester Solemn Jester )
(Will probably be adding more, if you want to make an npc for this go for it!)​

Coterie of Clowns
A super-not-so-secret club for delinquents, mischief-makers and trouble do-ers alike all flow down here in the Coterie of Clowns~ Admittance is for anyone willing to take our ticket down the rabbit hole of Hell City's most lunatic batch of hooligans!
Faction Power
They have no set goals or objectives, joining the Coterie of Clowns is all about the lifestyle. Members goals are their own, and they are united by the style of life they've chosen.
Boss Man -
Jackie Jon Jasper ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Crown Clowns (CC's) - Brutus ( RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun ) (2 Spots Open)
Joking Jesters (JJ's) - (3 Spots Open)
Malicious Mimes (M&M's) - (Open)
Goober Goons (GG's) - (Open)
Fat Dwarf - Iggzy Biggzy ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )


Clown Crusaders
An independent group that is more akin to a cult, these goons worship Jackie as some sort of prophet and have taken it upon themselves to carry out numerous crimes and shenanigans in his name. The Japer Prince actually has very little to do with them, and these 'Clown Crusaders' are the result of the spreading influence of Jackie's "Enlightened Madness". They all look fairly identical to each other so there is rarely ever mistaking them when you see them, and they go around committing a range of crimes from small-time robberies to mass district bombings throughout various regions in Hell City.

Most of these clown goons are armed with things like automatic weapons, rocket launchers and a range of various explosives as well as anything other weapon or gadget they might acquire from robberies throughout the city.
Faction Power
To be acknowledged by their idol of worship and aid in spreading his influence across Hell City, they are infatuated with this goal and don't care how they go about doing this. Many would gladly die just for a joke if it amused Jackie even a little bit.
(Right now these are all just faceless goons, but if you want to make a specific OC or NPC for this I can change that.)​
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Created: 19 Months Ago.

Faction Power: 6

Inspired by the ideology that the universe, even in Hell City, had a way of answering the desires of the resilient, the community that would start this organization was created by the six Clerics. Each of these six were in charge of their own separate groups, scattered in different parts of the Southern areas of Hell City but were brought together through their battles with enemies within District 84, and were united by their beliefs in the concept of wanting to unite under individuals that could uphold a sense of order that was not purely tainted by absolute corruption. Hence the Sparks, was a title created after each of the Clerics found themselves aligning with a figure they believed matched the ideals they were looking for in leaders.

Pyre is a vigilante organization that works through mercenary contracts. It is based deeply in theocratic influences, with the Sparks being the representations of those spiritual and animist beliefs that its community as a whole believes in. Made up of more than 1K official members. It is divided into Infernos (smaller gangs), that all pledge their allegiance to a Spark. It is controlled through a militia type council and holds a unique social system that is community enforces moreso than the Sparks themselves.

Members & Hierarchy

Top of Chain: The Sparks
- Havoc (Juan); Spark of Honor

- Camilo Nilsen; Spark of Justice

- Figment; Spark of Disharmony

- ??? | Spark of Fury

- ??? | Spark of Order

Note: Future Sparks are possible as the Pyre organization is actively looking to continue growing.

Lord Captains: The Clerics
- Sofia Blitz, Makana Bel, Leo Volkov, Isaac Sindro, Maggie McCarter, and Bellatrix Daggon.

Pyre aims to assert itself as a recognized force, while avoiding immediate conflict with Syndicate or any of Lucifer's direct links or associations.

It completed its campaign in eradicating most of the big wigs that existed within the District 84, nine months ago after taking out a powerful mob boss and its allies, and has been making alliances with smaller gangs on the side in other Districts around District 84 since. At the same time it has also picked fights with other smaller but well known notorious gangs in other districts also.
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Sixty Niners
A gang made of individuals with the shared idealogy of complete personal liberty! They live by the code of acceptance! Even if they have to FORCE you to accept, being a Sixty-Niners is all about doing what you want and being what you want, as well as being willing to take life in order to fight for the liberation of everyone!
Faction Power
To express their personal liberties, whatever that may be, and to take out anyone who would want to take that personal liberty away from them!
Liberty Queen - Qwen Dingling ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )
Horn Blower - Bonnie Buttersnatch ( Sinny The Fool Sinny The Fool )​
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Founded by Vanessa Bellerose, MediSTAT is an organization exclusively dedicated to remedying injuries and ailments while
also saving the lives of Hell City's inhabitants. They define themselves as charity-run humanitarian group that are financially backed through
donations provided from various sources that include but are not limited to: The Syndicate, Heroes Guild, and Jones Technologies. In spite of their
connections with groups of varying morality, MediSTAT remains absolved from perpetrating acts of crime or vigilantism, however, they do not
discriminate against those of questionable morality and will render medical aide to those who require it.

Faction Power

To sustain the physical and mental health of Hell City's denizens while also
providing supplementary treatment(s) to ensure their happiness.

Members & Rankings
Healthcare Director:
[Vanessa 'Vani' Bellerose]

Omen Physicians / Surgeons:
[Vacant Slots - Available]

Cybernetic Prosthetics Engineers:
[Vacant Slots - Available]

General Surgeons / Doctors / Nurses:
[Vacant Slots - Available]

MediSTAT C.O.F (Central Operating Facility):

Placeholder Description: Essentially MediSTAT C.O.F is their headquarters and main installation in Hell City.
(I'll give a more detailed description later on).
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Name: Faust

Faction Power
Improve life and productivity of the assigned district and maintain order and security.
Members & Rankings
Leader - Blood Stocker
Engineers -
Workers -
Location Name
Factorio District​
Faust is located at the Factorio District, a heavily industrialised area that focuses on robotics and genetic splicing.They are not picky with their clients as long as they themselves are able to remain largely neutral from the conflict. Faust mainly acts as a supplier of weapons instead of directly involving themselves. Though for the right price, reward and/or cause, he is willing to step in personally.

The people who work within the organization were largely recruited from the previous barons, many of which are simple folk who simply want to earn enough for a living. Many factory workers have been promoted to supervisors who lead a team of robots instead of relying on sheer manpower alone. The pay they receive is mostly the same, but they are now given sufficient food and shelter for their families to compensate. Its by no means a luxurious lifestyle, but far better than what most citizens of hell city get.


The company also provides complimentary gene splicing upon request, though most of them are temporary. The higher the risk of the position the higher their pay out and should perish for one reason or another, their families will be compensated appropriately.

Faust Robotics
The guardian series, robots that are mass produced to be used as a workforce or standing army. Cheap to produce and 3 times stronger than humans, and easier to maintain than organics, they are a fairly popular product. Available for rent and purchase.
Guardian Endoskeleton


Typically used for labour or light security.

Made for securing important areas
Heavy Guardians

Made for turf wars and invasion. 3 times as strong as the standard units.
Black Guardian

Exclusively used for guarding the main factory and the Blood Stocker’s quarters. Frequently used as his personal guards. 6 times as strong as the heavy units
Faust Genetics
Specifically focusing on the manipulation and splicing of DNA, this line of products is used to enhance existing organic workforces and enforcers. All gene splicing services are available for purchase, but gene troopers are only for hire and cannot be bought.


Enhance physical performance without altering your appearance. Strength and duration of drug varies based on purity of Ichor within Ambrosia. More potent doses have regenarative properties.
Cheap and easy to use, popular as a self-defense tool. Last a few hours. Typically achieved through ingesting or injecting splicing fluid. Comes in injection bottles.
Performance enhancer used by enforcers or labour workers. Last a few days or weeks depending on procedure. Can only be done in the lab or splicing station.
Used to create super soldiers. Available exclusively in the lab.
Popular Splices
Brute Goliath

-Durable meatshields used as vanguards. Augmented regeneration increases survival rate exponationaly

Hound Goliaths
-Organic battering rams, also used for tracking prey. Much stronger than standard goliaths and recover from grievous wounds.


More to come
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District 600 - 666
Ruled by
: The Syndicate
(Syndicate's Control expands across 66 districts, which is under the tyrannical rule of Lucifer. The place is controlled by crime, and citizens are forced to pay tribute in exchange for protection or become victims of the Syndicate's tyranny. Corruption and sin are rampant.)
The home estate of the Judast family, have a description in Lucifer's CS already but going to elaborate on the area more here at a later date.
Maximum security prison run by the Syndicate.
Established in District 555. This is the heart of War Gears operations and where ATHENA is located.
District 77 "Joker's Lot"
Ruled by
: Coterie of Clowns.
District 77 is the home turf of the Coterie Clowns and affiliates.
(Location of his funland, the rest is a chaotic pit of anarchy overruled by clowns and wild, often cannibalistic maniacs who have lost their minds to Jackie's enlightened madness. The place is mostly in ruin and darkness except for the Funland itself, which acts as a shining beacon of colored lights.
Originally the turf of an old rival gang to the Syndicate, it was the site of Jack's first claim to fame when he lived under a different name. It looks a lot different today than it did a few years ago, after returning to Hell City under his new identity as the "Japer Prince of Antics", Jack transformed the ordinary landscape into an amusement park created in his image. How he achieved this feat alone is hotly under debate, but the Prince himself explains the process as having been "A touch of vision, a splash of creativity and a tub of madness!".
It currently acts as the headquarters for the members of his organization: the Coterie of Clowns.

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(From OG Hell City, this is basically the rooms of everyone in the Coterie of Clowns, the building is connected to the side of Funland, is roughly 5-6 stories high (fairly small for a hotel) with Jackie's room being at the very top with a view that looks over the carnival and District 77) It will also have the rooms of Iggzy Biggzy and Brutus, who are currently the only members left in the Coterie of Clowns...It functions now as less of a hotel and more of an apartment building housing the members of the Coterie of Clowns.
Iggzy Biggzy's Room: Iggzy Biggzy's is the dungeons underneath Happy Hotel, which has direct access to the tunnel network of Hell City Sewers.
Brutus' Room: (Will get RedArmyShogun to give me something to work with this, unless he wants to go without a room in.)

(Possesses typical amusement park things, which is always running but rarely any visits there since the Clowns took over.)
(A maze of different rooms, many useless and others useful. Only experienced Clowns and Jackie himself can find their way through without a guide. It is where their weapons and armory is stored and also where their meetings will take place - if not the Happy Hotel.
(The official meeting & planning room/center of operations of the Coterie of Clowns.)
(A fighting arena that was a form of entertainment for the Coterie of Clowns, but since everyone has left it won't get to see much use for some time unless Jackie can convince people to come there and fight.)
(An excavation site of Clown Constructions that was under development toward a new grand arena, carnival or circus I have yet to settle on which...Anyway, the site has been abandoned and recently it has become the site of a poltergeist haunting.)

A world that exists beneath the surface: The Underneath is a region spanning across all of Hell City and is technically the largest region of Hell City, a place that runs must deeper than the sewers and has become the home of countless urban legends and horror stories of mutated monsters, and terrible experiments. The Underneath is layered, with the closest layer to the surface being Hell City's sewer system, the region goes far deeper than that.

The top/first layer of the Underneath. This is more or less the entrance to the world of the Underneath, it is the safest area of the Underneath but still sees plenty of mutated abominations seeking easy prey to pick up. The sewers run beneath all of Hell City like an elaborate maze, making it difficult to traverse the place without some form of guidance. There are hidden access points through the sewer tunnels that lead in deeper into the Underneath.
View attachment 944968
(Insert description) will be in the sewer layer
Below Hearth Corp Tower. Sewer layer
(Insert Description). The second or third layer is the ruins of an ancient kingdom that Hell City was built on top of.
View attachment 944967

Districts 32 to 35
Ruled by
: The Heroes Guild
Insert description.
insert description.
District 111 "Hell's Rest"
One of the sole safe-havens in all of Hell City, what this district may lack in size it more than makes up for in its heart and spirit. District 111 operates under the law of strictly prohibiting conflict. In Hell's rest anyone and everyone is welcome, as long as you respect this unwritten law which is enforced not only by the man who established this rule in the first place: Kozoru Jian-Ling. It is a rule that all denizens who call Hell's Rest their home help enforce and maintain.

Kozoru's Nightclub "Hell's Respite"
The birthplace of Hell's Rest and the law of prohibited violence in District 111. The nightclub was originally named Hell's Rest, but has recently rebranded itself into "Hell's Respite" following the changes within the district. Hell's Respite, like all of Hell's Rest, is a place for people to congregate and for a day or night: let go of all their worries of daily life in Hell City. Kick back, relax and let Kozoru be the ear to all of your troubles!




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