Hector Lum


New Member

Name: Hector Lum

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Year: 2

Hometown, Region: Nimbasa City, Unova



Area of study: Pokemon Coordination, Entertainment, Performance

Personality: Hector is a jovial fellow. Always with a smile on his face if he can help it. Though he comes off as being care-free to the point of being annoying, he’s actually very dedicated to his studies and performing arts. Hector does his best to not overwork his pokemon as they are the real stars of the show. Hector isn’t without flaws. He often makes mistakes during practice or during live performances. He tends to laugh it off to help break the tension between his pokemon and audience and then take a break. During those times is when his intelligence would show. He would be found writing in a journal. Thinking over what went wrong and how to make something work that fit within his pokemon’s abilities.

History: Hector has always enjoyed entertaining people and bringing smiles to their faces. Being in Nimbasa City, it wasn’t hard for him to find someway or another to make people smile. Dancers and musicians would be out in the streets doing impromptu performances. The Pokemon Theater and Stadium provided all variety of entertainment both for the artistic and sporty respectively. Of course pokemon battles at the Nimbasa City Gym were the most entertaining to witness. Hector however was just a simple waiter at one of the local restaurants. Every once in awhile, when the restaurant wasn’t too busy, his boss would allow him to perform on stage. This is when Hector would be at his happiest.

With his waiter’s outfit still on he would call upon his pokemon and perform various magic acts or perform coordination appeals like he was in a pokemon competition. They received relatively good reviews as well. After work, he would spend his time at the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel or in front of the gym to practice on his routines. Though he enjoyed himself, he didn’t feel like he was going anywhere with his entertainment dreams. So he decided that he would leave Nimbasa City to study entertainment. Specifically he would study coordination. It was the most common practice that he knew regarding pokemon performances. When he applied to Aurum Academy, he didn’t honestly believe he would be accepted. Currently he is enjoying his studies here at the academy. They even allow him to perform for the other students as a way to help further his studies. He couldn’t have asked for a better training environment. He still wears his waiter’s outfit when he performs. It’s something he’s always worn when he performed, so he treats it as his performance clothes.


Pokemon Team:

Zoroark - Male

Nickname: Nightmist

Ability: Illusion

Nature: Calm

Level: 30

Moves: Night Slash, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Feint Attack

Lopunny - Female

Nickname: Antila

Ability: Cute Charm

Level: 40

Nature: Naive

Moves: Agility, Bounce, Dizzy Punch, Attract  


Kirlia - Female

Nickname: Marinette

Ability: Telepathy

Level: 25

Nature: Modest

Moves: Magical Leaf, Misty Terrain, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam


Golett - Genderless

Nickname: Golburg

Ability: Iron Fist

Level: 35

Nature: Adamant

Moves: Rollout, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock


Personal Items: A notebook disguised as a dining menu and a pocket book containing various recipes for pokeblocks and poffins

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