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wanna bewitch you in the moonlight
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Hecate Academy for Higher Learning LORE

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    I. In the beginning, there was one. Her true name has become unknown after so many years, so many eons, but we recognize her as Hecate. Goddess of the Witches. It is from Hecate’s will that we, the witches of Salem, live. Her power lives on through us. It is through our actions that her legacy persists.

    II. In Salem the real witches were we three: Elizabeth Parris, Mary Walcott, and Abigail Williams. We cast the accusations on other heads to preserve our own. No one thought the wiser, and our progeny grew strong with Hecate’s blessing. Through our protection, true magic was safe kept.

    III. For the good of witch-kind, we will do what it takes to live on. Live on through our daughters. Live on through the plagues of mankind.

    Witchcraft is a practice of magic that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting and spirit communication. It includes the practices of many cultures, nations and religions as well as many books and writings dating back to ancient times. Depending upon the individual, some witches practice their power by certain belief systems, such as Voodoo, Wicca, or any number of other magical practices. Magic comes from blood, tracing all the way back to the Goddess Hecate herself, or gifted from a witch to a mortal. When a witch gifts her magic to a mortal, she no longer is able to practice magic. She may give a little bit of magic at a time, but too much and the original witch is left powerless.

    Every witch is born with an innate ability to perform the Seven Wonders, the ‘bare minimum’ for being recognized as having witch-blood or witchcraft abilities. They are: Telekinesis, Concilium, Teleportation, Divination, Vitalum Vitalis, Descensum, and Pyrokinesis. After mastering the Seven Wonders, witches can hone in on their niches and specialize in a class of magic. The eight schools of arcane magic are abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation. Necromancy and other blood witch dark magic is forbidden by the Supreme Council to be practiced publically. Evidence of such results in expulsion from the witch’s coven and potential burning at the stake.

    If a witch does not have a niche, or does not choose a specialization, she will be deemed unfit to roam society and be stripped of her rights. These witches, called the 'Nicheless' are often in enforcer jobs, sanitation/servitude jobs (but not slavery), or other jobs deemed 'low class'.

    European witches exist in covens, consisting of three or more witches. An entire established hierarchy exists, completely beneath the noses of civilization for hundreds of years. At the highest rank, above all covens and all witches, is the Supreme. The Supreme has his/her council of High Chancellors, consisting of three witches from her trusted coven. The Supreme Council dictates all edicts and rules that covens should abide by, and his/her council polices the most offending crimes.

    The current council consists of: Marie Walcott, Adelaide Parris and Gemma Bane. The current supreme is Agatha Laveaux.

    Ozwall Private school houses male witches, or warlocks, that specialize in training to be hunters. The men at this school have traces of Williams’ blood, and all have magic nullifying skills. No specializations exist of these men, as they merely use their powers to amplify their hunting skills. They exist, hidden from society of their intention. Until recently, that is.

    Hedge witches encapsulate self-taught or gifted witches that were not born into magic.

    Voodoo or Native Magic users do not have to abide by the same rules that Salem Witches have made for the world. As consequence, those who do not are pushed to the edge of witch society. They are either ignored for help if hunters come or altogether ignored if they seek audience with the Council. Those who do abide follow the same rules of the above.

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