Heavenly Heights


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion
Wilt found himself before the building. It wasn't anything special, it actually blended in rather nicely with the surroundings of downtown Toronto. The one thing that gave way to it's strange nature was the glamourous and out of place sign, shining silver and gold in the midday sun. Heavenly Heights, it read, in a delicate and flowing font. Wilt smiled, a cute toothy grin from his 12 year old face. He could probably have some fun here.

Prancing in through the front doors, an elderly lady sat at the reception desk. She was chewing bubblegum, and clicking away at her computer. Apart from that, the front lobby was fairly barren, just doors to the stairs and to the elevators. Wilt ran up to the front desk.

"Howdeedoo, I'm Wilt!" He yelled as loud as he could, hoping to stir a reaction from the otherwise preoccupied secretary. It didn't even faze her. Without a word, she flicked a piece of paper out, pulled a pen from the bun of hair done up on her head, and scrawled down a few bits of information on the paper. Spinning it around, and sliding it across the reception desk to Wilt, she also handed him another pen.

"Wilt the Pixie, sign here." She said in a monotone voice, handing the pixie a pen. Wilt nodded, having come in before to set things up, knowing this was the final closing act of gaining his residency here. Scribbling a signature down, he bounded over to the elevator, heading up to his room on the sixth floor. He wore his toothy grin the whole way up the elevator, emerging on the sixth floor, glancing about for his room.


Direction --> All approved characters are already moved in, or are in the process of moving in today like Wilt. Make your opening posts as such, and let the RP begin.
Akira was sitting on a couch in the main lounge, staring at the fireplace. He was wearing his gloves and his long blue hair fell over his red eye, making him look like a normal human. He sighed slightly, clenching his hand into a fist and listening to the soft whirring sound that his gears made. Akira glanced behind him at the lobby when he heard a loud voice introducing themselves and sighed slightly. "If this person mistakes me for a human like a few of the others have then I should just go and sit by myself in my room" he muttered in a human-like voice, no trace of robotics.

Raven however, was in her new room unpacking her things. She had just arrived at the hotel and felt the urge to get things ready before going around and meeting new people. Her gaze fell on the black tiara that symbolized her royal status and she shook her head. "I think I'll let people know about that later, if they even want to know" she said to herself with a shrug before picking it up and stowing it away in her bedside table.
Mark grabbed the last of his bags and walked into the building. He pulled his key out of his pocket as he walked up the stairs, not waiting for the elevator. He appeared on the 23 floor. He walked to his room and unlocked the door shuffling into the apartment. He didn't get a look at the room before when he was bringing his things up but now he did. The place was beautiful. He dropped his bag on the couch and started unpacking. A dagger fell from his bag and he grinned.
Wilt ran up to his door, Room 604, but heard a few noises coming from the room beside his, 606. He smiled mischievously, a different smile from his child-like toothy grin. His white hair bouncing about on his head as he stepped to the side, in front of the room just next to him, he pulled out the key he'd been given a few days before, and stuck it in the lock of 606, jiggling it around to no avail.

".... My key, it won't work on my room.... W-Why... WWAAHH!" Wilt started to cry, his young body a benefit in such a situation, making his little attempt at humour more believable for anyone watching.
Raven opened her door, her purple and blue hair loose and dragging along the ground. She looked down at the kid in front of her. "Eh. Your room is probably the one next door kid" she said before turning away, not closing the door. The back of her dress fell to slightly higher than her waist line, revealing the pale skin and pitch black wing tattoos on her back as she pulled her hair up, tying it back so she could continue with her work. She hadn't been able to put away the gleaming black tiara yet, since she was interrupted by the noises at her door.
Before anyone could be the wiser, Wilt ran into the room, glancing about, jumping on the bed, moving far too fast for a human that age. He was practically leaping off the walls.

"Hi Miss, my name's Wilt!" He introduced himself, spotting the tiara on her bedside table. His eyes gleamed as his mouth opened slightly. It was a little known fact that all pixies love jewellery and shiny objects. Bounding forward, and swiping the tiara off the desk, he ran around the room, holding it in his hands. "Shiiinnnnnyyyyy...." He said to himself, flopping down on the bed and fiddling with it, the intricate and ornate structure of the piece mesmerizing him.
A black wolf stalked on to the 6th floor. It made its way toward all the noise, growling loudly. It took slow steps as it neared the door that said 606. The door was left wide open and there was an unknown child dancing off the walls in a woman's apartment. The wolf sat down and let out a wolfie chuckle as it watched the boy run around with the crown thing.
Raven looked around and saw him picking up the tiara. She breathed in slightly, walking over to him and gently pulling it out of his hands. "You're fast kid. What exactly are you?" She asked him before running her thumb over the blood-red jewel in the center of the tiara. She quickly shook her head before slipping the tiara back into her bag. She'd sort it out later.

Raven breathed in deeply, and she could smell the scent of a wolf. She glanced to the door and rolled her eyes. "You might as well come in!" she called to the wolf. "Why is everyone drawn to my room...?"
The black wolf backed up. He was just checking out what the noise was. His blood red eyes looked through the door way as he sat and watched. He laid down, placing his head on his paws. A deep threatening growl came from his throat. He huffed and ran up to the window at the end of the hall way then back to the door.
Wilt pouted a little as the girl took the tiara away from him. He liked the shiny big red centre. As the girl spoke to the creature at the door, Wilt glanced up as well, looking at the wolf. He eyed it up and down. Obviously a supernatural creature, by grace of where they were right now, but he wasn't sure what kind. He didn't really care. Wolves weren't a big deal.

Getting up and standing on the bed again, Wilt looked eye to eye with the girl. "I, am a forest sprite, a pixie, if you will." He said, smiling his childish toothy grin. "Where'd you get such a nice shiny, miss?" He pressed further, wanting to know more about the mysterious lady with weird tattoos, and such a pretty tiara.
"Ah, no wonder you're so interested in shiny objects" she said with a slight nod, watching as the black wolf ran away. "Well. You've already told me your name, I might as well tell you what mine is" Raven turned to face him, smirking slightly and showing her fangs. "I'm Raven, princess of the Underworld" She looked at the wolf, wondering what it wanted and if it had heard what she had just said

Akira got up and placed his gloved hands into his pockets, sighing softly as he began to walk up the stairs towards his room. Hopefully, if there were new arrivals, they wouldn't mistake him as a human.
Reshii sat in his room pulling his boots on sighing gently. "Back to work." He said only having three hours of sleep last night. He then slipped on his over shirt before placing his gun in his belt holster. Renshii then stood up and wandered out the room he stayed in he shook his head once more his eyes heavy. "Today will be a long long day."

After walking down the hall scanning the area he stopped at the security office and pulled his key from his pockets, unlocking the door he walked into the room shutting it behind him. He then scanned this room making the sure nobody was in there and wandered behind the desk awaiting for his job to be needed.
Wilt's eyes widened momentarily. His face did not betray his thoughts, however, the wonder and amusement portrayed on his visage hiding the rather cunning thoughts he held beneath the surface. Maybe I can make use of this, he thought, still playing the act of the child, however.

"Oooooh, so you're a princess?" He asked, bounding down from the bed and looking up at the girl with adoration in his eyes.
After parting ways from his home in France, Blake found his way not too- high profile and not too low-profile either. The building was decent and it blended with the looks of downtown Toronto, and the only thing that really stood was the signboard that said "Heavenly Heights" in a way that Blake assumed another inhuman being did this. "It is a very appealing name, and I probably would have named my place that as well. So who am I to argue? I bet it will be a great home away from home," Blake said, ready to pack and finally settle in.

Walking in through the front doors, he spotted a lady sitting at the reception desk. She was wearing a tiara with a lovely shine to it, and she had her fingers pressing away at the keyboard. Blake assumed she was rather unhappy in her life...or perhaps something was eating away at her. Naturally, the receptionist was the only piece of interest to the front lobby as she was the only thing here at the moment. The doors to the stairs and the elevator were the only other things here in the main lobby. He sighed, but made a smile, a walked over to the receptionist.

"Well hello there, madamemoiselle. My name is Blake Lautrec," he said in a joyful tone. He was hoping to get a reaction, but it seemed that he failed before he even tried, as the preoccupied woman did not look until she had it the Enter button, and then looked over to see Blake's face. "So...you're Blake the Angel?," She asked in a dull tone, and continued, handing the angel a pen, "Well sign here." Blake gently dropped his suitcase, and began to etch his signature down, he looked at the receptionist a second time, then to his left and then his right. He took the stairs up to the 6th floor, and stopped at the room 605. He took out his key, and opened the door to see his new place.
Raven nodded slightly before narrowing her eyes at him. "But that doesn't mean I'm weak or stupid like most princesses are" she warned him, never allowing her rusty red eyes to leave his gaze until she had finished speaking. "And that also means you keep your mouth shut. I don't want this getting around the whole hotel." She walked out of her room. "Dammit. I'm right next to an angel." she muttered, annoyed that her rival species was right across the hall from her

Akira walked passed the security office on his way up to his room, looking at the ground as he walked. He hardly ever looked ahead of him, always at the ground as if he was ashamed of what he was
Blake looked around and noticed the women who was walking out of her room, he sensed she was a demon, but did not believe it at first. And he noticed that her was right next to a demon. "Well this could end up in a plethora of ways, when one thinks about it," Blake thought to himself. He found it rather amusing to actually be right next to a demon. Blake was not the "Holier than thou" type and that was all he heard and saw, which was naturally his reason for leaving Heaven in the first place. He decided to unpack his things, not letting that interesting piece of information flood his head. He took ten cookbooks from his suitcase, and taking out a mini bookshelf to place the books. He also checked the kitchen starting with the fridge, to see if all of his food and ingredients he brought from France, and it was. He also hung up his clothes in his bedroom closet. "There. All finished and just in time for lunch," Blake said, letting out a relieved sigh. He then asked himself, "But what to make this time?" He then took out 5 large pieces of chicken and put them on the grill, and looked into his spice cabinet, but he had forgotten to close his door, a habit which he did not mind as people usually came into trying to smell what he was cooking.
Wilt bit his bottom lip. An aggressive personality. Hmm, quite fun to play with, he noted, grinning mischievously.

"So demon-gal, what do you do?: He asked innocently enough, batting his eyelashes like a child. A general idea for fun with this girl was forming in Wilt's mind, he just had to create enough proper situations. She might end up being his favourite victim/plaything yet.
"Why do you want to know, pixie?" Raven asked, turning to face the 'child' at her side. She breathed in when she smelt the food cooking. "Eugh. Human food. Give me blood any day" she muttered in annoyance as she began walking down the hallway, following after the dog
Lent felt a change in the air. A new shadow has entered the building, and it didn't feel like just any other deliveryman or social services person. She got down from her chair and tested the door, checking the ability of the pail to spill over with a single push. Chuckling soundlessly, Lent felt the walls around her to guide her towards this new presence. First floor, it seemed. Too high up to go directly to this new source of enjoyment. What was this new entity? Lent found her way to the stairs after groping around for much too long, or so she felt. She cursed the lights inwardly, and hoped that the owner would at least dim the lights during the day. She simply can't see in such an environment, as bright as it is.

Lent made her way slowly down the stairs, her hands on the rail guard to keep her in line with the stairs, one step at a time. It got easier as she went down, the slightly darkened stairwell allowing her to see better. After an eternity of putting one foot in front of the other, Lent finally reached the first floor. The smell of chicken in the air, spiced, grilled, wondrous aroma, if one were in need of food. A shadow did not need that kind of sustenance, Lent thought woefully, and attempted to feel out the newcomer's position. She was with the demon, who had just left her company as well. The Shade found a corner with her delightful shadows hanging about and stepped through the portal, diving into a world of darkness, before climbing out of the newcomer's shadow.

What an odd being. A child in its teenaged years. Young, very young, but the shadow, it felt older than its owner. Boy? Girl. No, boy. Lent tapped the boy's shoulder, and, without waiting for his response, circled around him and seemingly looked straight into his eyes, and she would be, if it weren't for the blindfold. Those eyes weren't a child's. Young, but not a child's. Lent took a step back and made hand signs utilized by the mute.

"W-H-A-T-A-R-E-Y-O-U" the signs read.

(Due to overwhelming response of confusion, Lent is conversing with Walt. Kthxbai.)
Cornelia got up, rubbing her eyes before surveying her surroundings, room 2405 was nice and dark as usual. She liked darkness, it had hid her from bad men before, and it also helped her hide from neighbouring tenants. Feeling her stomach growling, she floated drearily towards her cupboards and flung them open. Empty. She pouted, recalling the previous night where she had guzzled down her stores of snacks after sleeping through dinner. She angrily slammed the doors shut, fuming and thinking of ways she could acquire her lunch. Pestering "Mr. Angie" was out of the question, Cornelia had overheard that he was away and would not be back until tonight. "Kitchen Raid!" She exclaimed gleefully, rubbing her hands together like an evil scientist. Hastily putting on her favorite dress and attaching Mini-Cid to her wrist, she flung the room windows open and felt the afternoon breeze kiss her face. Launching herself out the window, she descended quickly, intent on quickly flying through the pantry to grab her snacks. But as she neared the sixth floor, a delicious smell wafted into her nostrils and she stopped dead in mid air. " Chicken! Chicken!" Her face broke into a huge grin as she flew to the windows and peered in, looking for the source of the delectable aroma, intent on capturing her quarry.
The black wolf made its way down the stairs and into the main room. It searched around and pushed open the door to a break room. The wolf hopped up on the counter and sniffed around. It then hopped back down and nudged open the icebox. It tore open a container and ate what was in there.
Wilt had been about to ask the demon girl more questions, but a strange sensation took him, the touch and attempt to communicate by.... Another girl? She left him with an odd feeling, a little unnatural. Wilt raised an eyebrow, backing up a little cautiously. Sliding off the demon girl's bed, he stepped back a little more, as the girl had been making weird motions with her hands. As a pixie who'd lived in a forest until now, Wilt didn't understand sign language, so the motions simply made him wary of the strange girl.

Glancing around the room, looking for other phenomenon that might lend some sort of clue to Wilt as to who or what this girl was, Wilt decided he'd catch up with the demon girl later. This new suddenly appearing girl was slightly more interesting, due to Wilt's innate curiosity.

"What are you doing with your hands? What are you?" He asked, his voice childish and inquisitive, as his eyes shone with a pixie's curiosity. He pulled his hands up, resting them behind his head as he stretched his lower back a little.
"So this, is Heavenly Heights." the long, black-haired werepyre said.

"And... I smell chicken." She added. "Perfect, just perfect."

She placed her hand an inch away from the front doors and allowed some air pressure to go through and push them open. She walked slowly, and saw a lady... was it some sort of reception area? Anyway, Mr. Angelo told him to just go to her, so she put her elbows on the desk in front of the lady and rested her chin on her palms. "Scarlettia the werepyre." she muttered loud enough for the seemingly-busy lady to hear. "That's me". She kind of expected a better response, but all she got was a piece of paper and pen in front of her. "Please sign here." After scribbling a signature she just made up today, she took the key labeled: "608".

She went upstairs to the 6th floor, and opened her room with the shiny, red key she was given. 'A welcome gift,' she thought, while sipping the red out of the key, turning it into silver with streaks of the color it had once been. She sat on the bed, and slid her hand through the soft, fluffy mattress. Even werepyres sleep, and that was a fact. Any visitors would be good, especially when she heard a lot of rumors about Heavenly Heights, but she decided to visit the room with the mouth-watering smell of chicken.
Raven grumbled and allowed her wings to show before entering the room with the Angel and sitting on his bed, watching him cook. "Well then. I suppose we're going to be neighbors" she said, wrinkling her nose slightly at the smell of the chicken, but ignoring it mostly.
Scarlettia went outside and saw a couple of doors which seemed open. She took a peek of each, and hoped that none of the guests would feel her presence, or at least, mind her.

Let's see, first door.

No one was there, but she knew that it was going to be used.

Second door,

She gently opened the door, and saw an entertaining sight. There was a pretty, twin-tailed, blue-haired girl... who smelled like a Demon. Probably a princess, who ran away from her kingdom. The next was a violet-eyed, white-haired kid, who looked like a Pixie. The werepyre has encountered a couple of Pixies before, and she didn't like them. Most were mischievous, and would steal anything valuable that anyone would have. The next specie was purely fascinating. It was something that one of her friends called a 'Shade', one probably cursed, like her, but in another perspective. It seemed that she didn't like seeing the light... 'Must be hard.' she thought.

She also smelled the scent of a wolf, but the creature in question wasn't there. It was probably just a shapeshifter peacefully passing by. She continued to observe them for a few more seconds but her thighs started to hurt, so she moved on to the next room.

"Aaaahhh," Scarlettia pushed open the door, leaving it a loud clank. "Meat, my love, I have come to devour you." But seeing a Shapshi, one of the rarest creatures she had ever seen, she added, "Or maybe share you with this nice man.. and then devour you." Her attention focused on the human-looking creature, and said, "I could smell the spices from old France. I take it that you're, or you have been, a chef?"

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