Heavenly Heights (Sign-Up)


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion
Refer to the Info and OOC thread for the basic premise of the RP.



  • No Godmodding or Bunnying at any time.
  • If you want to introduce a plot-line, which you are more than welcome to do, run it by me first.
  • Absolutely no one-liners. I don't expect essays, but some literacy is required.
  • First come first serve. We're only having three security members maximum, and an absolute maximum of two of the same creature. However, if they haven't been approved yet, it's fair game.
  • If you've read the rules, add another portion to your Character Template that details what your character is trying to achieve by becoming a tenant at Heavenly Heights, titled Purpose.

Character Template





Species: (If you want to be a human who lives in Heavenly Heights, you are part of the security force, no exceptions. No humans are allowed to know of the supernatural goings-on surrounding the building.)

History/Personality: (Just a general idea of who your character is and what their life has been like so far.)

Skills/Weaknesses: (Obviously as a supernatural creature, you have some abilities and weaknesses that a human would not have. For members of the security force, you have some very serious training, but are otherwise normal people.)

Name: Akira

Age: Unknown, bust somewhere around 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: (aside from the pictures) He does have the 'scars' under his eyes and he hides his metal hands under a pair of dark blue leather gloves. His eyes are mismatched, the blue eye being his human eye and the red eye his robotic eye.

Species: Cyborg. Half human, half robot.

History/Personality: His personality is a bit... Unusual, not like a normal human at all. Well, he isn't exactly a normal human. Akira is half robot, which means he sometimes has very human personalities, but other times it's very.... Mechanical.

His creator intended to give him the ability to feel emotions, but she was murdered before she was able to do so. Akira tried to save her, but was unable to. Now he looks depressed most ot=f the time, but he doesn't really know what emotions he really understands

Skills/Weaknesses: Akira is stronger than the average human thanks to his robotic half, bbut he is unable to survive on the food of humans. As well as that, Akira feels no emotions since his heart is completely mechanical.

Purpose: Akira wants to know and feel something along the line of human emotions, or any kind of emotions other than the empty nothingness that his mechanical heart allows him to feel.




Name: Raven Phantom Blair

Age: 180 (18 in human years)

Gender: Female

Appearance: (aside from the pictures) Her hair reaches down to the ground when she leaves it loose.

Species: Demon (Demon princess)

History/Personality: Well, she is clearly not your normal girl. Aside from her odd name, Raven has a dark sense of dress to match her rather dark name. She is very easy to upset, but once you get to know her you can see how sensitive she really is, how much insight she has about life. She grew bored of the Underworld and came to live up on earth, and she hasn't really found anything interesting. Yet.

Skills/Weaknesses: Raven can only feed on the blood of humans and every so often she needs to feed on the soul of a human. Her strength is that she can control fire, but she cannot stand water at all. Well, only if it's being used against her in a fight. If it's a shower then it's alright.

Purpose: She's trying to find love, or at least someone who will accept her for who she is since she never really fitted in with the other Demons in the Underworld

Name:Renshii Akahero

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Midlengthed black hair wears a red over shirt that goes a little past his waist being to large for him. under the shirt he wears a plain black tank top, his pants are simple black slacks and shoes are a pair of blue sneakers with black outlining. In his belt there were two holsters where he had two 40. calibur pistols

Species: Human

History/Personality: Renshii lived with his mother while his father went off to war. Renshii was always proud of his father and did what he could to be just like him. Practicing the use of guns since he was sixteen and joining the military as soon as he turned seventeen. From the military he began to expand his expertise in guns until he turned 23 where he discharged himself and went in search of a place to stay.

Skills/Weaknesses: Marksman: He is trained in most forms of guns and very skilled with them. He also has some training in throwing weapons like knives and axes but he's not increadibly good with them.

Weakness: He's a human, very fragile compared to a demon
I´m using another rp;s concept of Vampires and Thralls. Hope you don´t mind.

Name: Ariana Elisabeth Morwa

Age: Looks 25, Is 520 years old

Gender: Female


Species: Thrall.

Riddle78 said:
A Thrall is a human enslaved and sustained by vampiric magic,and is entirely immortal so long as their sire exists. You quintuple their weight in lead,and they'll just keep going. You can hack off a limb,and it will reattach itself. All blood lost is instantly replenished. Thralls can survive atomic blasts,although some assembly will be required. Thralls are entirely indistinguishable from humans until their indestructible nature is revealed. Thralls often serve as the agents of vampires in the world of men,shock troopers,and cattle for vampires too lazy to hunt,or kept handy as an "Emergency rations" of sorts.
Personality: Her love, loyalty and closeness to her Sire Crayon brings forth the best of Arian. Living for so long has sharpened her skills for patience, observation and fierceness. At times she can be humble, mostly at the presence of Crayon and her love for baking and cooking takes her to the kitchen when she has the small free time of luxury. Ariana is rather reserved, cold or as some seem to take it ((mostly humans)) shy. Ariana is fixed at medieval-clothing. Everything from gowns to cloaks.

History: As the sun left the sky and the moon lit up the cold night like a diamond among the stars, Ariana stared at Crayon. His eyes seemed to brighten up dangerously as his gaze reflect the moon and with humble eyes she greeted her master. Her lover. He was gentle but fierce like a lion, cold like the north pole and the only words he muttered was a simple hello. Deciding it was time for her to remember once again she stared at the moon as he did. "I remember the first time we met, a summer night. I was barely six then and mother she was a pain. Ranting on and on about how a proper lady behaved. ´Thou shall listen to your father and don´t play in the mud!´ She´d yell..." Chuckling slightly she glanced briefly Crayon´s way before she once again spoke. "I haven´t forgotten yet how you mercilessly slaughtered my father, mother and my dear sister. Blood was splashed everywhere...At that time I didn´t know that nobles were so easily killed. The guards were a mess on the floor but what scared me the most was my tears. They never came and all you did was stare." Taking a deep breath Ariana continued. "The very next day, my father had visitors. You should have seen their shocked expressions. A single child standing in the middle of a bloodbath! Since then I was called a monster, an abnormal unlucky child which brings horror to the world. If it not for your nightly visits, the nights you´d just stare at me with dark eyes that haunted me at the time, I wouldn´t take it. We continued like that for awhile, remember? You´d come every night which you weren´t hunting and visit me. You wouldn´t speak but your eyes were still a comfort. When three years had passed I started to voice my thoughts. To utter the horrifying words which I have been wishing to conceal somewhere deep in my mind. Why did you spare me? Why did you not slaughter me and have a good laugh after? You did not come back for four years, leaving me restless. That is why it shocked me to the core that day when you came. When you took me away...." Ariana smiled softly. "I learnt the truth that day, my new kin. They were cold, merciless murderers just like you which made your sweet enticing voice even more mortifying. It was a weapon; a way of hypnotising your victim to believe. The years passed and soon I was near my twenty-second year of life. That is when you turned me and started that training. Within a few years I was the perfect assassin and spy. Your little sweet doll that followed all of your commands. But I did not know the true reason for my transformation. Not till I was near my 200th year...And now 300 years later we´re here...Amusing isn´t it?"

Skills; Ariana is very skilled within martial arts as she has a few centuries worth of practice, she is also a skilled shooter, her precious handguns a sign of that. Among other things, she is a perfect liar, thief and assassin. She is also a skilled horse-back rider owning three horses.

Weaknesses: As for Ariana´s weaknesses; there aren´t plenty but there is some. And the strongest weakness she has is Crayon; and her emotional attachment to him. She´d do anything for him, even if she was to never be a thrall. She also has a rapid metabolism as her body needs energy to regenerate and keep her alive; thus if she goes days without food she is weakened tremendously.

Purpose; Crayon, nothing else. She lives, breathes, kills and would happily die for him.


Name: Crayon, pronounced Krah-Ya-N

Age: Looks 26, Is 964 years old

Gender: Male



Species: Vampire; Krewlod, eigth generation.

Riddle78 said:
The vampires can vary wildly between individuals between Generations. Newer Generation vampires can easily pass as human,some can even walk in the daylight. However,these vampires,known as Daywalkers,possess very little vampiric blood,and so possess very few,if any,of the vampiric strengths and powers,and if they are present,they're severely weakened. However,in exchange,they're extremely resistant to vampiric weaknesses. The oldest of vampires,known as Nosferatu,are the exact opposite. The vampiric weaknesses are vastly magnified to them,but in exchange they are the very pinnacle of vampirism,capable of mighty magicks and their physical prowess outstrips those of humans by several orders of magnitude,and often look like hideously monstrous humanoids. All generations between are considered "Average" vampires. However,individuals may evolve along divergent strains. Vampires that evolve more physically are called "Krewlod",and those that evolve more magickally are known as "Eeofol". Generally,Krewlod become like mountains when they set their minds to something: Immovable,whilst Eeofol,with their underdeveloped psyches being so much closer to the forces arcana often break their minds,creating barely functional madmen with astounding magickal power.
Personality: Cold, reserved and secretive, Crayon has only showed some sort of gentleness to Ariana. Preferring having her near since thralls nature automatically obeys vampires unless the sire is present to prevent that order from being accomplished. He can be a bit arrogant and doesn´t mind the slaughter of humans as long as his kin cleans up after themselves. He is also rather agile and loves running at all costs. Like Amelia he owns

History: "My story is filled only with war, bickers and idiotic fighting between me and Dorothy, my sire. I can not forget her fire-red hair and her wild gaze during our battles; which were merely for fun, something to make time pass. Being a young man working for the army before she turned me made me stronger and faster. But my new kin had its weaknesses, the sun for one. If I knew that Dorothy was far to exhausted to move herself before morning..... You see it was another bicker of ours that got out of control; her constant yapping annoyed my ears and soon it was a full blown out fight between the two of us. Her death wasn´t sorrowful but my time-consuming partner was gone and boredom reached me within a few years. That is when you came into the picture; a child among many whom family I had slaughtered. But this one didn´t cry and that shocked me. Leaving for the night as I saw the sun rise was a quick choice.

I came back to get rid of you before you muttered of my existence but the fact that your eyes never wavered from mine consumed my time....And once again I left; continuing the same ritual almost every night...That is when you asked that question I have been avoiding for so long. Why did I not slaughter you? I didn´t know and that made wonder. I never had any love interest in my past life, not even caring for the other gender! Who would know that I got interested in a mere child! So I left and came for you after my mind wouldn´t take it...It wanted you to serve me and soon enough Tina, my slave at the time, came with the idea. ´Sir! As you can´t handle the sun why not use the child as a resource; an weapon? After all aren´t you able to do so?´ She had said. The very next day I killed her; abducted you and trained you before turning you to an obedient slave. I wasn´t satisfied; I wanted more! And more did I get.....

So no, it is not amusing but rather enthralling don´t you think?"

Skills: As Crayon is a Krewlod, he is more physical strong then most beings and thus his fondness of agility training etc. He is also very fond of martial arts and the usage of the katana. While he is physically strong, he isn´t dumb. Crayon is in disguise a mercenary or businessman if you´d call it and owns quite big companies.

Weaknesses: Please do note that Crayon is a eigth generation Krewlod.

Riddle78 said:
Vampires are weak to sunlight. It burns their flesh nearly instantly,and older vampires are ashed faster. Flowing water acts as an impassable barrier to vampires,as they physically are unable to touch it. Older vampires are unable to even fly over it. Items blessed by the world's religions are harmful to vampires,causing burns and weakness on touch. Holy ground is fair game. Wooden stakes through the heart put a vampire into an instantaneous state of stasis,unable to do anything. Silver harms vampires as though it were steel to mortal men. Vampires may not enter a home without the express invitation of a resident. However,once the invitation is extended,it is permanent. Mental domination renders all invitations void. Vampires have easily assaulted senses,as they are heightened. Garlic doesn't work,however. Unless it's gone really,REALLY bad. Vampires MUST drink fresh human blood periodically. The amount and frequency required increases with Generation.
Purpose; Crayon doesn´t really have a purpose but is highly fond of Ariana thus any harm come to her, even if she can regenerate herself; You´d have to deal with him.
Name: alice black

Age: 20

Gender: female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/reaper.jpg.26fd61c9b4a23fbe71b561c33a2db72c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/reaper.jpg.26fd61c9b4a23fbe71b561c33a2db72c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: perfect cross between human and god (grim reaper)

History/Personality: Alice was raped at a young age, but she didn't react like most people would, she wasn't upset.. she craved vengeance, was doing great in the world of reaping, many envied her as she was so young, and so good at what she did, in fact she was one of the best in the job, until one fateful night, when and especially jealous reaper killed her with her own death saber (that's the only way a reaper can die) she is quite down to earth, but can be extremely hyper at times, she is very easily upset and offended..

Skills/Weaknesses: she is telepathic, but she finds it hard to control these powers, she is also bipolar, and can get a little violent at time



  • reaper.jpg
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Tigress: Akira and Raven = Approved

Kiro Akira: Renshii = Approved

HeartBrokenIceQueen: Crayon and Ariana = Approved Conditonally (If they get out of hand, they'll need fixing.)

theprophet: No hybrids/crosses/etc are permitted, and you have missed key information, for starters. Feel free to fix it or try again. Alice = Denied
Name: Oberon

Age: Ageless

Sex: Sexless

Appearance: None that are truly definable. The closest thing to an "appearance" Oberon takes is a vaguely humanoid miniature whirlwind with a vaguely defined face.

Species: Air elemental. Oberon is the wind given consciousness. The one that bound it is long since dead,and now it simply moves from place to place,doing whatever it pleases on whimsy,and finding entertainment in whatever caught it's fancy.

Purpose: Oberon's purpose is to find a purpose,ironically enough. As the wind and air,it cannot die,and the concept of time is utterly alien to it.

Background: In time immemorial,when humanity was beginning to gain intelligence,a human was skilled in the arts of magic. This human,whose identity was lost long ago,bound Oberon to the Earth and consciousness. Using Oberon as a servant and consultant,the mage prospered among their people. However,the mage soon died of illness,something that Oberon could do nothing about.

Now free of the mage and their contract,Oberon was able to wander the world for as long as it desired to. It traversed the world countless times,always looking for new things to do. It's most famous haunts were a place known as the Bermuda Triangle,where it made planes and boats disappear under the waves in freak storms for sport,Tornado Alley in the United States,where it would go to blow off steam,and finally,that famous Marilyn Monroe photo was the work of Oberon.

Now,Oberon is in the Greater Toronto Area,and,on a whim,rented an apartment at Heavenly Heights. Who knows. Maybe it'll even use it from time to time.

Abilities: First and foremost,Oberon is literally the wind given consciousness. This means Oberon is completely incorporeal. It also can create wind at will,from little gusts to cataclysmic hurricanes. It can also assume several visible shapes by turning itself into a little whirlwind. It can speak,but it's a very low and wispy voice.

Weaknesses: The biggest weakness Oberon has is it's own attention span. Oberon can be likened to a goldfish,it's attention as capricious as the winds it personifies.
For a quick reference, here will be my main character for this RP.

Name: Wilt

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Human form: >here<

Original form: >here< (while older, it's much smaller)

Species: Wilt is a pixie, a mischievous brand of fairy who dwell in the forest normally.

History/Personality: Wilt grew up in the woods to the north of the Greater Toronto Area, home to a large population of fun loving and dastardly pixies. Always known for causing havoc, Wilt was among the worst of the young ones. The elders, having grown weary of cleaning up after their mishaps, have sent the young pixie to live amongst the humans, banished from his home until a suitable time as to when he can return, more mature and aware that his mischief causes people problems.

Despite being 21 years of age, with fairy physique being comparable to human's, the elders have trapped Wilt in a human body at the age of approximately 12-13. This should help him learn his lesson in a better way, but reliving his younger years with the goal of maturing in mind.

Wilt is not very happy about the situation. Having taken on the role of a trickster, he does his best to find fun wherever he can while he searches for a way to undo the elder's spell. Damn them, he'll learn a lesson if and when he wants to, they can't force him to learn anything!

Skills/Weaknesses: As a pixie, Wilt is very skilled with illusions and trickery, and subtle manipulation of humans to get whatever he wants from them. Pixie illusions can even fool other supernatural creatures, being some of the best illusions in the world, but he cannot manipulate supernatural creatures. That particular skill can only be used on humans, and it's subtle at best.

In his human body, he no longer has his wings, but retains the same speed a pixie would, being ridiculously fast, faster than adult human athletes. He however, only has the average strength of a human pre-teen.

Along with these skills, come the weaknesses of a pixie. Mechanical devices confound them, as they are natural beings, being born and living their entire lives in the woods. This can be overcome much the same way a human could learn to use them, but the stubborn attitude of a pixie would prevent this unless downright needed. In addition to this minor setback, pixies are all pathologically afraid of fire, it's something that shocks them to their core and reduces them to frightened useless lumps.

Purpose: The elder's purpose for Wilt is for him to learn a lesson, while he simply wants to undo their spell. 
Riddle78: Oberon = Approved Conditionally (much like what I said with Queenie's characters, if it gets out of hand, it will need fixing. Also, find a way to add at least one more weakness.)

Blake Lautrec


22 in human years









Blake is relaxed and optimistic in nature. He rarely loses his temper and is often smiling whether he is happy or not. For the most part, he is usually in a good mood, and likes to have fun, and likes to see others have fun as well.

Well, let's see. It all started with the day I decided I would leave Heaven to make a living on Earth, when I was 110 years old. Heaven was great, I kid you not, but I needed a change of pace. I decided to take up cooking and at first, it was a little tough with all the

instructions, but over time I got better at it. I tried making French cuisines and Japanese cuisines along with taking up baking as my progress grew, and as I grew in my talents, some critics could not believe their eyes. and some taste buds. Some of the critics brought their own kids to taste the food with them, and the kids were more impressed than the critics.

But after time went by, I began to think that....perhaps becoming a chef and owning my own restaurant would be a lot of fun. For 10 human years, I was working at a restaurant in French. It's been a while, and I rarely remember the name. Anyway when I turned 330, I left France and came to Toronto to start my own business and perhaps owning my own restaurant, and I came across Heavenly Heights, and I guess the rest explains itself.


Blake's angelic nature allows him to harness light, whether it is for healing purposes or to get out of a crowd. He is also capable of flying short to medium sized distances with his wings. As for his physical capablities, Blake possess superhuman agility and speed. As for weakness, Blake can only survive for one month with absorbing light from the sun or drinking his white wine if he cannot get sunlight at the time he feels himself getting weak.


My dream, since you asked, is to build my own restaurant. I don't have a name yet. But I will make one in time.

(I was going to use my personal race, but I decided not to. I would like to talk about it, though.)
Name: Steven Mark Hayes

Age: 27

Gender: Male


Species: Shape shifter

History/Personality: Mark was born in a misfortune family. He was brought up as a perfect child. Coming of his teenage years he developed his powers of shape shifting. He became cocky and short tempered. He became an outcast. All he wanted to do was skateboard and walk through the woods. He left his home town of Little Texas and found Heavenly Heights.

Skills: Shape Shifting, Nonhuman strength, And Nonhuman Speed

Weaknesses: Lack of sleep and eating makes him weak, He can only shift for 2 to 6 hours. His human speed and strength is not as good as his shift form.

Purpose: The only thing Mark wants to do is live a normal life and own a skate shop but his instincts wont let him.

Shift looks:
Name: Tulip Massga

Age: 17



Species: Vampire Angel

History/Personality: Parents disowned her and sent her to heavenly heights, for her mother had an.affair with a dark angel. Her mother has passed, nd her father couldn't take care of her, he hated her anyway. Het heart is frailbut she is strong. Intelligent, stubborn, impatient.

Skills/Weaknesses: Can get out of most situations, escape artist, great cook, she can't stand losing some she cares about

Purpose: Dad couldn't take care of her amd.hated her since birth 
Character Template

Name: Jysse Maria Fitzgerald

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Real Form:

Anime Form:

Species: Angel

History/Personality: Jysse has always been the odd girl out, she was never really trusted as a young child. She knows nothing of her family or origins, but has always loved the beuty in nature. She loves to go outside alot and just listen to the birds or fly around for a bit. Jysse was the outcast, still is even. The one girl who always sat in the corner of the room, ignored by everybody else. Of course, nobody really suspected angel's existed, let alone she was one of them. She grew up in a small foster home in Georgia and soon realized her powers. The earliest memory she has was when she was given the ever-present amulet around her neck, it glows a pure white color. She cannot remember the face of who gave her the amulet, but she remembers it was about age 5, this is when her power's first took flight.

Skills/Weaknesses: Jysse isn't just a normal angel, she has very special element to her powers. The amulet she wears around her neck is that of a talisman. She uses it to cast any spell you can think of.
Laney: No hybrids, and the sections of your sign-up detailing History/Personality and Skills/Weaknesses are woefully underrepresented. Also, we already have an approved vampire, and an approved angel. Feel free to try again. Tupil = Denied

Jysse Fitzgerald: As just previously stated, there's already an angel. And your sign-up is missing one crucial detail. Other than that, I can find no real faults and I'd love for you to try again with a different supernatural creature. :) Sorry, but Jysse = Denied
Name: Scarlettia

Age: She was cursed to be immortal at the age of 16, and she's been living for about 500 years already.

Gender: Female



Species: Werepyre. (Her parents, you see.)

History/Personality: Scarlettia is an amiable, and friendly werepyre. She's not the kind to be sucking out the life of you too easily. Actually, she rarely to never does that. She might look really scary (with her raep face and all) but she might be the best supernatural friend you might ever have. She's full of surprises, and will do anything to protect her friends.

About 200 years ago, she was happily living in a village far away from the country, but a lot of villagers suspected that she wasn't normal. They thought that she would be a threat to the peaceful village, and wanted to kill her, burn her to the ground. Luckily she escaped at the night of her intended death. She then, somehow got to meet a nice man, who offered a nice place to stay, where no one would attempt to kill her, because they were supernatural. And that place was called Heavenly Heights.

Skills/Weaknesses: She doesn't like the sun, although it doesn't really kill her (just stings a bit). She also feeds off the color red of anything that she sees, and she 'could' suck blood from any living thing... if she wanted. She has a very big attraction to meat.
Name: Obscuro 'Lent' Lentium

Age: Unknown, but speculated to have existed a few hundred years before the bubonic plague. Appears no older than 25.

Gender: Appears and seems to behave like a female, despite being genderless in all actuality.



In her human form, she seems blind and if anyone cares to remove her blindfold, they will only gaze into the darkness that lies in her sockets, bringing the phrase 'stare into the darkness for too long and the darkness will stare back into you' to new heights. She gets around just fine, though, but she starts groping around when there is too much light, noticeably. For some twisted reason, her human form has no shadow, since Obscuro IS the shadow.

Her true form, though barely used nowadays, is a single pool of shadow that is unable to interact with the world. It bears no form and can fluidly change its form to make any shape on a surface. It seems to be 2 dimensional.

Species: Shade, a personification of shadows.


Personality: She is an odd one, never speaking and chooses to express herself through actions alone. There's a reason for this- she can't speak at all. She is quite playful to quite a bit of extent, and her malicious intent is usually in the form of harmless (subjective) pranks, consisting of pails of water placed atop doors and thumbtacks on chairs when no one is looking. She strays away from crowds and despises loud noises and lots of physical activity, choosing to walk in a small group or alone. She is painfully aloof to much of the things going on around her and likes to drift along long hallways and setting up pranks.


Whether it was spat out from Hell's bowels or created by the divine council in a funny place in the sky, Obscuro Lentium was given life as an animated shadow that slid across the ground and traversed in the Shadow Realm, watching the lives of others and, being a shadow then, unable to interact with the real world. It continued roaming the earth for a number of years, almost a hundred or so, before coming across a recently deceased lady, passed away from a plague. Obscuro, finding the chance to take the form of a mortal, decided to try something it had never done: entering a mortal body. Upon entering, however, the eyes of the body were removed, quite uncleanly. Fumbling around with its new body, and getting its bearings, Obscuro found a black piece of cloth and wrapped it around its eyes. After a bit of inspection that its new body was fully functionable, Obscuro began its new life as Lent.

Not much else is known about Lent. She simply stopped writing out her past after that and refused to answer any more questions. It was a bad choice to push her to keep telling, since Lent stood up, found her way to a shadow and vanished. The interviewer would later find a bunch of thumbtacks on his chair and a blackboard duster positioned to strike his face when he opened his door.

On researching, however, the interviewer found that Lent appeared at the gates of HH a year back, seeking asylum and a nice room to live in after years of wandering around, pulling plenty of pranks that caused minor inconveniences. Ever wondered how your keys got under you couch when you thought you left it on your table? There you have it. Your answer, Lent.



-Shadow Movement: Lent can take the shadows as a portal to another part of a floor, disappearing entirely from a single room if she wants. This allows her to move unnoticed between rooms, as long as they have a shadow present in it. This ability only affects a single floor and Lent is required to physically go up a flight of stairs or otherwise to use the ability on another floor. She often uses this ability to mess around with people and place pins on their chairs or something.


-Light: Light blinds her, ironically. Her shadow form cannot exist in light, and in an adequately lit room, she suffers from something akin to myopia and her eyesight decreases exponentially
Name:Cornelia Chrono

Age: Physically: 10 (Her age since she gained conciousness as well.)

Chronologically: Ageless.

Gender: No real gender, but has the mannerisms and features of a 10 year old girl.



Cornelia's human form is that of a diminutive 10 year old girl, with black hair and fair skin. She almost always wears baggy robes or dresses and is never seen without her necklace or her teru teru bozu doll, "mini-cid' or 'ciddy', which she attaches with a string to either her wrist or clothes.

Her true form is quite literally, time, and therefore is unable to be comprehended by the naked eye at all. Cornelia is unable to access this form unless her physical body is destroyed, whereupon the quantum energy inside her is released, potentially causing chronological alterations in the immediate area.

Species: Chrono esper. An avatar of time.


Personality: Cornelia is a quiet soft spoken girl, cautious around others, but also quirky in her own way. She is not quick to trust people, and will usually attempt to hide upon first meeting a person. However if the person does manage to gain her trust, she will open up to him or her considerably. She almost never speaks but shows her affection in a variety of ways. For example, she likes to (quite literally) pelt those she likes with small gifts such as candies or cards, before fleeing. She also likes to quietly snuggle up next to those she really trust and enjoys having stories being read to her. She also has a mischievous side, and uses her powers to pull pranks such as making someone's drink float away or freezing someone's face in place for a few seconds. She also hates loud noises and can usually be found cowering under a bed in a thunderstorm clinging onto mini-cid.

History: Cornelia first came into existence when several scientists attempted to harness the power of time by infusing a synthetic body with energy of time itself. Needless to say, the scientists were successful in their endeavour, and when the energy entered the body, it suddenly developed conciousness, and thus Cornelia came to be. At the beginning, Cornelia's power was unfathomable, and the scientists took full advantage of that, repeatedly performing experiments, forcing her to use her powers. Cornelia suffered greatly, but the scientists refused to let up, their lust for the power of time manipulation constantly increasing. Only one assistant, Cid, showed any concern for her well being at all. He regularly brought her small treats when the scientists were not around and would read her stories each night before she went to sleep. He taught her about the outside world, promising her that he would get her released somehow. He also made a necklace for her in the shape of a star, which doubled as a clock, as well as a small teru teru bozu doll, which he made on a a particularly stormy day. Cornelia affectionately named doll 'mini-cid' and she treasures both items deeply till this day. For several years this would continue, however, Cid was caught trying to smuggle a small mattress in for her and was detained in an unknown location for interfering with the test subject, jeopardising the validity of the results. Enraged at the unfairness of his detention, Cornelia mustered all her strength, and using her powers to deconstruct the door, she escaped her cell. The details of the escape itself were unclear due to Cornelia's unwillingness to talk, but she escaped the facility, destroying it in the process. But the strain of the escape, combined with all the years of experiments was too great for her, and her powers were weakened drastically, into the state they are in today.

Cornelia was also unwilling to discuss the events that happened immediately after her escape. All that's known is she was discovered floating through a window in HH, where she was taken in and has remained since. Though she still dreams of leaving to search for her benefactor someday.



-Time manipulation: Cornelia has the ability to manipulate time in a certain area to a very small extent. She can freeze, or slow time in the area for a short period, usually mere seconds, but she is incapable of speeding it up or "fast-forwarding" it. She can also reverse the time in a certain area or object to a previous state of up to 5 minutes. The catch is that if she does so to prevent an event from happening, the event will take place again unless the catalyst of the event is removed. For example, she can reverse the time of the affected area to heal a cut she got from falling over, but if she reverses time to stop a virus from spreading, it will still occur as the virus itself is still present. She is not above abusing this "disadvantage" to watch slow motion replays of someone walking into a wall. She also has the ability to make something weightless using quantum energy, and often uses this to float around like a ghost, though while she can sustain this for long periods of time on herself, she can only use this on external objects for short periods. She is also rather intelligent, and can pick up things rather quickly, she is also perceptive and understands things that one would not expect a 10 year old to understand. She also technically has the memory of everything that occurred since the beginning of time, due to the fact that she is an aspect of time itself and is comprised of quantum energy, but is unable to access these memories.

Weaknesses: Cornelia has the physical abilities of a 10 year old girl. And thus vulnerable to almost any kind of physical assault. Also using her powers in rapid succession is greatly taxing for her and will weaken them permanently as the source of her powers, the quantum energy inside her, can only regenerate small amounts cannot replenish itself in large amounts. It can be done to the point where all the energy inside her is used up, whereupon only her lifeless body will remain. Any powers that have been weakened this way will never be regained. And while she cannot be killed in any sense of the word, her conciousness is tied to her physical body, and she will revert to quantum energy if sufficiently damaged. Her physical body was engineered to grow like a regular human's but is currently not growing for reasons unknown. She is also rather naive, due to her young age, and is quick to accept things told to her by those she trusts. Her linguistic skills are also poor, due to her isolation.

Purpose: To find a way to grow up and search for Cid. But it isn't quite that urgent for her as she received confirmation of his safety a while back.

If anyone can think of a cooler species name, that would be very much appreciated.
Luna Crimson: For this RP I allow no hybrids. So, as long as lore would state that 'werepyres' are their own separate race, and not an amalgamation of werewolves and vampires, you will be approved. So, Scarlettia = Approved Conditionally (Please PM me as soon as possible so we can do a little lore-hashing)

Lent = Approved 
SirDurrHurrHurr: I LIKE IT. Cornelia = Approved

Leighton "Vanny" Cordell


He's lived for quite a long time,but for the sake of simplicity,he tells everyone that he's 27.




In both human and werewolf form, he wears a similar style of clothing, that is to say of that in my profile picture - suit or sweater-vest attire, and never without a fedora. He has blue-green eyes. As a werewolf, his fur is a very dark-grey that's almost black, patterned with russet-brown especially around the eyes; he has a distinctive white mark on his left ear. As a human,he has short russet-brown hair that he keeps messy yet somehow manages to make it neat. He stands at 173cm, and has slightly tanned skin.




"Don't worry, I don't bite. Well, at least not literally, provided you haven't done anything to irritate me. Does it make sense to you? Good. Now, would you like some root beer and an apple crumble? It'll be my treat. Splendid! Now, get comfortable - it might be a while of sitting here just talking. I'll tell you one thing, though - I really appreciate you taking time to listen to me."

A travelling musician in search of smiles from people around the world, Leighton is the type who loves to hit up a good conversation, be it through words or even the notes he plays with his flute or violin. He's quite generous and patient, something that earned him a reputation in certain parts of the European and American continents. Sadly, none knew what he truly was - a werewolf. Having to bear with that secret since the beginnings of Modernisation, Leighton realised that there was almost no one he could truly find as a friend to consult his inner problems with and as a result, set out to find a place where others of his kind may reside. Lucky for him, he bumped into a disguised elf while in Vancouver, and from there made his way to Toronto where Heavenly Heights awaited.

"It's been a couple of years since then; seen many creatures come and go in this place, but I was happy enough to know that I'm surrounded by folks similar to me. What? Uh...My age, huh? Well...Let's just go with twenty-seven, eh? Haha, it's been great talking with you. See you around soon!"


When necessary, Leighton has a preference for stealth and to attack his opponents from the shadows to throw them off-guard before moving in for the kill. As for navigation, his photographic memory eases travelling for him without a map.


Although normally patient, this Cordell gets insulted pretty easily, and can fly into a vicious rage when heavily provoked. His vision can be heavily distorted should the sound of ringing metal be very loud in his ear.


He just wants a place to stay,and to be able to play his music freely for the enjoyment of others.

(*uber fearful*)
Name: Sedrian

Age: he can't remember, he's lived too long

Gender: male


Species: demon

History/Personality: Sedrian was created in the deepest pits of Hell in order to serve under Satan himself as his slave. Sedrian wasn't happy with this way of living, so he escaped from Hell itself, and went out on his own. He's traveled all over the world, therefore he has nothing left to do. Sedrian is normally detached from others, he prefers not to get involved in other peoples affairs unless it suits him. Sedrian at first, will act as if his only intentions are the miser and death of others. But if you can get past his cold, ruthless exterior, he is much kinder.

skills: Sedrian can control and manipulate any kind of shadow. Sedrian can shoot lightning from his hands.

weaknesses: Sedrian is susceptible to the light, it drains much of his power. When he uses lightning it takes up a lot of his stamina.

Purpose: Sedrian wishes to meet the one person who can make him feel something. For ever since he's existed, he's felt absolutely nothing. His goal is to feel the emotion called "love"

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