Heaven Thunder Hammer

Hi. I am a little confused by the effect of Heaven Thunder Hammer (Solar Hero Form). Just like to check on the following scenarios.

1) The charm does physical damage of the attack first to her target, before the knockback effect?

2) Does the knock back effect send the target up to the sky? If it does, and the target hit a ceiling he takes damage. And assuming the ceiling remains, he fall down...does he take another round of falling damage?

3) If answer to question 2 is "No", can I presume you cannot punch an opponent to the ground, only backward right?

4) A person being knock back in a room, and should fly 20 yards away:

a) if he hit a wall, 15yards away. He suffers a 5dice raw damage right?

b) If he hit nothing, on the 20th yard. He suffers 0 damage?

c) If he hit a wall 1 yard away, he suffers 19 dice of raw damage?

5) Does the knock back effect allows heroic saving throw of (Wit + Athletic) as given in the Falling rule.

Thank you in advance for the clarifications.
1) Yes.

2) No, you need Dome-Shattering Smite (Ink Monkeys).

Although 2) was No, D-SS would result in a target suffering Falling damage from a sufficiently high fall.

3) While sufficient stunting could viably have the ground being 'behind' the victim, I think the spirit of the Charm implies a horizontal projection from the point of impact.

4a) Yes.

b) He suffers 0 additional damage, he would still suffer the damage from the Solar's original attack. But then why would you punch someone in a direction where there is no potential hazards to impact?

c) Yes. Bashing damage unless the object struck would potentially cause lethal damage (like, say, a wall studded with rusty spikes)

5) The knockback rules allows a character to resist if their Stamina + Resistance is greater than the raw damage. In the case of Heaven Thunder Hammer, this is made irrelevant. The victim has no defense whatsoever, unless they employ Charms that specifically state they cannot be knocked back.

Also check out the Scroll of Errata regarding the changes to HTH.

Hope this helps.

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