• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern heathens {cs}



coded by myfanwy myfanwy


Cs deadlines are next week wednesday, followed by character discussion on thursday and the actual start on Friday!

[class=tabs] background-color: #transparent; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #transparent; box-sizing: border-box; color: #4c000d; font-family: Cinzel; font-size: 13px; font-weight: initial; line-height: 1; margin: 20px auto; min-width: 250px; text-align: center; width: 30%; position: relative; top: -20px; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 2px 0; width: 33%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: transparent; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} requisite) (show tabsContentrequisite) if (eq ${currentTab} persona) (show tabsContentpersona) if (eq ${currentTab} biography) (show tabsContentbiography) [/script] [script=tab] hide tabsContent show tabsContentrequisite [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"]requisite
[div class=tab]persona[/div][div class=tab style="border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; width: 34%;"]biography[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentrequisite"]
name_self explanitory
nickname_aliases they recieved over the years
age (16+)_self explanitory
orientaion_sexual or romantic
gender_self explanitory
birthdate_include zodiac for funsies
height_feet or cm
weight_kg or lbs
eye colour_self explanitory
hair colour_self explanitory appearence_realistic face claim and/or description only

[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentpersona"]
personality_what are they like? how do they act? (1.5+ paragraphs or vices and virtues)
likes_what do they care about most
dislikes_what do they hate?
fears_what haunts them?
aspirations_what do they plan and hope to achieve?
quirks_what makes them the inner dorks they are?

[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentbiography"]
in-depth_what is their story?
theme song_what song defines them?
skills_what are some of their greatest attributes that they can contribute?
reason_why do they want to escape to heathens?
relationship_fill out when we are ready to start!

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x x x

name_ophelia bryans
age (16+)_19
birthdate_05/19/99 (taurus)


eye colour_blue eyed baby
hair colour_silver with faint black roots
extras_can speak fluent French and Afrikaans

x x x

vitures: + eccentric + vivid + energetic + bubbly + spirited +
vices: - feisty - bossy - aloof - reckless - dishonest -

likes_♡ 90's movies ♡ the early 2000's ♡ all things pink ♡ the sight of blood ♡ hospitals ♡ glitter ♡ hopscotch ♡ apple juice ♡ anything disney ♡ rap music

dislikes_△ being bored △ medicine/pills △ perfectionists △ fast food △ rock music △ the color blue △ not getting what she wants △ starbucks △ peanut butter △ authority

fears_○ Growing old ○ going to prison long term (though she's already been arrested several times) ○ Living an unfulfilling life

aspirations_○ overcome her mental health issues through natural methods ○ make enough money to acquire a college education again○ marry rich

quirks_○ Regularly talks or hums to herself ○ cries when she laughs ○ not necessarily a quirk, but she has very little regard for personal space or social etiquette. ○ very upbeat about everything

x x x

in-depth_ (Trigger warning of assault and kidnapping) Ophelia was a happy go lucky child, coming from a fairly wealthy family, she had the financial security, the beauty, the intelligence, and her future planned out in front of her with a place in Oxford University. She participated in heavy drinking at parties without a care in the world - until the night she drank too much. After a party during her first year she woke up, shivering in a bathtub, filled with ice, and with a note on the ceiling above her; "Don't make any sudden movements - your kidney has been removed". The news was a shock to the core to Fia, knowing that someone had just violated your body and removed your kidney to sell on the black market, was bad enough, but it became worse because they weren't done with her.

The 17 year old was proclaimed missing after 3 days, because the place where she was, she couldn't escape. She didn't know who they were, or what they wanted with her, they simply nursed her back to health and took care of her, in a dark basement for years. They never violated her again, never lifted a finger against her again, and she was left wondering who they were, and what they wanted from her. She clawed at the doors, the walls and every piece of furniture which was designed in a way not to break or impose harm. They took care of her, in time giving her books and a small light she could use to chase away the darkness.

After 2 years her chance came, a smallest point of exit as one of the men with the covered face nearly slammed the door shut, but not entirely. She didn't know if he was having a bad day, if he was careless or if he thought she wouldn't take the chance but she ran, ran straight past him. She should have known her feeble escape was doomed. She managed to reach the staircase before the man, whose face she had seen for the first time in that corridor caught up with her, and attempted to stop her, but she wrenched herself away, losing her balance and falling down the flight of stairs like a rag doll. There was a sickening crack as her head hit the bottom, but she wasn't dead, not yet, instead, Ophelia slipped into a Coma from her head injury. Her captor always kept a balaclava on when he visited the basement where he kept Fia, until the day she escaped, catching him in surprise in the hallway where he had no mask. Up to this moment she had believed that there had been two people keeping her locked in there but it was only one - Derrick; her ex. Derrick was, obsessive over Ophelia, to say the least, and once she broke up with him, he often followed her places, keeping tabs on her. The night that she had drunk so heavily, once the night he was busy, hiring a prostitute to take care of his repressed needs, and he only went back to tracking her location through her phone in the morning, to find that the GPS said that she was in a bad part of town. Derrick immediately made his way there to find Fia there with her kidney removed. He decided that Ophelia's reckless actions did this to her, and decided that the only way to solve this would be to lock her away, where he could look after her, and make sure she would not come to anymore danger.

After waking up from the Coma after 3 and a half months Fia woke up – but she couldn’t find herself again in the society she’s was in. Instead she escaped to the Heathens.

theme song_ PLAY ►

skills_✧ is trilingual ✧ can escape situations quickly ✧ learned to be good at persuasion and manipulating ✧ can defend herself in most cases ✧

reason_Fia is an odd one, as she has experienced nothing but very unpromising events in her life, due to her recklessness. Judging by what she had left herself, she decided it would be best to move forward in a different change of pattern, thus bringing her to heathens where no one judged anyone.

relationship_fill out when we are ready to start!


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[class name=capricecarleonbg] background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #75afaa; height: 420px; width: 300px; padding: 20px; background-position: 50%; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; transition: all 0.5s ease; [/class] [class name=capricecarleonbox] background-color: transparent; width: 100%; height: 200px; [/class] [class name=capricecarleonliners] background-color: #75afaa; width: 100%; height: 18px; padding: 1px; [/class] [class name=capricecarleonliners2] background-color: #edb890; width: 100%; padding: 1px; height: 18px; [/class] [class name=capricecarleongif1] background-image: url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/7899778d5b295765ad67062dfa926227/tumblr_opn8poahch1w4sd2oo4_250.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; [/class] [class name=capricecarleongif2] background-image: url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/fffe783023ac6555d0d90914fecafed2/tumblr_opn8poahch1w4sd2oo3_250.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; width: 100%; height: 200px; [/class] [class name=capricecarleonquote] background-image: url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/9590c6b93158972fbadb44a9e0743fb4/tumblr_oa7mgoMDs61t4kgqto1_500.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; width: 100%; height: 180px; [/class] [class name=capricecarleontb] background-color: #75afaa; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; transition: all 0.5s ease; [/class] [class name=capricecarleontb state=hover] opacity: 0.8; [/class]

[div class=capricecarleonbg]
[div class=capricecarleonliners]caprice carleon

[div class=capricecarleonliners2]caprisun

[div class=capricecarleonliners]nineteen

[div class=capricecarleonliners2]cismale

[div class=capricecarleonliners]nov 1st, scorpio[/div]
[div class=capricecarleonliners2]heterosexual[/div]
[div class=capricecarleonliners]xoxo[/div]
[div class=capricecarleongif1]

'why do you look like you're high all the time?'/'can you stop wearing those stupid windbreakers?'/'your fucking glasses annoy the shit out of me.'

[div class=capricecarleonliners2]5 ' 8 "

[div class=capricecarleonliners]130 - 150 lbs

[div class=capricecarleonliners2]green[/div]
[div class=capricecarleonliners]light to dark brown[/div]

- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx

[div class=capricecarleongif2][/div]
[div class=capricecarleonquote][div class=capricecarleontb]



the quality of being eccentric
"the eccentricity of his views"

- scarfs
- schrimp
- gore
- disorganized chaos
- idiocy
- milk

losing himself and(or) his identity/being unable to see

to leave his mark/to save himself from the cycle that is life/to live beyond death

everything/'tie your fucking shoelaces'/'stop clicking your stupid pen'/'why are your palms bleeding?'/'are you avoiding me because i won that chess game?'

'i am an agent of chaos baby! i heed no law and need no reason,'
his main reasons are that he's, a) a bit suicidal and needs direction in life, b) needed to try out something new in his boring ass life, c) attention maybe???

theme song

'i never knew you could cook!' - caprice is almost an expert chef, since he had to cook for a family of five in the stead of his mother for most of his life / 'i bet you can't lift that!' - jokes on you, random quotation! he might not look like much, but caprice actually has a good amount of strength and muscles / 'you already memorized it?' - his memory is nearly savant like, caprice is able to remember and see details most would miss

- perceptive
- charismatic
- driven
- loyal
- quick tempered
- brash
- apathetic
- self serving

'he also happens to be a bit of a nymphomaniac'

caprice was born to a mother who wasn't ready, and he was born when she was only seventeen. seeing as she was rather unfit to be his mother, lilian had decided to give caprice away to her older sister (who was already married at the time). seeing as this was the case, caprice grew up being a little less accepted into the family then the rest of the siblings. however, as he was the oldest, he was expected to act as such. and while slowly there was less and less cash as his stepfathers workplace closed down, and the parents had to work harder then ever, caprice also picked up pace and more carefully took care of his youngers. however, right now he isn't living with his family and as such has no one to care about (hencewhy he might be a little bit more reckless now)
caprice loves his adopted parents and they love him back, or at least his mother does. his biological mother meanwhile had killed herself when he was just eight so he doesn't remember her all that well, but caprice is still nonetheless very upset about her death and has a rather angry disposition towards her for abandoning him.
his siblings are precious things to him, and he would kill for them.​
school life wasn't the worst for caprice, he breezed through his grades, recieving above average in everything, but never exactly shining out. he was second seat on the chess club (a fact that he resented because he wanted first very bad). there were always rumours going around him, that he was insane, that he was the next jeffrey dahmer, you name it. the girls all either hated him or loved him, and caprice was a very well known playboy, he slept around and he dated around. currently he attends college, where he has a lesser large reputation but nonetheless he is known to be slightly crazy.​
-personal life
caprice has never been in love, maybe in lust, but none of the girls he ever was with interested him. they were either too bleak or they didn't like his attitude, so despite his quest to find the perfect life partner he is currently failing really badly.​
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[class=tabs] background-color: #transparent; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #transparent; box-sizing: border-box; color: black; font-family: Cinzel; font-size: 13px; font-weight: initial; line-height: 1; margin: 20px auto; min-width: 250px; text-align: center; width: 30%; position: relative; top: 0px; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 2px 0; width: 33%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: transparent; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} i) (show tabsContenti) if (eq ${currentTab} ii) (show tabsContentii) if (eq ${currentTab} iii) (show tabsContentiii) [/script] [script=tab] hide tabsContent show tabsContenti [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;"]i
[div class=tab]ii
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"up in the air if it was a good call or not,"

no sung hyun
xiao | shorty
demiromantic asexual
31•october | scorpio

naturally black, dyed blonde
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentii"]
"to me it was irrelevant 'cause i wanted control."


candy, coffee, nightlife, photography, spray paint/tagging, twilight/twilit​
ballads, disingenuity, smokers, excessive gore​
needles, spiders, the dark, the pain of friendships failing​
to travel the world and document it with pictures​
ambidextrous, hums to himself, loves fire but is afraid of it, spaces out.​

[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentiii"]
"i got cortisol in my coffin."

other than his birth date, sunghyun was born into an unremarkable family. his parents were your typical nine-to-five office worker father and a stay at home mother. he was the youngest child in his family and therefore, the least amount of expectation was placed on him. while his older siblings had to work hard and study, all he had to do was pout and he would get his own way.

of course, this led to his siblings feeling jealous. to them, it wasn't fair that they had to work so hard only to have him be babied by their mother.

once sunghyun started high school, he started falling into bad crowds. it wasn't easy, he had to actually learn how to hold his own and not rely on others for help all the time. as he started to become more and more influenced by these crowds, his grades started to slip due to the fact that he was either skipping class or sleeping through them. this aroused the suspicions of his parents and caused them to monitor him carefully, to try to find the cause of it.

by this point it was already too late. a rebellious decision was made th at night and it was one that sunghyun regrets to this day.

wrld- chase it
kooma x veela- cortisol
veela- drift away
vérité- saint (tofû remix)
scrapper he's very good at holding his own in a fight due to fighting dirty. there are no rules for him.

street smart the city is his jungle and he's very adept at finding his way around the back alleys and forgotten streets.

smooth talker he has a way with words and is often told he should work as a lawyer.

dictionary sunghyun is a walking dictionary, often knowing the spelling or definition to the most random of words.​
sunghyun just wants his freedom back. he doesn't want to be tied to one place or group for the rest of his life, especially if it was forced.​
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― barbie sinclair.
name ;; beatrice st claire.
nickname ;; (alias) barbie sinclair.
age ;; seventeen.
orientaion ;; heterosexual.
gender ;; cisgender female.
birthdate ;; october twenty fifth (scorpio).

height ;; five foot, seven inches.
weight ;; one hundred and twenty three pounds.
eye colour ;; dull green with specks of brown.
hair colour ;; dark brown inherited from her mother which cascades down to her elbows but she dyes it blonde

vices ;; uptight, stubborn, lustful, reckless.
virtues ;; dauntless, romantic, cunning, intelligent.
likes ;; the smell of fresh roses, coffee, sparkly gowns, rose champagne.
dislikes ;; pressure, bugs, sexism, arrogance, ugly pant suits.
fears_ clowns, the idea of being lonely, bugs.
aspirations_ barbie used to dream of living the life of a simple housewife during the day while being a kingpin drug lord at night.
quirks_ plays with the end of her hair.

history ;; barbara was born to an unhappy socialite couple as their only child who only married each other for the wealth. her father was a player, his attention was always fickle and henry seemed to be more interested in younger women while his wife, sabrina, only cared about maintaining her wealth and appearance. while her parents spent their time at social events, barbara. was left behind at home waiting patiently for her parents' attention. yet each night, barbara was constantly ignored. when it came to nannies, barbara was a little devil in angel's clothing; she threw tantrums at every opportunity and was crying for her parents. by the age of six, her parents were in the middle of a divorce and a war.

barbara was confused and alone after the divorce, her father had already moved out and her mother had plans of another income. at the age of eight, barbara had earned her first job as a children's model for a clothing brand. sabrina went to extreme lengths to earn her daughter jobs to pay for her wealthy taste. barbara's career grew as she grew up, her personality becoming uptight and spoilt with each job, but by the age of sixteen, barbara threw her biggest tantrum and burnt her director's palm with her cigarette. she had found her mother doing "favours" with agents and directors behind closed doors, and barbara didn't want to live her mother's dream any longer. barbara withdrew an extreme amount of money from her mother's bank account, almost bankrupting her, before going running away, changing her name to barbie sinclair and using the money to survive.
theme song ;; teen idle - marina and the diamonds.
skills ;;
- seduction
- manipulation
- singing (she was a child star, duh)
- acting
reason ;; barbie is tired of living in luxury and wants to live an adventurous life instead, HEATHENS seemed like the perfect opportunity.

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Ryder Branche​




nickname ; Branch
age ; 18
orientaion ; pansexual
gender ; female
birthdate ; December 20th -- Sagittarius


height ; 5'6
weight ; 135 lbs
eye colour ; pale grayish blue, like stone.
hair colour ; At the moment, it's a sandy/platinum blonde. When in the real world, Ryder frequently dyed her hair to match with expression or deeds.


personality ; The ironic thing about it all is that, it seems like Ryder has no personality at all. She is almost emotionless, and wishes hopelessly to herself that she will be able to feel and show as much emotion as other people around her. On the positive note, she is rather intelligent-- common sense wise and when it comes to English/literature. She happens to be loyal to those she 'feels' almost comfortable around, due to the fact there aren't many... in fact no others, who she does. Ryder is strong-willed, and even if you could see the pain and desperation in her eyes, she would refuse to show it in any physical or emotional form for others to supervise by. This could get a little tricky, because one person can only hold so much in before they... explode. She tends to take out her feelings on enemies, people she hates, killing them in the most brutal or sometimes irrational ways. She isn't scared to speak her mind, but she hates to repeat herself.. even IF her personality confuses you on how she meant her words.
likes ; warm green tea, romance movies, books (any kind), hair dye & makeup, gore
dislikes ; chewing with your mouth open, medical professions, arrogance, sweet food, clinginess
fears ; hospitals, affection (She's never felt it)
aspirations ; Though Ryder does not show it, or attempts to, she truly wants to be able to 'feel' as everyone else does. Thus including showing her emotions significantly.
quirks ; stand offish, usually casual about most things (even if they are catastrophic), she has a habit of 'flossing' her bottom teeth with the tip of any blade.


Biography stuff here


Gallery stuff here

code by pasta
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The Fighting Prankster


Name Damon Henry Walmer
Nicknames/Aliases Tweedles (with his twin sister) | Dum
Age Twenty
Orientation Pansexual
Gender Cis-Male
Birth Date 14th February (Aquarius)


Height 5'11''
Weight 138 lbs
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color White Blonde
Distinguishing Features
> His hair is shorter then his sisters
Face Claim Lucky Blue Smith
Voice Claim
Lucky Blue Smith


Personality Damon is very intelligent. Getting high marks in high school, and even before that. While his sister is the one who talks them outta trouble normally, when that doesn't work, it's up to Damon. He fights. Making sure nothing happened to his sister, he doesn't care if he gets a few cuts and bruises. He is overprotective and selfless. He doesn't really care for what happens to himself and if someone ever hurts his sister, they are dead. Damon is really mature and wise. Being the only voice of reason most of the time, and the one with a clear head.Virtues Intelligent | Selfless | Mature | Protective
Vices Angry | Blunt | Jokester | Dependant | Possesive
Likes Pranks/Jokes | Reading | His sister, Delia | Trouble
Dislikes Carelessness | Broken Trust | Violence | Idiots
> Being taken away from Delia
> His sister being harmed

> That his sister and him will be safe and happy somewhere
> Successful Family Lawyer

> Insomniac
> Hates reading outloud
> Makes fun of people when asked questions he doesn't want to answer
Obsessions Knowledge
Strengths His strength and fighting skills | Knowledge | Agile | Know how to escape and hide well
Weaknesses Lack of charm | Sticky situations the pair get in | Sister Harmed


Backstory Damon is the male individual out of the twins, him and his twin sister, Delia. The pair had been raised in a small orphanage where their living space was rather not pleasant. Especially for such devious little rascals like them. The madame of the orphanage was by no means kind. Beating them, leaving them hungry and even not allowing them to do the majority of activities that they deemed enjoyable. It never quite stopped them from being themselves. Especially for the nasty and dirty little tricks they play on her.
Dum, as his sister calls him, was the cool head and escape plan of the pair. It was weird cause he was also the one who did most of the fighting. Especially since his sister's pranks often get them into trouble that he would have to fight their way out. Eventually the young pair had managed to let themselves free of the madame's clutches due to their age and with no remote roof over their heads, they proceeded up to raise one another in the streets. Stealing from here, stealing from there. He didn't care much about the money like his sister did, he was all about getting smarter and stronger.
The pair of twins had been gathered up from the streets by a fine man in his early forties who had been raising them throughout as his own children, their benefactor. It was then when Damon started training and making sure he was strong, and reading book after book.
Growing up, Damon found out along with his sister that their guardian was a spy whom was displaying his skills upon them in order for them to carry out some successes in life. Despite that, he always made sure to tell them to use it respectfully to say the least. Not long, the twins had suffered his loss and they ended up alone, having no one but each other, like the beginning. Their stash slowly decreasing, His sister used the skills she had learned to gain knowledge on others, while Damon used his skills to make sure they had escapes and hideaways to gather info and run. The information gathered together with their childish pranks makes the suspects on them rather less. It's a nice way for income to begin with and a good way for him to use his skills.
Theme Song Kiss me before I fucking lose my mind by Nightcore
Skills Finding Escapes and Hideaways | Fighting | Pranking | Smarts - Both Streets and Books
Reason Upon discovering the benefactors true motive, the twins did not like it one bit and decided to flee from the people who pretended to put on a friendly face just because they needed their services.


> Delia Walmer || His twin sister. She is his everything and practically his other half. Despite being older by a few minutes, she is truly the youngest in spirit. He may have the more mature mind, she has the life and the light. Something he needs to keep his sanity.
Coded by stellar.nova stellar.nova | Hidden Scrolls
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The Bribing Prankster


Name Delia Heidi Walmer
Nicknames/Aliases Tweedles (with her twin brother) | DeeDee
Age Twenty
Orientation Bisexual
Gender Cis-Female
Birth Date 14th February (Aquarius)


Height 5'10''
Weight 125lbs
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color White Blonde
Distinguishing Features
> Her hair length practically distinguished her from her brother.
Face Claim Pyper America Smith
Voice Claim
Pyper America Smith


Personality Delia is described as tough as nails and also very protective. She can be somewhat of a tomboy, in that she doesn't buy into the usual expectations held for teenage girls: she scoffs at high school pretenses, holds her own against her male counterparts. She is impulsive and tends to speak before she thinks, which can get her into trouble. She is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals as she has proven she is willing to do anything to get what she wants, even at the expense of others' lives especially if there is a loved one at stake, especially her twin brother, ??. Still, she does seem to value the ties of friendship, though highly selectively, and her desire to find one suggests an inner vulnerability that she often covers up with provocative remarks and behavior. She doesn't allow for anybody to get in her way.Virtues Wise | Knowledgeable | Charismatic - Imaginative | Protective
Vices Idealistic | Superstitious | Pranks taken too far | Tattles | Jealous
Likes Pranks/Jokes | Gathering in-tell for benefits | Her brother, Damon | Mayhem
Dislikes Seriousness | Deals not held | Violence | Bad Luck
> Being discovered on the spot
> Her brother being harmed

> That everyone could just live in peace and serenity instead of this madness

> Successful in tell business or a Bail bonds-person
> Insomniac
>Hates eating in front of other people
>Repeats the last word a person says to annoy them
Obsessions Money
Strengths Her way with words | The vital information gathered | Agile
Weaknesses Lack of fighting skills | Sticky situations the pair get in | Brother harmed


Backstory Delia is the female individual out of the twins, her and her brother, Damon. The pair had been raised in a small orphanage where their living space was rather not pleasant. Especially for such devious little rascals like them. The madame of the orphanage was by no means kind. Beating them, leaving them hungry and even not allowing them to do the majority of activities that they deemed enjoyable. It never quite stopped them from being themselves. Especially for the nasty and dirty little tricks they play on her.
DeeDee, as her brother calls her, never hesitated to take her pranks overboard and won't feel remotely guilty. Especially since her victims were always ones who typically deserve it. Eventually the young pair had managed to let themselves free of the madame's clutches due to their age and with no remote roof over their heads, they proceeded up to raise one another in the streets. Stealing from here, stealing from there. Money was her ultimate goal.
The pair of twins had been gathered up from the streets by a fine man in his early forties who had been raising them throughout as his own children, their benefactor. It was then when Delia started gathering the knowledge needed to simply outsmart and be able to carry out conversations without being back stabbed for the majority.
Growing up, Delia found out that their guardian was a spy whom was displaying his skills upon them in order for them to carry out some successes in life. Despite that, he always made sure to tell them to use it respectfully to say the least. Not long, the twins had suffered his loss and they ended up alone, having no one but each other, like the beginning. Their stash slowly decreasing, Delia decided to put those skills she learnt to use. Using their dumb reputation, to spy on the local. The information gathered together with their childish pranks makes the suspects on them rather less. It's a nice way for income to begin with.
Theme Song Humanby Rag'N'Bone Man
Skills Acting | Haggling | Pranking | Smuggling
Reason Upon discovering the benefactors true motive, the twins did not like it one bit and decided to flee from the people who pretended to put on a friendly face just because they needed their services.


> Damon Walmer || Her twin brother. He is her rock and practically her other half. Despite being older by a few minutes he still seems to handle situations more maturely than her. She may have the older body but he has a more mature mind.
> Ophelia Bryans || Complicated Friends/Eventual Close Friends. Let's face it. Delia and Ophelia were not always the close friends they are at the moment. They had a very rocky foundation as did they never got along whatsoever which after eventual events the pair became really close.
> Barbie Sinclair || Blast from the past. Let's face it. Delia and Barbie only saw eye to eye only once if not a couple times and that was when they were both simply very very young. So young that she can barley remember the female if she had to see her in person. However she does know that the said person was the twins' benefactor.
Coded by stellar.nova stellar.nova | Hidden Scrolls
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>>coding will come later maybe idk

name: natalia whitman
nickname: nat, natty, natalie
age: nineteen
orientation: bisexual
gender: female
birthdate: january 5, capricorn

height: five feet, six inches
weight: one-hundred fifty
eye color: blue-ish grey
hair color: light brown, when grown out
faceclaim: casja wessberg


virtues: loyal, intelligent, self-aware, confident
vices: stubborn, unattached, rude/impolite, selfish
likes: sitcoms, football, black coffee, fish, socks and sandals, more
dislikes: practically everyone, when people call her “nat,” dogs, chewy candy, more

fears: water she cannot stand in, exposure, deep relationships
aspirations: settle down with a family without her fears getting in the way, work with rehabilitating injured marine animals, being able to provide for herself

quirks: she has a squishy chicken attached to her phone case she squishes 24/7, sings in the shower very loudly and very badly, lots of death glares, takes of shoes and uses as potential weapon when fighting/arguing


This got insanely dark and I have no clue where it happened, but trigger warning for discussion of sexual abuse and statutory rape. (Including a theme song that revolves around it, basically.)


(it's fair to note that their hair and eye color will probably just change every damn week)
name - Odile Gosselin
nickname - Oddie, Odd
age (16+) - 17
orientaion - Pansexual
gender - Nonbinary (they/them)
birthdate - December 2nd. A Scorpio, but insists they're an Ophiuchus even though it's barely a real star sign.
height - 5'2
weight - 112 lbs

personality - You ever meet someone who is just obnoxiously incapable of acting like a normal fucking person? Because whoever that was, they're still probably more societally functional than Odile Gosselin is. Oddie is, well, odd, hence their nicknames. It's hard to tell whether they're faking for attention, or if they're actually as oblivious to how people work as they come off. They're blank, say things that don't make sense, they almost come off as an alien or something. They're extremely creative, but also extremely hard to work with, as Oddie refuses to do anything in any way but their own. And oftentimes their way is incredibly hit-or-miss. They don't like to have their lack of normalcy challenged, and tend to explode at people who so much as insinuate that they're not as weird as they come off. Otherwise, they tend to suppress most signs of emotion, and will often say things that... just straight up make no sense. ("What is coffee?... Oh, you mean the void.")
likes -
  • Art
  • Robots
  • Body mods
  • Collecting animal teeth
  • Black coffee with 6 scoops of sugar exactly
dislikes -
  • The monotony of everyday life
  • The mere concept of sex robots
  • People who want to be referred to as "Miss" or "Mister" something
  • Organized religion
  • Touching dry towels
fears -
  • The dark
  • Doctors
  • Napping for too long and waking up at the end of the world
  • People putting hands on their face
  • Relapsing
aspirations - To basically become a walking work of art, nigh-untouchable by man.
quirks - They constantly chew bubblegum (and also constantly swallow it), usually can be seen fidgeting with clothing or piercings, constantly dying and re-dying their hair, sometimes they tug on their cheek piercings to make it look like they have chubby cheeks, they talk in their sleep, they tend to forget to eat during the day.

in-depth - Oddie was born in France, to a French father and an American mother. Soon they moved to America, into your typical, picket-fence, middle-class, stepford neighborhood. They were born with autism, very overtly so, and they were often seen as strange by peers and adults alike. Their parents were two boring people, who wanted Oddie to be like this or like that. They wanted Oddie to be anyone but themself. Their father would occasionally beat them. (As they got slightly older, the abuse escalated to a sexual level.) Quickly, they began acting out in class and at home. Licking objects, breaking things, drawing on walls, and eventually use of drugs and self-piercing. Theft and pyromania were added to their ever-growing list of recurring problems. Despite this, not only did they never harm a single person, but they also maintained impressive grades throughout.
Eventually, their parents had a second child, who they named Philomena. (Or 'Philly', for short.) Philly was, essentially, the perfect daughter. At least, she must have been, because Oddie's parents lavished her with constant attention. Oddie only began to act out more and more, becoming a stranger, more confusing, more twisted person. They became so twisted, in fact, that it was hardly possible to recognize if there was a single piece of Odile Gosselin left. They were mocked by their classmates. Had cruel words written on their desk. Freak. Attention whore. Weirdo. Singled out in gym class, picked last and blasted in the head with dodgeballs. They became friends with people much older than them, who used them and manipulated them. At 15 they had a boyfriend who was 23, who supplied them with ecstasy. (Which they absolutely loved.) In return, Oddie gave him sexual favors. He eventually used them for money, and essentially whored them out at age 16. Eventually, it all culminated. Oddie had an absolute breakdown. They disappeared from their home, with a suitcase full of clothing, dyes and piercings, as well as a backpack of supplies.
theme song - Prison Sex - Tool

  • Fashioning weapons out of unordinary objects
  • Creativity (strategic or otherwise)
  • Stealing shit
  • Acting (surprisingly useful in the field)
  • High pain tolerance
  • Can theoretically smuggle things inside their ridiculous outfits
reason - Everything was horrible. They just want to be surrounded by people who will accept their weirdness, or help them, even. They just want to be away from everything that they associated with "home". They want freedom. They want companionship.
relationship - They own a stuffed squid named Cornelius, who is their BEST FRIEND.
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[div class=firstword]nickname[/div] rey

[div class=firstword]gender[/div] cis female

[div class=firstword]age[/div] eighteen

[div class=firstword]orientation[/div] bisexual

[div class=firstword]birthdate[/div] june 3rd (gemini)

[div class=firstword]face claim[/div] andrea kevichüsa

[div class=line][/div]
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]persona[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow] [div class=firstword]likes[/div] spliffs, the sensation of sun on skin, polaroids, feathers, birds in general, old cartoons, turtlenecks

[div class=firstword]dislikes[/div] cheese (both literal and metaphorical), those with a superiority complex, excessive noise, people who dislike dogs

[div class=firstword]habits[/div] often relies on substances to ease anxiety or excessive stimuli, zones out on regular basis

[div class=firstword]fears[/div] total chaos, loss of reality

[div class=firstword]aspirations[/div] merely to get by, live a quiet but content existence

[div class=firstword]quirks[/div] prefers to observe from afar, understanding but indifferent, plots without following through, appreciates smaller things in life

[div class=line][/div]
[div class=firstword]mbti[/div] INFP -A

[div class=firstword]virtues[/div] ✓perceptive ✓curious ✓ compassionate ✓ patient

[div class=firstword]vices[/div] ✗ unmotivated ✗ passive ✗ careless ✗ v. quiet [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]history[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow][div class=firstword]biography[/div] In studies Caoilainn was adept, however talent is meaningless without motivation. Despite being born into a prestigious family with a hard work ethic she was generally aimless in life. She had no ambition, no dream, was simply quite content just to be. This upset her mother, who had spent her life working through the rat-race despite lacking privileges others had taken for granted. Caoilainn was conceived when her parents were older than most, so it wasn't possible for her mother to have another baby and adopting wasn't an option due to their busy schedule. This meant her parent's notorious legacy was passed onto Caoilainn, and Caoilainn only. Rey's mother wanted her only daughter to be as successful as herself. Although she didn't show her stress the responsibility weighed heavy, and as a result Rey coped by even further slacking. Her grades slipped, previously being good (but in her parent's eyes mediocre) A's and B's, to the point where she wasn't passing. She also started hanging out with what her family considered 'the wrong crowd', getting involved in minor crime like trespassing and vandalism. Concerned by her daughter's behaviour her mother took her to a therapist. She was diagnosed with early onset dysthymia, a mild but long term form of depression. She got therapy which initially helped, boosting her grades and productivity. But Caoilainn felt the change was purely external- whilst her situation improved she still felt as terrible as before. Graduating high-school, she was accepted into a satisfactory university, wherein a relapse came into fruition. The pressure was greater than ever before, and whilst in her first few semesters she succeeded fairly well, Caoilainn swiftly fell into old habits. Her work wasn't being done and previously being in a fairly sheltered community, this new college offered substances she had never experienced before. The fall was worst than before and in a matter of months she was contacted by administration with threats of expulsion. Not heeding their warning and the jaded blackmail of her family she was eventually kicked out. She was disowned by her parents as a result. Since she has been living in a shared apartment and working for various fastfood chains.

[div class=firstword]skills[/div] because of the company she chose to keep Caoilainn attained a few skills she considers useful. For one she can successfully pick a lock or break a master combination lock, and is fairly adept at traversing security units without being detected. She knows how to fire, load and clean a gun, although her marksmanship is nowhere near perfect. She's fairly good at cracking puzzles, but that's only if she puts her mind to it. Knows very basic self defence from classes her parents sent her to.

[div class=firstword]reason[/div] despite her classic negligence Caoilainn feels she has put her abilities to use. She has seen the disadvantages in society, and she thinks if she were to put her mind to anything this would be the best option.

[div class=line][/div]

[div class=firstword]name?[/div] blah blah blah blah blah

[div class=firstword]name?[/div] blah blah blah blah blah

[div class=firstword]name?[/div] blah blah blah blah blah

[div class=firstword]name?[/div] blah blah blah blah blah[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=credit]width:550px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]

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