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Fandom Heart of the Cards (Yu-Gi-Oh! RP)


One Thousand Club
Hello RPnation! I am not necessarily expecting many responses to this,(Doesn''t help that I'm not terribly skilled with BB code to make things look pretty) but I thought I'd throw my two cents out here. I currently began re watching the series, from season 1 onwards. I am looking for anyone who would in a roleplay related to such. I am more familiar with the first series the best, and up through GX however I Am not opposed getting into later series, my information would likely need brushing up on however.

My General RP info:
I tend to post in paragraph format, third person.
My post lengths will vary depending on what my partner is expecting/provides, I can generally go from a paragraph, to several or more depending. ( I am naturally also comfortable going less if need be)
I am ditch friendly (as long as I am notified of such)
I usually RP on, Pms here, Discord, or Email. (If your preferred method is not listed here please let me know and see if I can make accommodations ^^))
I am highly active, able to get on pratically every day, and I can generally notify my partner if me making a post is unlikely on a certain day, before or on said day.
I've been RPing since around 2010, and like to think that I am decently experienced due to such.
I am fine with 18+ or darker themes so to speak, If we are to RP in the PMs none of such can violate RPnation rules.

Yu-gi-Oh RP info:
Plot wise: It is fairly up in the air at this point, I am highly flexible. Whether someone is interested in a platonic adventure akin to the duelist kingdom arc, or if one is looking for more so a romance, slice of life, within the Yu-gi-oh universe or a mix, I'm completely down. I look forward to discussing such with anyone who Is interested.

experience in playing actual card game is not needed for This RP. (Though if someone who actually plays the game and would be interested in incorporating something along the lines of YGPRO Or any online alternative into said rp to determine the outcome or simulate predetermined battles are still welcome))

I have played the card game and still play the card game and am trying to get better, I also have watched some of the show as described above.

Characters wise: I am completely open to playing any character from the first season-GX whether it be canon or OC. I am also comfortable utilizing multiple characters need be, and I am subsequently fine with (MXM,MXF,FXF) within the RP if said RP comes to such ( I am also open to doubling if said rp goes down that route)

Either way thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you are interested feel free to reply directly here (So I can PM you/respond) Or just feel free to PM me regarding this.

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