Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Calling All Roleplayers!

Golden Solitaire

Fandom Garbage
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I’ve been away far too long, so pretty much all of my roleplays have died out. This, however, gives me a chance to start new ones and find more people to talk to! If you haven’t guessed it already, I’m looking for roleplay partners.

What I offer:

-Posts of 3 to 5 paragraphs, though I will match what you send.
-Timely replies. I am able to post every day.
-Third person POV...for the most part. I can do first person, but I hate it. If you have a good enough reason for me to roleplay first person, I’ll do it.
-Multiple posts a day as long as I don’t have a ton of replies to get to and I have the time for it. I generally attempt at three posts per day, but that’s the best case scenario.
-OOC chat! I love OOC chat no matter if it’s about the roleplay or about memes. I don’t care, I just like getting to know people.
-I will do my best to let you know if I won’t be on for extended periods of time. Life happens, ya know?

What I expect:

-Posts that at least match mine. I will not reply to one liners while I’m writing multiple paragraphs. Can’t do it. Sorry.
-At least one reply a day.
-A continuation from above; if life gets busy, I understand, just please let me know so I don’t assume you’ve ditched me.
-Willingness to collaborate on a plot and assist me in furthering the story.

Now that we have that over with, here are my interests!

I will be using an OC (or OCs) for fandom roleplays, but I will double as a canon character if you need me to. That being said, I can do OC x OC, Canon x OC, and maybe Canon x Canon.


Asterisks*** - What I have the most muse for.
Clear without asterisks - Topic(s) I don’t have much interest for at the moment.
Bold - Just ask!


Tokyo Ghoul

Fire Emblem*****
The Legend of Zelda
Overwatch (situational)
Black Butler

Attack on Titan**
Monster Hunter World
Red Dead Redemption 2 ***************** (Please please roleplay this with me I'm dying)


Medieval Fantasy (I will NEVER say no) *****
Pirates or some other kind of mercenaries***
Dinosaurs are pretty rad. Maybe something similar to Ark: Survival Evolved? *****
Honestly, throw a plot at me. We’ll talk about it.

Alrighty! I do believe that’s it! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to post below or shoot me a message! I may have forgotten a fandom or two, so don’t be afraid to ask about it.
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Ello, it's me again! I'm down for this if you're still open

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