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Active Hear all about it, Hear all about it! 1x1


One Thousand Club
This Rp happens following the events of X and is set in the capital of Ryke, the city of Ryken.
Location(s): Ryken
Time of Day: 9:00 AM
Weather: Sunny day with clouds in the sky providing some shade from the weather, though it looks like a storm is brewing off to the east and is slowly approaching the city.
Goal: To acquire the F Grade business asset of Bounder's Printing Co. So expect 3 weeks of work to accomplish this.

New Eris.png
Sergius Gardner

??? Grade Character

Titles: Hobbit, Fae, Merchant

mentions: Ersatra Ersatra

Notes: Sorry for the delay but its finally ready!

Ryken, the capital of Ryke, is a place full of opportunity and learning and, to some, a hub for all sorts of shady activities. It is where many merchants consider to be home and where many traveling merchants stop to restock supplies before continuing on with their journies. One of Ava's aid would quickly return to her after being sent out to gather information informing her of a pamphlet business that was potentially looking to sell its property off, providing the price was right. From the information that was given, an initial meeting had been set up at the business in question and today was the day of that initial meeting.

The sun warmed the air for anyone outside, and its rays occasionally hid behind the clouds as they passed over. Ryken itself has been abuzz as of late; there was supposedly a merchant going around conning people of their coins over a potion that was supposed to cure all illnesses. But in reality, several individuals had died from drinking the potions, the merchant guild in the city started to post posters detailing the individual in question and asking for any information.

Meanwhile, Sergius was on the main floor of the establishment in question. Sweat was dripping from his forehead and hitting the floorboards; various employees were tending to several printing presses. The heating of the ink caused the room to heat up, and the palms of his hands were stained black with ink. He had an apron that was also covered with the stains of ink, he turned around and walked down a step ladder that he was standing on as the lever was pushed down bringing the large press down on the paper.

He walked over to the freshly printed paper and started to inspect it when a merchant guild representative walked into the business and handed him a paper. There was a small exchange of words and then the guild representative quickly left out the door to go deliver more pieces of paper, which were practically almost about to fall out.
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Ava, stepped into the pamphlet business wearing a sharp red blazer over a fitted black skirt. Her black tights and boots completed the ensemble, exuding both confidence and authority. Her straight white hair cascaded down to her lower back, contrasting starkly against the deep red of her blazer. She moved through the room with a commanding presence, her posture upright and her expression composed, taking in every detail of the operation with a discerning eye.

The moment she crossed the threshold, the heat from the printing presses hit her, along with the unmistakable scent of ink and hot metal. The air was thick with the sounds of machinery clattering away, workers shuffling between stations, and the rustle of freshly printed paper being stacked. She let her gaze sweep across the room, noting the worn wooden floors, the piles of pamphlets ready for distribution, and the workers' focused expressions as they went about their tasks.

As she made her way further inside, she spotted Sergius, the owner, standing on a small step ladder, inspecting a flyer handed to him by none other than a Merchant's guild rep. Sergius was a sturdy man, his apron stained with ink, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead from the heat of the presses. His hands, smudged with black ink, carefully held up the paper to examine the print quality under the dim light. Ava took a moment to observe him, her expression thoughtful. Sergius was clearly a man who understood his craft, who took pride in the details. Good. That was exactly the kind of partner she needed—someone meticulous, who valued quality and precision, someone who would appreciate the opportunity she was about to offer. She approached him with a confident stride, her heels clicking rhythmically on the floorboards.

Once the Merchant's Guild rep had left Ava made herself known.

"Good afternoon," she greeted, her voice clear and authoritative, cutting through the noise of the presses and the hum of conversation. "You must be Sergius. I'm Ava from 'Jumpstart'. I believe we have a meeting scheduled.".

Ava smiled slightly, a controlled expression that conveyed both politeness and a hint of amusement. It seemed she was well aware that both her attire and youthful appearance were out of the ordinary for someone interested in the printing press trade. "Appearances can be deceiving, Sergius," she said smoothly. "I'm not here to waste your time. I understand you're considering selling this property. Is that correct?"

Ability: Ava - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
saxon saxon
This Rp happens following the events of X and is set in the capital of Ryke, the city of Ryken.
Location(s): Ryken
Time of Day: 9:00 AM
Weather: Sunny day with clouds in the sky providing some shade from the weather, though it looks like a storm is brewing off to the east and is slowly approaching the city.
Goal: To acquire the F Grade business asset of Bounder's Printing Co. So expect 3 weeks of work to accomplish this.

New Eris.png
Sergius Gardner

??? Grade Character

Titles: Hobbit, Fae, Merchant

mentions: Ersatra Ersatra

Notes: Sorry for the delay but its finally ready!

Sergius' eyes shifted from left to right as he went down each line before setting the paper off to the side as he now went to reading the paper the guild had delivered to him, his neutral expression turned into a frown as he crumbled the paper up and toss it across the room. That was when Ava approached him and introduced herself to him, he brought his hand to his chin for a moment before snapping his fingers. "Ah yes, well I hate to be the bearer of bad news we can still have our meeting but until this whole potion merchant mess is fixed the guild has barred the selling of non essential items and that includes the potential selling of assets." He explained shaking his head, the whole situation seemed to have the merchant guild under a lot of fire from the local populace.

Which was something the guild couldn't have after all a merchant only made money when they could sell items. Now that most luxury good sales were on hold until either the matter blew over or was resolved most were stuck. "But if you follow me, we can go to the office and hash out details of the deal once the issue has resolved then we can file all the appropriate paperwork providing we come to a deal," Sergius motioned for Ava to follow him up to the office. At the back corner of the room was a set of stairs that led up to the second floor and to his office. The air thankfully was much cooler than compared to the first floor.

He pushed the door to his office open revealing a small desk at the back of the room, two couches and a table at the center of the room. A bottle of wine sat upon the table with several glasses and light from the sun lit the room. "But yes, I plan on selling the property once sales resume again. There is a town in the northern part of the country that is offering merchants who move there a free small shop," He explained to her as he motioned for her to take a seat on one of the couches as he poured wine into the glasses on the table.

"So, what is the deal you intend to make?" He inquired as he went straight to business as he offered her the other glass of wine.

Sergius’s words came as a surprise to Ava. The delay was an unexpected setback, one she hadn’t accounted for in her meticulously planned approach. She masked her disappointment well, maintaining a calm and composed demeanour. "I see," she replied smoothly, nodding as she followed him toward the stairs. The guild's restrictions were a minor obstacle, but nothing that couldn’t be worked around with the right strategy.

She ascended the staircase behind him, feeling the welcome coolness of the upper floor. The noise from the busy workshop below faded into a distant hum, allowing her to focus on the matter at hand. As they reached the office, Ava took a moment to survey the space. It was modest, yet comfortable. For a business, one was set on selling it didn't seem to be doing too poorly as far as profits were concerned. Or at least, that was the impression such an office put forward, be it real or fake.

The sunlight streaming through the windows illuminated the office, casting long shadows across the floor. The sight of the bottle of wine on the table and the neatly arranged glasses made her raise an eyebrow slightly, but she didn’t comment. This was a negotiation, after all, and she wasn’t here for pleasantries.

"Thank you," she said as she took a seat on one of the couches, gracefully smoothing her skirt as she sat. She placed her hands on her lap, her posture still formal and upright. She declined the offer of wine with a polite shake of her head. "I'm a terribly light drinker and I prefer to keep a clear head during discussions like these.".

“As for the deal,” Ava began, her tone crisp and businesslike, “Well, I suppose that depends on you. After all, my company is not a real estate company hoping to make a quick profit in reselling this place. We are, first and foremost, an investment company. As such I am here to invest.".

She paused, watching his reaction carefully. "I’m willing to invest in new printing presses, hire additional skilled workers, and even finance an expansion to modernize the facility once things have settled down. In return, I want a controlling interest in the business. You would, of course, be welcome to continue managing the day-to-day operations if you wish. But given your interest in moving, I could bring in additional management if that’s preferable to you. ”

Ava smiled slightly, her eyes steady on his. "I understand you are keen on establishing a new business in the town you mentioned. But do you not think it a waste to up and sell this business you grew from the ground up? The deal I'm offering you here will ensure everyone you care about still has a job to go to in the morning. Not only that but should you decide to pursue this other business, you can rest assured that you still have a source of income you can rely on."

She let her words hang in the air for a moment, then leaned back slightly, her posture relaxed but her gaze still sharp. “Of course, the decision is yours. But I believe that together, we can turn this business into something much more than it is now. What do you think? Of course, feel free to ask me any questions you so wish.”
Ability: Ava - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
saxon saxon
New Eris.png
Sergius Gardner

??? Grade Character

Titles: Hobbit, Fae, Merchant

mentions: Ersatra Ersatra

Notes: Sorry for the delay worlds prep has been eating at my time

Sergius put the glass down as it was declined, he then sat back fully on the couch, he took a small sip of the wine before setting it off to the side. He was milling over what was said, he was a merchant by trade after all and nothing could be made off of face value. "Well not every merchant has a stomach for such stuff but well some things can't be helped when it comes to matters," he agreed joining his hands together and closing his eyes. He reopened his eyes as the actual meat and potatoes of the discussion started to come to the forefront.

He brought his hand to his chin as he listened to what Ava had to say and what she was proposing. He cocked an eyebrow as he picked up the glass of wine and took another sip before holding it in his hands. "Investment and real estate are two sides of the same coin in a way, In real estate, you are looking to make a profit off of buying property and turning it around to a new seller. On the other side of the coin with investments, you are putting capital into a business in the hopes that it will grow and you can make money from the profit of that business. But that is neither here nor there at the moment," He paused as he pushed himself off the couch and stood in front of the table.

He picked up the full glass of wine held them out, "So investment verse selling, you want a controlling interest in the company, so if you really look at it depending on how you see it, it could be seen as selling. While the offer is very good and I understand what you hope to gain, sometimes its best for merchants to plainly state what they want. You want to invest to allow you to make decisions at the helm of the company. Which is something any merchant would do," He paused for a moment before setting the full glass back down on the table. "I have not decided if I will move to the village yet but if I stay I don't see a problem with that part of deal of me managing the day to day, however if I do leave you won't need to bring in more management, there are a few workers here that can everything that I can maybe a bit less proficient but it is what it is," He concluded.

He smirked a bit at the mention of profit, "Well now, a merchant's best assets next to their mind is their gutt. While there is always a risk, but a merchant always does their research on matters. If there was no company already there doing what you intend to do then its a free market and the first one to establish themselves is the winner," He pointed out as he finished the wine in his glass as he set it down on the table.

"Pending my final decision on if I will stay or not, I don't have any qualms with the proposal, though the guild will have to allow us to resume operations but thanks to that other merchant well that seems like it will be a minute unless someone knows where to find them and or helps the guild locate them," He added before walking toward his desk. "I assume you have a draft of the agreement ready?" He inquired.

Ava watched Sergius carefully, her expression thoughtful as he spoke. His words were measured, and she appreciated his pragmatic approach to business. His experience was evident in the way he dissected her proposal, breaking it down to its core components. He wasn’t easily swayed, but he wasn’t dismissive either. This was a man who understood the value of opportunity, but also the risks that came with it.

She maintained her composed demeanor, a slight smile playing on her lips as he considered the nuances of her proposal. When he again mentioned the possibility of moving to the village, her eyes sharpened slightly, but she did not interrupt. His decision on whether to stay or go was crucial to the deal, but she had contingencies in place for either scenario.

As Sergius finished his glass of wine and set it down, Ava nodded in agreement. “You’re absolutely right. The first to establish themselves in a new market often holds the greatest advantage. And I assure you, I’ve done my research. There’s a significant demand in Ryken for broader distribution of printed materials—both from the populace and from those in power who need information disseminated quickly and efficiently. This business is in a prime position to capitalize on that demand, especially with the right investments.”

She watched him walk toward his desk, noting the confidence in his stride. He was clearly someone who knew his worth, and she respected that. When he asked about the draft of the agreement, Ava reached into her leather satchel and pulled out a neatly folded stack of papers.

“Of course,” she replied, her tone professional. “I came prepared. This is a preliminary draft, outlining the terms we discussed. It includes the investment amount, the conditions for a controlling interest, and provisions for both scenarios—whether you decide to stay and manage the day-to-day operations or choose to leave and appoint a successor from within your current team.”

She stood up from the couch, her movements smooth and deliberate. She crossed the room to his desk and handed him the draft. “I believe you’ll find everything in order, but I’m open to discussing any modifications you might have in mind. I understand the value of flexibility, especially in a business arrangement like this.”

She waited as Sergius took the papers, her hands folding neatly in front of her. Her posture was still upright and formal, but there was a calmness to her that suggested confidence in her position. “Regarding the guild’s restrictions,” she continued, “I’m willing to assist in any way I can to expedite their resolution. If there’s anything I can do to help locate this elusive merchant or support the guild’s efforts, you have my word that I will make it a priority. The sooner we can move forward, the better for both of us.”

Her offer to help wasn’t just a strategic move—it was also an opportunity to demonstrate her commitment to the partnership. She knew that building trust was key, especially with someone as cautious as Sergius. “I believe this venture has great potential,” she added, her voice steady. “And I’m willing to put in the work to ensure it succeeds. All I need is your partnership and your expertise.”

She watched him closely, waiting for his response, ready to address any concerns he might have.

"If that is everything, I believe I have a certain guild to visit"
Ability: Ava - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
saxon saxon
New Eris.png
Sergius Gardner

??? Grade Character

Titles: Hobbit, Fae, Merchant

mentions: Ersatra Ersatra


Sergius nodded his head as she spoke abut the demand for such printed material. Even he knew that it was true, information could be given out much quick if it was printed and handed out compared to hoping people would walk past a town crier. Though that still didn't solve the current situation at the moment. "Information is power to many people including the nobles, if they can have what they wanted printed they will pay for it. The need is always there though now it will likely reach far more people depending on how its ran," Sergius explained as he met her gaze.

He walked back over to retrieve the papers holding them in the light so he could read them. "Well, you may look like a young merchant, but at least you come with something prepared," Serigus stated as he looked over the terms, which matched the ones discussed thus far with the potential of one of the terms needing to be changed on who would run the day to day operations. But that could be ironed out later once the matter of the guild was dealt with.

"Well thus far it does seem like the terms match up though with the potential of one of them changing when I reach my final decision there miss. But other than that I don't see any other areas of this contract that would need to be worked on," Sergius concluded as he set the papers down on the table before hoping back up on the couch and sitting down folding his arms across his chest.

As she offered to help the with situation he opened one of his eyes, "Well we all know that as merchants information is power, though if you know of a way to locate the individual or know someone who can I'm sure the guild will pay the effort forward somehow. But yes I think for now that will be all we need to discuss until the matter with the guild is completed and dealt with. Now which guild did you have in mind of visiting since we both have a stake in this situation?" He inquired.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Ava watched Sergius carefully as he inspected the contract, noting his thoroughness with approval. When he mentioned that only one term might need adjustment, she gave a small nod. That was expected. What mattered most was that the foundational terms were agreeable to him, and they clearly were. She relaxed slightly, though outwardly she remained as composed as ever. At his mention of locating the potion merchant, Ava’s gaze sharpened. She had anticipated this might come up, and she was prepared. His inquiry about which guild she planned to visit gave her the perfect opening to lay out her next move.

She waited for the right moment, then responded with the measured confidence of someone who knew the weight of her next steps.

“I’ll be going to the merchant's guild, of course,” she began, her voice smooth but resolute. “After all, it’s they who seem to have the issue. This entire problem started because of a failure in their own ranks, and it’s only proper that they should be the ones to deal with it and not at the cost of my business or anyone else's.”

She crossed one leg over the other, her gaze steady on Sergius as she laid out her reasoning.

“The rogue merchant who’s been causing this mess—he’s become their headache. The fact that the guild hasn’t acted more decisively is... surprising, to say the least. They’ve allowed it to fester, and now we’re all paying for their lack of control. But I don’t plan on sitting idly by while they drag their feet.”

Ava’s tone sharpened just slightly, a hint of frustration peeking through her composed exterior.

“I’ll be meeting with them to push this issue to the forefront. If they want to keep their reputation intact, they’ll need to take more direct action. And, once they’re reminded of how much this disruption is costing merchants like yourself, I’m sure they’ll be more motivated to resolve things quickly.”

Her words carried a subtle edge of authority, though it was veiled in the language of diplomacy.

“I know the merchants guild can’t afford to appear weak, which is why they’re handling this situation with caution. But this situation has already created enough chaos, and the longer they wait, the more credibility they lose. That’s why I intend to make it clear that further delays will only hurt them more in the long run.”

She stood, smoothing out the front of her skirt as if preparing herself mentally for the confrontation ahead.

“I’ll make sure to apply the right amount of pressure, and once the merchant’s guild steps up, this whole restriction will be behind us. Then we can move forward with our deal. You’ll be the first to know when that happens.”

Her gaze flicked briefly to the contract they’d been discussing earlier before she turned her full attention back to Sergius.

“Trust me, Sergius. This will be dealt with soon enough. The guild just needs a little reminder of where their priorities should be.”

With that, Ava made her intentions clear: she wasn’t waiting around for the merchant’s guild to act at their own pace. She would take matters into her own hands, ensuring that both she and Sergius could continue their business uninterrupted. And with that she took her leave, exiting the building and moving toward the luxurious merchant guild headquarters.

Ability: Ava - Alternate Identity F - Ava is Anastasia's pseudonym and the identity she currently operates under to avoid detection by her family. Hidden in plain sight Anastasia Von Arbin is A.V.A - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Titles on display as Ava - Human, Mundane, Entrepreneur)
saxon saxon
New Eris.png
Sergius Gardner

??? Grade Character

Titles: Hobbit, Fae, Merchant

mentions: Ersatra Ersatra


Sergius looked at Ava for a moment as she told him where she was going to go. Though, to be honest, he had no idea as to how she was going to be able to do that. He highly doubted trying to persuade the guild was going to do much, if anything. "I mean, going to them would be the sensible decision, though; to say the guild isn't doing anything about it isn't entirely true. They have hired people to look for them but thus far nothing has turned up."

He set the draft contract down on the table as she continued, to him, it seemed like she didn't exactly have the greatest opinion of the guild. "I mean you can try to talk them out of it I suppose but you won't be the first merchant to attempt to do such a thing," He pointed out as he got off the couch standing in front of the table.

He continued to eye her, trying to get a roll-up of her, though he wasn't particularly trying very hard to do that really either. Then she made her plan of action very clear, though the outcome of such an action was going to be. He saw no reason to stop her really I mean she seemed set on doing it so there was no point. But he knew that he would figure out what happened at the guild fairly quickly, depending on the outcome. "Well it seems like you are set on this course of action, so I wish you luck," Sergius concluded as she started to walk about and he returned to the main floor of the shop to work.

Meanwhile, at the guild, the guild hall looked as busy as it usually got; merchants were sitting at the tables talking and discussing a multitude of issues. Though the potion merchant, the receptionists were the busiest of the lot. They had several stacks of paper that were in front of each of them, and they quickly tried to make the piles smaller. However, when they managed to make a sizeable dent, another receptionist stacked more papers on the pile.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Ava left Sergius with a nod, her plan already set in motion. As she stepped out of the pamphlet business and into the streets of Ryken, her mind was focused on the next step: the merchant's guild. The sun had shifted slightly, casting longer shadows as the day pressed on. The streets bustled with activity—merchants, traders, and civilians going about their business, unaware of the tension brewing behind the scenes. Ava’s sharp eyes caught every detail, but she maintained a cool composure as she approached the large stone building housing the guild.

Once inside, the air was thick with the noise of merchants discussing deals, arguing over prices, and the ever-present clatter of paperwork. She scanned the room quickly—rows of tables where merchants debated, and receptionists, overburdened with work, struggled to keep up with the demand. Despite the chaos, the atmosphere here held a level of sophistication that mirrored the guild’s importance.

But it was not Ava who entered the merchant's guild, it was Anastasia. Her presence immediately commanded attention with how she carried herself. Unlike the anonymity of her alternate identity, here she walked in as herself—a member of the prestigious Von Arbin family. The guild hall was busy, merchants clustered in groups discussing various deals, but the hum of conversation seemed to quiet slightly as people noticed her arrival. She walked with purpose toward the reception desk, where the tired-eyed receptionist worked behind a stack of papers.

Without waiting for acknowledgement, Anastasia spoke, her voice clear and firm. "Anastasia Von Arbin. I’m here on behalf of my family head to address some questions regarding the current restrictions and the situation with the potion merchant. Would there be anyone available to address said questions?" Anastasia stood, composed and patient, but her sharp gaze surveyed the room as she waited, making it clear that she was not someone to be kept waiting for long. The Von Arbin name held weight here, and she would make sure it was used to its full advantage.

Utilising [Asset: Nobility C] and [Title: Noble]
saxon saxon

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