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Fandom Hazbin Hotel rp (preferences pretty open)


The Albatross
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi, I know I'm super late to the fandom, but I did finally rewatch it after years (when it was still v much concept episodes on YT lol).

Character Preferences
Anyways, I'm looking to play Angel Dust, but I'm also okay with playing against someone who wants that character. MxM only for this roleplay but if there is a female canon character you were hoping to play, feel free to request it below! I would prefer this to be canon characters only (aside for side characters) so if you are planning on using an OC, please send their information. Not all OCs will necessarily be accepted, I do apologize. Again, canon characters are preferred. Basically I am okay with any canon male character you pick.

Plot Details
I'm not planning on coming up with a fleshed out plot until we know which two characters we will be playing, which is why there isn't one in the request. I think I'd rather have it take place in the original universe or at least have a very close AU. Not necessarily interested in changing the whole thing up. I'm more than happy to come up with the plot for both of us but please in turn contribute ideas during the roleplay. *Would prefer a romance roleplay but it depends on the characters we pick of course.

-18+ characters and 18+ role players ONLY. Absolutely no exceptions ever.
-semi lit or literate unless otherwise specified.
-Please please please take note of this for your safety: If you have niche triggers or triggers that someone may not normally view as a sensitive topic to the general public, I ask that you stay away from roleplaying with me. I know myself and I am NOT good at remembering things like this and do not want to be responsible for causing a trigger for my roleplay partner. I would just rather not risk it. Your triggers are valid, but I want to create a safe environment for both of us, so I hope this isn’t offensive at all.
-communicate but do not spam. Keep each other updated about extreme relevant scheduling conflicts. I have a busy schedule so if I’m not constantly active do not spam, I promise I always try my best to reply asap!
-be polite ooc!
-3rd person POV
-do NOT leave all the planning and side characters to me, we have to both contribute
-if using an OC, you MUST have at least somewhat of a character sheet, no exceptions. This includes personality and anything that may be relevant to the roleplay: ex species, reason for being in hell, role in society, etc...Please do not come to me with just a name.
-Thank you for taking the time to read all this. Feel free to DM me or reply if you think we'd be a good match. I look forward to roleplaying with you!
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Hi, I know I'm super late to the fandom, but I did finally rewatch it after years (when it was still v much concept episodes on YT lol).

Character Preferences
Anyways, I'm looking to play Angel Dust, but I'm also okay with playing against someone who wants that character. MxM only for this roleplay but if there is a female canon character you were hoping to play, feel free to request it below! I would prefer this to be canon characters only (aside for side characters) so if you are planning on using an OC, please send their information. Not all OCs will necessarily be accepted, I do apologize. Again, canon characters are preferred. Basically I am okay with any canon male character you pick.

Plot Details
I'm not planning on coming up with a fleshed out plot until we know which two characters we will be playing, which is why there isn't one in the request. I think I'd rather have it take place in the original universe or at least have a very close AU. Not necessarily interested in changing the whole thing up. I'm more than happy to come up with the plot for both of us but please in turn contribute ideas during the roleplay. *Would prefer a romance roleplay but it depends on the characters we pick of course.

-18+ characters and 18+ role players ONLY. Absolutely no exceptions ever.
-semi lit or literate unless otherwise specified.
-Please please please take note of this for your safety: If you have niche triggers or triggers that someone may not normally view as a sensitive topic to the general public, I ask that you stay away from roleplaying with me. I know myself and I am NOT good at remembering things like this and do not want to be responsible for causing a trigger for my roleplay partner. I would just rather not risk it. Your triggers are valid, but I want to create a safe environment for both of us, so I hope this isn’t offensive at all.
-communicate but do not spam. Keep each other updated about extreme relevant scheduling conflicts. I have a busy schedule so if I’m not constantly active do not spam, I promise I always try my best to reply asap!
-be polite ooc!
-3rd person POV
-do NOT leave all the planning and side characters to me, we have to both contribute
-if using an OC, you MUST have at least somewhat of a character sheet, no exceptions. This includes personality and anything that may be relevant to the roleplay: ex species, reason for being in hell, role in society, etc...Please do not come to me with just a name.
-Thank you for taking the time to read all this. Feel free to DM me or reply if you think we'd be a good match. I look forward to roleplaying with you!
Bump 🤍

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